On Saturday August 27, some of the Newser crew and their friends met up at the Sunny Beach sim for a beach party.
The event started a bit before Noon SL time, and was at the "Surf City" hangout.
Tantari Kim, who DJs every Tuesday at the Happy Vixen, spun the tunes for the first hour.
Deaflegacy was there, sporting an itsy bitsy bikini.
Gemma Cleanslate had her own swimsuit as well.
Anne Brightstar, a friend of the newspaper, also had her swimwear.
ShadowRene Ivanova funning around in a microavatar.
Not everyone was dancing all the time. There was some seating for those who weren't. Wesley Regenbogen was there, though didn't have a suit.
Quite a number showed up, including Sunweaver Chieftess Rita Mariner, Happy Vixen Manager Skylark Lefavre, and a number of others. Nydia Tungsten was there for a while as well.
In the second hour, Grease Coakes took to the DJ booth.
Breezes Babbi showed up for a little while at one point. Lately she's been spending most of her time in the Tombstone sim.
There was a 1000 Linden prize for the best swimsuit. Rita Mariner ended up with the most votes.
The party lasted for about three hours. There was lots of fun to go around between the music and the beach scenery.
"All good things must come to an end." That old saying was most likely on the minds of many of the Relayers as they gathered in the Relay dAlliez sim on Sunday August 14 for the final event for the 2016 Relay for Life season. Since March, the various teams and individuals had been raising funds for the American Cancer Society, the high point being the Relay Weekend in mid-July. And now, it was time to bring the season to a close with one last event.
The location of the event was located down a walkway leading from the entry point of the sim, decorated on both sides with trees filled with pinkish-red leaves. Getting to the area where the event was held, most of the people were on a brick patio with a few on seats at the back end. In the front was a stage done in shades of pink and purple, with the "Once Upon a Cure" logo in the back. On the stage were four stools for members of the Committee, but only three people: Nuala Maracas, Leala Spire, and Random Padar. In front of the fourth was a cardboard cutout of Stingray Raymaker, whom was talking over the radio stream.
There were a number of announcements made at the Wrap-Up, of which the transcript and a video went up on the Newser on Monday. The total amount raised this season was announced: 59,584,580 Linden dollars, or $238,338 USD. The theme for next year was also announced: "Passport to Hope." Confidence was expressed that the teams would have no trouble coming up with events and builds to reflect the theme next year.
Several teams had moved up a level in fundraising since the Relay Weekend.
Rising Star: Relay Pranksters
Bronze: Frank Sinatra and Company, Team Mingan-For Relay For Life Of SL, Eureka High RFL, Dragons for a Cure, RadioActiveAir, Giant Snail Relay
Silver: Dreamin' in Purple, Team Live Wire
Gold: CyberNuts RFL, Walking Tall For A Cure, Friends For A Cure, Madd Vibes, Too Tough To Die, E&S Breedables, The Quest for a Cure
Platinum: Fighting Sunflowers, Circle of Life, Second Life Cheerleading Squad, Sunbeamers
Jade: Meli's Maniacs
Sapphire: Purple Tears, Sail For Life
The winners of several awards were also announced.
Beacon Award : Individual - Shiran Sabra, Team - Aether Chronoauts Tiny Steps
Gordy Klatt Award: Nikki Mathieson
The Spirit of Relay Award, Team, went to the Cure Chasers
"This team goes out there, year after year, and not only work steadily to raise funds at their own events, but help energize and inspire this entire Relay. The team remains above the fray and is always assisting other teams and individuals. They reach outside their team and outside of Relay to hold fundraising events and raise awareness of the American Cancer Society. This team took a new team under their wing this year, made them feel welcomed and supported and always had a team member at one of that team's events. This team also stepped up and helped host an event for a team when that team was unable to be in world due to travel and family commitments. They cheered all teams in the volunteer group as each team met a goal. Their constant cheering trackside for people walking the track helped keep everyone awake on Relay weekend. For 9 years this team has been one of the most consistent in fundraising, participation, support and outreach. Attend an event anywhere and you will find Seinna, Alexia and other team members in attendance. They exemplified the the one team spirit. They are truly one of the foundations of this Relay."
Friends For a Cure received an Honorable Mention.
"A new team who wrapped themselves up in our Relay and carried an amazing bright torch as their part in the crusade. Friendly, so kind and loving within the group and outside of it. They represented our Relay with a spirit that showed the EXAMPLE of what the Relay spirit is. Amazing team! They attended every class, every Town Hall and if you went to any team event you could find them there! They have ties to the live music part of SL and were able to spread the word further than ever in that genre and we thank them for that.. deeply. I'm so glad they've joined our group and am proud to call them Relay Family."
The Spirit of Relay Award, Individual, went to Dianna Wycliffe
"This year's winner is well known in Relay for her generosity of spirit and her abundance of relay passion. With tireless effort, she helps literally every single person who asks for or needs help with anything, from finding their way to events, to setting up convio, or just helping run team events. When teams needed event ideas, she was there to offer some, when a relayer was feeling down, she was there to lift their spirits. She led her team to success in both convio and linden fundraising donations. Whether getting eggs ready for Easter, scaring the bejeebies out of everyone in an early Halloween event, or introducing relayers to a special Pet Relay event, she never stopped. She volunteered as a Fundraising Advisor this year to help new teams learn the ropes. And with all this going on, she still found time to be a familiar face at almost all the other relay teams events with words of encouragement and praise. She has been a fervent supporter of RFL in SL for years, talking on leadership responsibilities and providing a continuing vision for her team, Harmony of Hope."
