The whimsical little aliens quickly became the talk of Second Life, and the place was recommended to newcomers as a must-see location. And over time, Rezzable made little changes to the place, such as an occasional new Greenie, temporarily adding in games such as the roach-zapping pest control, once the mothership appeared in the sim, accessible via the Greenies small saucers, the family TV and scanners on the ship broadcasting a 1950’s alien invasion TV show. There was also a sequel sim, “Greenies Lawn.” And of course, the little aliens appeared in Relay for Life sims, such as one depicting the accidental death of dinosaurs from them, and appearing in Second Life’s Fifth Birthday celebration. Rezzable did other noted sims such as “Carnival of Doom,” but Greenies Home remained their most famous.
Almost a year ago on July 7 2009, Rezzable announced it would be withdrawing it’s sims from Second Life, and moving the places to OpenSim. But Greenies Home would be staying, at least for the time being, as Rezzable’s last sim of 40 at their peak.

Taking a look last week, I found a few new aliens I hadn’t noticed before. This included one next to an ad for their OpsnSim grid. Then again, it had been some time since I was last hear. At the Greenies store, I went ahead and got one of their avatars as a momento. Over time, there has been quite a variety of costumed Greenies, such as pirate, vampire, and even Gorean (showing their sense of humor again). Yours truly just got your basic Greenie. There were also a number of freebie items up on vendors.

Most people this reporter overheard were sad to hear of the little green fellows leaving Second Life. A few commented they had never heard of them, scratching their heads at the fuss. But they were a minority.
And so a piece of Second Life disappears, leaving behind memories, a few Greenie rings and other souvenirs, and of course those Greenie avatars. So perhaps they did not truly make a complete exit.
“Live Green and prosper.”
Bixyl Shuftan
sniffle* miss you greenies. was my fave playgroung in sl
ReplyDeleteSammich Sideshow:
ReplyDeleteI loved Greenies and I wish I was around before the sim closed. I will miss them dearly and I will treasure the momentos I acquired there.