There were two new awards given out this year. One was "Change Makers."
"The Change Makers Award Is a celebration of individuals who have made a difference to Relay weekend. They did something during Relay weekend that grabbed attention. An outstanding act of kindness or a remarkable contribution, memory or laugh to the Event Day. Persons who brought humor, understanding, camaraderie, dedication and a strong sense of Relay Spirit to the event. These individuals will bring new guests to share the Relay weekend experience, they’ll promote unity and spirit throughout."
Those awarded "Change Makers" were Eclair Martinek, Ricka Deerhunter, Fuzzball Ortega, Gem Sunkiller, Secret Rage, Madonna Daehlie. There was also an honorable mention to Sue Peregrine, "Her name has come up many many times for what she took AWAY from Relay weekend…...lag! The nominations sum it up best…'lag free for the first time in the history of Relay.'”
The other new award was "Community Champion," which went to two individuals and a group. OD Designs was given the award as although they formed Relay teams in the past, "This year that team chose not to make a team but instead play host to a number of team events." The first individual was Zander Greene, "He is influential in the amazing success of The Fantasy Faire. He has served on the telethon team that covered our Relay for years. He has used his building skills in making ACS Island what it is."
The second individual given the award was a surprise, "Our second award goes to BIXYL SHUFTAN and the SL Newser. Bixyl is a member of the Sunbeamers team but outside of the team Bixyl has been blogging since 2010 about RFL of SL throughout the years with his SL Newser. Bixyl we appreciate all the time you devote to highlight RFL of SL in your Newser."
Over the past few days, I've gotten no shortage of congratulations for the Community Chamption award, including from real-life friends and family who found out. I've very proud and thankful for the award. But a couple things should be noted. One is that the award wasn't just to me, but also the Second Life Newser: a team of reporters. A number of members, such as Gemma Cleanslate whom has been part of the Relay for years, and Becky Shamen whom has become part of my team the Sunbeamers, have helped out in coverage of the Relay in ways large and small.
And then of course is the first part of the award's title: community. The Sunbeamer's community, the Sunweavers, have been supporters of the Relay of Life in Second Life for years. Members such as Alleara Snoodle, Lomgren Smalls, Dusk Griswold, Shockwave Yarreach, Cynthia Farshore, Skylark Lefavre, the late Artistic Fimicloud, our chieftess Rita Mariner, and others have contributed much season after season. It's a community in Second Life which I feel proud to be a part of.
With another year behind us, the Relayers can look back fondly at the events, and take pride in helping fund more and better cancer treatments, and bring the day when finally there's a cure for all cancers a little closer.
[09:47] Little Miss Waffle: Greetings everyone, happy Wrap-Up Day!!! :D Closed Captions for Wrap-Up will be coming up very soon! :D [09:47] Henrietta Demina: WooHoo! Go Cuddly! [09:47] Little Miss Waffle: Yaaay :D [09:48] Rowena Dubrovna: Thank you Cuddly once again! [09:49] Fuzzball Ortega: https://youtu.be/ZEJutE1v06g [09:49] Fuzzball Ortega: For Cuddly [09:50] Little Miss Waffle: LOL FUZZ thank you!! :D [10:04] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: And we're baaaaaaaaaaaack! [10:04] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I love that! Thank you Sting! [10:04] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Hi everybody! look at everyone out there! I love it! [10:04] Little Miss Waffle: (?) [10:04] Little Miss Waffle: xD [10:05] Little Miss Waffle: Random: we have a lot to cover, so listen up , cause we're gonna mention lots of names and info and share just how amazing all of you guys are. [10:05] Little Miss Waffle: Random: This is our time to celebrate you. [10:05] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Okay, so! lets get going! [10:06] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I can start with the fundraising awards. At the beginning of the year we said there would be prizes for the people who raised the most money via convio. [10:07] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I'm working with the relay department to make sure the right emails go to the right people, so give us a few weeks on that. [10:07] Little Miss Waffle: Random: So lets talk about our totals! [10:07] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: The convio total for this year was: 39,000 USD. [10:08] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I think that's the highest we've ever done! [10:08] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I belive the grand total from today is: 238,186 USD raised. [10:09] Little Miss Waffle: (Sorry!! My computer froze! give me a moment!) [10:10] Little Miss Waffle: (My apologies <3 br="">[10:11] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Thank you to Saffia Widdershins, Cinders Vale, Zander Greene, Elrik Merlin, Eclair Martinek, Lukeflywalker Fittinger for doing our track side interviews this year. Keep watch on our youtube channel for those interviews and our ceremonies to be posted. I would also like to thank Jara Lowell for doing some great videos of our Relay weekend. Jara does these every year without us even asking! [10:11] Bain Finch: Try not to go faster than your computer can handle Cuddly. :-P [10:11] Little Miss Waffle: Random: A special thank you to Grace Louden Devin for building this beautiful Wrap Up area and to Sue Peregrine for providing us with the sim. All year long Sue has provided teams with the D’Alize sim for teams to hold events. That donation has made a huge difference for many teams. These two ladies have both been so amazing this year. What a difference you make in our Relay. [10:11] Little Miss Waffle: Kammie: We also neglected to thank Kammie for all the work she put into Relay Weekend. Kammie worked non spot putting together the entertainment and helping Never with all our activities. Thank you for all you do Kammie! [10:13] Little Miss Waffle: Random: before we do the swag bag raffle, lets talk about the Century Cub T-shirts. [10:13] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: ok so the Century Club is a RL t-shirt opportunity we give to people suting relay weekend. Anyone who makes a single donation of USD100 gets a free real life t-shirt. [10:14] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Once the shirts are made they'll be shipped out directly to you. They are official RFL 2016 shirts. [10:14] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Its the Paint Your World Purple logo. [10:14] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: On the back it says Relay for Life of Second Life. [10:14] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: those who made that donation and qualified will get an email this week. [10:14] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Ready for some swag?! [10:14] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Lets see if we can.. i'll try to put this out as i shout it! [10:15] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: TS can not win this year. [10:15] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Hold on... [10:16] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: whilst you pull that up - the swag bag raffle - its two relay duffle bags. Each winner gets one. We're gonna put some other relay gear in there, like in the past we've done coffee mugs, notebooks, hand totes, just different itesm with the relay logo on. [10:16] Little Miss Waffle: Random: The winners are: [10:16] Little Miss Waffle: Random: AlexanderPalmer Resident! [10:16] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Sue Peregrine! [10:16] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: how many tickets did she buy?! [10:17] Little Miss Waffle: Random: That's something on our to-do list, to figure out how many were sold! Congrats Alex and Sue! [10:17] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: So i will be sending an email to the two of you toget your mailing information. [10:17] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: We do want to say thank you again to our Premier and Special Sponsors. Your support throughout this relay season has been very much appreciated [10:17] Little Miss Waffle: Premier Sponsors: Rockcliffe University Consortium RGF Estates Sole Existence Runestone [10:18] Little Miss Waffle: Special Event Sponsor: Entice [10:18] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Many of you may wonder just what do these mega events that sponsor RFL of SL bring in? $65,584 just this year! They play a huge role in our fundraising. Each coordinator puts in months of work to bring us such amazing mega events. We appreciate all you do in support of The American Cancer Society. [10:19] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Our mega events this year were: [10:19] Little Miss Waffle: Random: The Sci Fi convention,Kirk Wingtips & Ariadne Fall [10:19] Little Miss Waffle: The Christmas expo, Nuala Maracas [10:19] Little Miss Waffle: The Home and Garden expo, Kaerri Rae, Cain Maven and Reven Rosca [10:19] Little Miss Waffle: and Fantasy Faire, Elizabeth Tingsly [10:19] Little Miss Waffle: Random: One special note Fantasy Faire this year brought in over 31 Thousand US Dollars in donations! That is just amazing! Be watching our website for next year's mega events dates and information. [10:20] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Media Partners support the Relay For Life of Second Life by promoting the event, by telling volunteers' stories, playing Radio PSA's, printing our official notices and by sharing news throughout the Relay season and on Relay weekend...and by helping us raise money for the American Cancer Society! The outreach they provide to all communities in and out of Second Life is invaluable. [10:21] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: A special thank you to: T1 Radio Krypton Radio Whip Radio MTFB Radio -Music to fly by Cibigibi Radio (Pronounced C B G B) Macchiato Media Full Throttle Radio Fantasy Faire Radio and Radio Riel (Pronounced REEL) :) WTF Radio [10:21] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Fundraising did not stop on Relay weekend and several teams have been holding events in the aim of reaching their fundraising goals. Congratulations to the following teams who have moved up a level in the Fundraising Club since the July 17th Relay weekend. [10:21] Little Miss Waffle: RISING STAR Relay Pranksters [10:21] Little Miss Waffle: BRONZE Frank Sinatra & Company Team Mingan-For Relay For Life Of SL Eureka High RFL Dragons for a Cure RadioActiveAir Giant Snail Relay [10:22] Little Miss Waffle: SILVER Dreamin' in Purple Team Live Wire [10:22] Little Miss Waffle: GOLD CyberNuts RFL Walking Tall For A Cure Friends For A Cure Madd Vibes Too Tough To Die E&S Breedables The Quest for a Cure [10:22] Little Miss Waffle: PLATINUM Fighting Sunflowers Circle of Life Second Life Cheerleading Squad Sunbeamers [10:22] Little Miss Waffle: JADE Meli's Maniacs [10:22] Little Miss Waffle: SAPPHIRE Purple Tears Sail For Life [10:23] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I love that you just keep going! [10:23] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I get the privilege of namking the Top Team Total Fundraising awards. [10:23] Little Miss Waffle: TOP TEAM FUNDRAISING AWARD - OVERALL Awarded to the teams who raises the most lindens (convio and Lindens combined). [10:23] Little Miss Waffle: 3rd Place Team: Harmony Of Hope raising L$ 1,927,177 [10:23] Little Miss Waffle: 2nd Place Team: Goreans In Relay For Life with L$ 2,079,125 [10:23] Little Miss Waffle: The Top Team Fundraising Overall, with a total of L$ 2,834,856, goes to The Relay Rockers [10:24] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Before we announce our Convio Fundraising Dashboard winners we want to give a special thank you to Connie Mistwalker and Meli’s Maniacs team for a one time donation from a foundation in the amount of $2500.00! [10:24] Little Miss Waffle: Random: we just apprecfiate that you do this for the ACS Connie, thank you! [10:24] Little Miss Waffle: Top Team Convio Fundraising Dashboard: Awarded to the team who raises the most via the Convio website (outside of SL, US dollar donation) [10:24] Little Miss Waffle: 3rd place team: Relay Rockers with $2610.00 US dollars [10:25] Little Miss Waffle: 2nd place team: Two Moon Paradise with $3924.00 US [10:25] Little Miss Waffle: The top team convio online fundraising goes to Harmony of Hope! Harmony of Hope brought in $4,390.00 US to RFL of SL. Well done Harmony of Hope! [10:25] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Congratulations you guys and thank you! [10:25] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Top Individual Convio Fundraising Dashboard: Awarded to the individual who raises the most via the Convio website (outside of SL, US dollar donation) [10:26] Little Miss Waffle: 3rd place individual is Trader Whiplash with $1090.00 US [10:26] Little Miss Waffle: 2nd place individual is TS Darrow with $1290.00 US [10:26] Little Miss Waffle: We have a tie this year with our top individual winner with convio online fundraising. They are Sunshine Zhangsun and Cathy10 Longoria both bringing in $1,400.00 individually. Awesome job ladies. [10:26] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Well done to all our team this year in reaching the highest level ever reached in online donations! [10:27] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Every year, your committee opens the Wrap Up Awards to YOU….the Relay Volunteers. You submitted the names of individuals and teams for the next 4 award categories. You told us your reasons why you think your nominations should receive the award. We encourage ALL Relay Volunteers to submit nominations each year. [10:27] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Selecting winners for each category is not easy. There are so many, many deserving nominees. We rely on your nomination reasons to help us choose the winners. [10:27] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Today we will announce the teams and individuals that YOU, Relay World, felt were the most deserving of recognition. We thank you all for your nominations and wonderful comments in support of these outstanding members of our Relay Family. [10:27] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: And now I would like to introduce my fellow Co chair Leala Spire who will begin our Awards presentation today with the winners of the Beacon Award [10:28] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: The Beacon Award Celebrates one team and one individual who have made exceptional contributions to RFL of SL through acts of generosity or by providing leadership, creative ideas, skills or time without personal reward. The team and individual who utilizes events and Relay opportunities to bring new awareness to our group. [10:28] Little Miss Waffle: Beacon Award Individual : Our Individual winner is “dedicated not only at relay time but 365 days a year. She is constantly creating events, recruiting people and making RFL known to everyone.” “She is the reason behind her team success. She is dedicated to the cause and planned many joint events with other relay teams.” [10:29] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Another nomination reads, “She has every quality you mentioned above and more. I look up to her and her warm heart when it comes to survivors and caregivers.” Another reads “ “She donated her venue and helped work to honor our survivors for National Survivors Day. She is a very special person and her passion is solely for Relay”. “ For these reasons and many others, our 2016 Individual Beacon Award winner is... [10:29] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: SHIRAN SABRA! [10:29] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Congratulations Shiran!! [10:30] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Beacon Award Team: This team willingness to partner with relayers from all walks of SL life exemplifies what it means to be a "beacon" in our fight against cancer. Fantasy Faire 2016 would not have been possible without the support of this Team. They came as merchants, as performers, producers and players, photographers, writers, and spinners of songs. [10:30] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: They also reached out with some creative events to RP sims. For this and other reasons, our 2016 Team Beacon Award winner is … [10:30] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps!! [10:31] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: The Change Makers Award Is a celebration of individuals who have made a difference to Relay weekend. They did something during Relay weekend that grabbed attention. An outstanding act of kindness or a remarkable contribution, memory or laugh to the Event Day. Persons who brought humor, understanding, camaraderie, dedication and a strong sense of Relay Spirit to the event. These individuals will bring new guests to share the Relay weekend experience, they’ll promote unity and spirit throughout. [10:31] Little Miss Waffle: Eclair Martinek : Eclair stepped up and agreed to learn how to film in SL and edit videos so that we could create a lasting record of this 2016 Relay Weekend. She did it with passion, class and a stellar attitude. She cheered the walkers on, she built a stunning tribute to both survivors, caregivers and those who have been lost on the designer sim, RFL Survivor. During the weekend she could be seen in crazy outfits photo bombing people on the purple couch and adding to everyone's Relay experience in a positive way.Her laughter, her sense of humor, her giving spirit all make up a true Change Maker. [10:32] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Ricka Deerhunter: If you passed by the Team Buddy campsite, you no doubt ran into Ricka track side and heard…..“Hey...challenge me to a game of checkers!” “Come beat me in checkers!”. I think he asked every single relayer on the track who passed by to come play checkers with him (it was his team fundraiser). And he always got a laugh or a smile, and even a few games of checkers out of it. [10:32] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Fuzzball Ortega: Every year Fuzz takes to the airwaves after the luminaria ceremony, dries out tears with understanding and camaraderie, and lifts our spirits with his music and infectious humor. [10:33] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Gem Sunkiller: If anyone is literally waving a One Team banner it is Gem. She actually made One Team Creed flags she handed out on Relay weekend. Constantly on the track, she went around to make sure every luminaria was lit before the Luminaria Ceremony. [10:33] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Secret Rage: Not only did she build a great campsite, but throughout the weekend she was always on the track cheering people on. She brought new people to her team campsite and to Relay weekend! Go Go... Shhhhhh Secret !! [10:33] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Our last changemaker... [10:34] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: Madonna Daehlie: Not everyone can carry off 6 arms in a latex suit, walk the track, and greet everyone they see with the grace of Madonna! She worked hard behind the scenes helping as a producer for all the DJ’s on air. She has a spirit of encouragement and great fun. [10:34] Little Miss Waffle: Leala: We also have an honorable mention for the Change Maker Award this year. Sue Peregrine. Her name has come up many many times for what she took AWAY from Relay weekend…...lag! The nominations sum it up best…”lag free for the first time in the history of Relay.” “0 crashes” “ Only 4 region restarts”. “I actually was able to walk around the track, without crashing, for the first time ever“ “ That’s beyond change, that’s god like” [10:35] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Congratulations to all the Change Makers! [10:35] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: The Spirit of Relay Award - Individual: [10:36] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Awarded to the individual that embodies the “Spirit of the Relay”. “Spirit of the Relay” includes an overall performance from Kick Off to Relay Day. This award takes into consideration the “spirit” of the individual, how they embraced Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society Mission, and the enthusiasm displayed. Also considered is their participation in Relay activities, as a whole, not only in their own team’s, but other team’s events, as well. Were they supportive and kind in RFL chat? Did they embody the ‘we’re all one big team’ aspect? [10:36] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: This year's winner is well known in Relay for her generosity of spirit and her abundance of relay passion. With tireless effort, she helps literally every single person who asks for or needs help with anything, from finding their way to events, to setting up convio, or just helping run team events. When teams needed event ideas, she was there to offer some, when a relayer was feeling down, she was there to lift their spirits. She led her team to success in both convio and linden fundraising donations. [10:36] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Whether getting eggs ready for Easter, scaring the bejeebies out of everyone in an early Halloween event, or introducing relayers to a special Pet Relay event, she never stopped. She volunteered as a Fundraising Advisor this year to help new teams learn the ropes. And with all this going on, she still found time to be a familiar face at almost all the other relay teams events with words of encouragement and praise. [10:37] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: She has been a fervent supporter of RFL in SL for years, talking on leadership responsibilities and providing a continuing vision for her team, Harmony of Hope. [10:37] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Embracing 8 years of relaying with pride and passion, it is my pleasure to present The Spirit of Relay - Individual to Dianna Wycliffe. [10:37] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: The Spirit of Relay Award - Team: [10:38] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Awarded to the team that embodies the “Spirit of the Relay”. “Spirit of the Relay” includes an overall performance of the team from Kick Off to Relay Day. It is not representative of simply the amount raised. This award takes into consideration the “spirit” of the team, how they embraced Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society Mission, and the enthusiasm displayed. Also considered, is the team's participation in Relay activities as a whole, not only in their own but other team’s events, as well. Did they embody the ‘we’re all one big team’ aspect? [10:38] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: this year we have an honorable mention first. [10:39] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Honourable Mention: A new team who wrapped themselves up in our Relay and carried an amazing bright torch as their part in the crusade. Friendly, so kind and loving within the group and outside of it. They represented our Relay with a spirit that showed the EXAMPLE of what the Relay spirit is. Amazing team! They attended every class, every Town Hall and if you went to any team event you could find them there! They have ties to the live music part of SL and were able to spread the word further than ever in that genre and we thank them for that.. deeply. I'm so glad they've joined our group and am proud to call them Relay Family. [10:39] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: We are happy to present a Spirit of Relay Award -Team - Honorable Mention to Friends For A Cure [10:39] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Now on to the The Spirit of Relay Award - Team winner. [10:39] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: This team goes out there, year after year, and not only work steadily to raise funds at their own events, but help energize and inspire this entire Relay. The team remains above the fray and is always assisting other teams and individuals. They reach outside their team and outside of Relay to hold fundraising events and raise awareness of the American Cancer Society. This team took a new team under their wing this year, made them feel welcomed and supported and always had a team member at one of that team's events. This team also stepped up and helped host an event for a team when that team was unable to be in world due to travel and family commitments. [10:40] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: They cheered all teams in the volunteer group as each team met a goal. Their constant cheering trackside for people walking the track helped keep everyone awake on Relay weekend. For 9 years this team has been one of the most consistent in fundraising, participation, support and outreach. Attend an event anywhere and you will find Seinna, Alexia and other team members in attendance. They exemplified the the one team spirit. They are truly one of the foundations of this Relay. [10:40] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: The 2016 Spirit Of Relay Award - Team is presented to …. The Cure Chasers! [10:41] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Congratulations to all the award winners. We have just a few more awards to be presented. Reading through the nominations responses I would see this name pop up off and on in all categories. [10:42] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Just as we have to chose just one person to represent The Spirit of Relay from the hundreds of Relayers who put in hours of work volunteering. I really think that this committee this year needs to be recognized for all their efforts. I would like to select one committee member to receive the committee Spirit of Relay Award. [10:42] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I am going to quote from a nomination we received “Tee's passion for Mission education is evident from the moment you meet her. She reaches across the grid with mission information through her Mission Monday postings to the website, facebook, and group notices, as well as with Relay Rap and Tee Time on T1Radio every Sunday during Relay Season. [10:42] Mary Teodosio: WTG Cure Chasers! WTG Sienna, alexia, Callie, amanda! You're the best! [10:43] Little Miss Waffle: Random: She develops and distributes posters and notes on mission. Tee offers to attend any team meeting or to help a team plan how to integrate mission into their event or campsite. She provides mission information at all Mega Events. The amount of American Cancer Society mission information has grown in the past 3 years since Tee came on board!” Thank you and congratulations to Ms Tee Auster the recipient of the 2016 Committee Spirit of Relay Award. [10:43] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Our last two awards are Steering committee awards. Over the year we kept watch for people who stood out to us for special recognition. [10:43] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Community Champion Award: [10:44] Little Miss Waffle: Random: A Community Champion describes a person who goes out of their way to do good things for his or her community. A person who dedicates a large portion of their time serving others, selflessly and generously. This is our opportunity to honor and acknowledge the contributions made to RFL of SL by those who aren’t necessarily even on a team or committee or even in the Volunteer group. [10:44] Little Miss Waffle: Random: It is our opportunity to let them know that their service to Relay has made an impact and is so very much appreciated. This year's Community Champion Award goes to several people. The first award goes to someone who has been involved with RFL of SL in some form for many years. He is influential in the amazing success of The Fantasy Faire. He has served on the teleton team that covered our Relay for years. He has used his building skills in making ACS Island what it is. [10:45] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Anytime any past chair or current chair would contact him for help the answer is always YES! Each year he makes time to put together our Relay PSAs. Zander Greene thank you for your years of support for RFL and The American Cancer Society. [10:45] Rowena Dubrovna: WTG ZANDER!!!!! [10:45] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Our second award goes to BIXYL SHUFTAN and the SL Newser. Bixyl is a member of the sunbeamers team but outside of the team Bixyl has been blogging since 2010 about RFL of SL throughout the years with his SL Newser. [10:46] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Bixyl we appreciate all the time you devote to highlight RFL of SL in your Newser. [10:46] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Last but not least. Our last award goes to the Spirit of Relay Team award winner in 2011.This year that team chose not to make a team but instead play host to a number of team events. Every week they held events for teams. They invited live musicians and provided the venue for these events. Their support for many of the teams was instrumental in that teams fundraising level. [10:46] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Thank you to OD DESIGNS! Specifically ORTHO VARGAS & DAISEZE DAHLSTROM. You truly show the Spirit of Relay in everything you do! [10:47] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Dr Gordy Klatt Award: [10:47] Little Miss Waffle: Random: For those of you who are unsure just who Dr Gordy Klatt is. Dr Gordy was a colorectal surgeon who, in 1985, decided that he wanted to do more to fight cancer and wanted to raise a significant amount of money to fund the mission of the American Cancer Society. Dr. Klatt ran and walked around a track for 24 hours that year and raised $27,000. [10:47] Little Miss Waffle: Random: The next year, others joined him, taking turns for the duration of the event...and Relay For Life was born. We lost Dr Gordy Klatt to cancer in 2014. In memory of his pioneering spirit and steadfast dedication to Relay For Life, The Dr Gordy Klatt award goes to someone who has demonstrated the level of commitment and dedication to the cause...who has put the big picture ahead of their own interests, and whose footprint and legacy will always be a part of the Relay For LIfe of Second Life story. [10:48] Little Miss Waffle: Random: The recipient of the Dr Gordy Klatt award is a name familiar to many in secondlife. She began relaying in SL in 2007. A huge Big Brother fan she met like minded women on the Big Brother message boards. She came into SL and began a BB team! Not only a team but the top fundraising team. It didn’t take her long to put her creative vision into action in developing the Home & Garden expo as a team event and the Fashion Faire expo as a mega event. [10:49] Little Miss Waffle: Random: By 2011 she was Mamap Beerbaums co chair and was our Event Chair in 2013 and 2014. During her stay as Chair, RFL of SL brought in over 800 thousand dollars in just 2 years! She continues to Relay and served last year and this year as our awards lead. A woman with an amazing vision and beautiful heart. [10:49] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I am so proud and honored to give this years Dr Gordy Klatt award to Nikki Mathieson. [10:49] Mary Teodosio: /a [10:50] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: First, I’d like to thank everyone who participated in Relay For LIfe of Second Life this year. I know that our Team Captains work hard for so many months to organize your team, you commit yourselves to planning fundraising and awareness events to your respective communities, and it often is a thankless job...and so you certainly deserve kudos for a job well done this year! [10:51] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Our Relay Committee has once again come together and embraced the changes that we set forth with in the beginning of the year, and as a result, we were able to reach new people who formed new teams across the grid. Second Life is constantly evolvingI...people come and go...and Relay is no different. It is important that each year, we are creative with our event vision and that we allow new people to step up and stand on the shoulders of those who have come before them. [10:51] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Thank you to Nuala & Leala - for filling the role of Co-Chairs this year. It’s such an important role in Relay and one that you both filled with passion by sharing your vision, your ideas, your experience, and your time … with whatever was asked of you throughout the year. [10:52] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: And Random - thank YOU so very much for the past two years serving as Chair of Relay For Life of Second Life. You are an amazing woman and you took care of Relay with grace and dignity. You overcame adversity, you led us through some major changes to the Second Life community. [10:53] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I believe that your legacy will be that you were a strong leader with the right combination of organization, iron will, and loving heart that was necessary to navigate us through this transition period. As we move forward in Relay, I know you will be a great addition to the “Relay Elders” with Mama & Nikki, Tay, Fay, and Jade…and quite honestly, I think you’ll enjoy that role a lot. [10:53] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: As I expressed to you already, I don’t know the right words that can be used to express how thankful I am and how lucky RFL in SL is to have you in our lives ...to have worked with you in Relay…to call you my friend. You are an incredibly strong woman and I really don’t think that anyone could have led Relay the last two years the way you did…which was the way it needed to be done. [10:55] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! [10:55] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: And now, it’s time to unveil the 2017 Relay For Life of Second Life Theme that was voted on by you, our team captains, team members, survivors, and volunteers. [10:56] Little Miss Waffle: The 2017 theme is: PASSPORT TO HOPE! [10:57] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I think you guys made a great choice and its gonna be a theme everyone has a good time interpreting. [10:57] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: And finally, as I’ve mentioned time and time again...and even just a minute ago - we all know that Relay For LIfe is an ever-changing, always creative, special event that requires a lot of people who are committed to planning and organizing the event. [10:57] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: In order to continue moving the event forward...through the current and future changes that are occurring in Second Life, the grid, and the virtual space...we have reached the time where Random will pass the torch on to the next Chair of Relay For Life of Second Life. [10:57] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Our next Chair comes to us with many years of experience in Relay, both in Second Life and in her local community. She has served as a committee member, a staff partner, a Co-Chair, and has seen Second Life Relay grow from the very beginning. [10:58] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: And I have watched her grow and evolve, herself, throughout her own personal Relay journey. [10:58] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: Through conversations in making this decision, I have full confidence that her vision for our event is one that we are ready for and one that our committed teams and volunteers will appreciate. Every Chair steps into the role with their own vision...with respect for where past Chairs have brought the event. [10:58] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: She will stand on the shoulders of our past Chairs and carry on some of their traditions while establishing some new ones of her own. She is committed to carrying on the legacy of our event being one unified community of teams who come together to celebrate the cancer survivors in our lives, to celebrate the diversity that makes up this event, to raise money for the American Cancer Society, and to have fun while doing it! [10:59] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: I am pleased to announce (not introduce because you all know her already, I’m sure) our 2017 Chair of Relay For Life of Second Life will be Nuala Maracas. [10:59] Little Miss Waffle: Sting: But before we hear from Nuala, we have one more chance to hear from Random. [11:00] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Thank you so much Sting! Congratulations to you RFL of SL Volunteers. You all are heroes! Thank you for the hours, the days and the months that you have put in to make such an amazing difference in our fight against cancer. I am so proud of all of you. From teams. to committee, to mega events, to supporters. [11:00] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Together we had a wonderful Relay season. I personally feel this season has been our best! Our Relay family supported each other, taught each other and had an amazing lag free Relay weekend together. [11:00] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I have served on the RFL of SL committee now for 5 years. You have given me 2 memorable years as your chair. I need to thank my mentors Mamap Beerbaum and Nikki Mathieson for being with me every step of the way. TS thank you for your love, your encouragement and patience. [11:01] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Sting thank you for our friendship and that inner humor and passion for Relay that we share. To all of you my Relay Family I thank you for your encouragement, your support and your cherished friendship. I have loved every minute of this unique Relay and you will be seeing me next year alongside you! [11:01] Little Miss Waffle: Random: In closing I have to say.... [11:01] Little Miss Waffle: Random: I absolutely love our theme for next year Passport to Hope! When I think of that I am reminded that each and everyone of us are supporting The American Cancer Society in putting an end to cancer as we know it. [11:02] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Our hope is that no longer will it be a major health concern for any nation! As I went back and reviewed our team registration, I glanced at all the countries that you all come from. Very similar to these Olympics we all are watching. Yet not. We don't compete but work together with one hope. [11:02] Little Miss Waffle: Random: We need that passport that takes us world wide to ban together to fight this deadly disease that robs us of our loved ones. Every person here whether you live in the US, Denmark, Japan, England, Germany, Portugal, Canada, the Netherlands, Brazil, Spain, Romania, Ireland, Finland, Scotland, France or Australia makes a difference in this battle that knows no boundaries. This hope is not contained in one Nation. The American Cancer Society's efforts affect us all. [11:03] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Our Relay is unlike any other in the world. No other Relay has relayers from every corner of this world. We have that passport to Hope! United together we are strong. Each of us hold that Passport to Hope that will affect every nation on this earth. [11:03] Little Miss Waffle: Random: Now please join me in welcoming our 2017 Event Chair Nuala Maracas [11:04] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Thank you Random! I just want to take a moment to say it was a pleasure to work with you this past year. Your heart is as big as the sun. Over the year i have come to consider you a good friend. Your passion for relay is second to none. [11:04] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: When Sting approached me to be Event Chair for 2017, I got to thinking about the experiences I have had over the years with what are 2 very different types of Relay’s. Our Relay in Second Life truly is unique. Although there are certain standards and guidelines that need to be followed, and the Why We Relay remains the same in both worlds….. The HOW we relay is vastly different. [11:04] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: How many times have you heard people say.. ..” We need to think outside of the box.” [11:05] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: My vision for Relay in 2017 is Not a Relay that thinks outside the box. [11:05] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: We are Relay For Life of Second Life ….we DON’T think outside the box….. .WE BREAK THE BOX! [11:05] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Let’s be sure we are making our events incredible experience. That they are meaningful to anyone who attends. Let’s recognize our volunteers, our teams, our survivors, our caregivers, our sponsors, and anyone who participates. Let’s make all our events jammed packed with fun. Why? Because every time someone attends your Relay events we want them to walk away saying “Wow” and to tell their friends about the amazing experience they had. [11:05] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: The Relay experience is THE one thing that sets up apart from all the other events in Second Life. It makes people want to come back year after year and helps us to evolve. [11:06] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: An event is any planned social or public gathering. That does not sound too exciting. But an experience, by definition, is an event or occurrence that leaves an impression on you or someone else. [11:06] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: Every single time someone comes to one of your Relay events, we need to give them the ultimate experience so it creates an impression on them, so it will leave an impression on them EVERY time. [11:06] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: I ask all relayers to join in my vision to make 2017 the ultimate Relay Experience! To take the time between now and the kick off in March, to create and plan what YOU can to do to deliver the ultimate Relay Experience, not just to our relay community but to all of Second Life. An experience that leaves the best impression on every person who comes to one of your events. [11:07] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: The 2017 Relay For Life of Second Life committee will most certainly be working to deliver the ultimate Relay experience. I challenge you as individual relayers, relay teams and as The Relay Community to BREAK THE BOX in 2017! [11:07] Little Miss Waffle: Nuala: See you in March !! Go Relay !!
Saturday July 30 was the day of the last event of Team Sumbeamer, the Relay for Life team representing the Sunweaver/Angel community, this season.: the Third Annual "Road Rally." Taking place on the northern most sim of the estate, Pacific Waters, owned by Cynthia Farshore, the racing would take place on a track around the island.
While the place always has a track on it, recently modified so there's an underwater tunnel on one side, it was modified slightly with a couple loops and a few barriers in places. Cynthia had the help of Shockwave Yareach with the track modifications, as well as the starting/finish line.
Cynthia had a few planes on display, but the big attraction was the cars and motorbikes.
There were three categories in which people could race: Cars
And "What is that?"
The big challenge, if people had issues with lag, they could end up getting a bath.
And sometimes, they did.
Lag could also send a vehicle into the air.
In a couple places around the track were parodies of advertisements. presumably set up by Shockwave, whose "pun-fu" rivals a certain fox reporter's.
Don't tell Dusk Griswold about this one.
Shockwave considered this as the starting and finish line/marker.
Sora Kraditzio (jamestkirk2323) had a few cars out, though seemed to do the best with her "Back to the Future" DeLorean.
Cynthia had her own motorbike, but wouldn't count her time in the competition.
Rita Mariner, the Sunbeamer team captain, had out her own bike
Unfortunately, the bike had some trouble getting in to second gear.
Besides the racing, there was excitement among the Sunbeamers, and others in the Relay, about the team getting close to Platinum level in fundraising. Some came by just to donate a some cash. The event would raise about 10,000 Lindens, not including the 12,000 Cynthia herself would contribute (picture to the left by Cynthia). Rita Mariner, Dusk Griswold, and Oriana Sun would also contribute sizable amounts (Oriana's was 15,500), and Platinum rank was reached that night.
At 4PM, the racing was over, and Cynthia had the following results for fastest racers:
Lady Sora Kraditzio (jamestkirk2323): 60.762190 seconds!
Bixyl Shuftan: l73.104000 seconds!
What is that?
TS (ts.darrow) TS Darrow: 79.463990 seconds!
It was a fun conclusion to the Sunbeamer Relay season.