In efforts big and small, SL grid wide, people are showing they care about the crisis. Artist Luna Larsen and friend Teddy Roxley in Picture 1 have created an exhibit of sculptures, cherry trees, and RL pictures. For example, one of Luna's sculptures depicts a bleeding heart with a Japanese flag. Luna offers a free sculpture to all visitors with prayer and meditation poses dedicated to Japanese victims and families affected by the disaster in Picture 3. On Luna's sim, a pictureboard shows Japanese house burning and fuel depot fire. See SLURLS below.
At Pacific Crisis Fundraiser (PCF)... It's raining people at the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser sale floor. 58 people in sim and still arriving in droves!!! Top SL Fashion Designers are flogging this issue hard and driving their customers to act. People are flocking into the sim to support the fundraising cause. PCF fundraiser donation box in Picture 3. Special thanks to fashion designers, bloggers, live musicians who donated wares, time, and advertising power to PCF events.
Luna Larsen's Japan memorial sculpture garden http://slurl.com/secondlife/La%20Triste%20Luna/35/24/22
Continuing through April 10, 2011, Pacific Crisis Fundraiser has raised over $1,000,000 Lindens for Japan Victims. Visit the sale floor http://slurl.com/secondlife/World%20of%20Beauty/205/147/1004
The real story is how the fashion and music industries promoted the cause with SL blog lists such as http://metavirtual.us/
Excerpts from the blogs showing how they did it...
SL Fashion Designer "Carson" writes… "Now, it’s time we gave back a little. With the continuing tragedy still unfolding in Japan, many designers have formed the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser. All proceeds from the sale of the outfits donated will go to the charity Americares." Go to Pacific Island Fundraiser parcel and shop!
It's Only Fashion blog writes: "I want to take a moment to remind you that the donations are from the creators. If you are getting clothing at the market value at a charitable event, you are not donating, you are shopping. "
Even Linden Labs supports the cause... Support in SL appears unanimous: http://secondlife.lithium.com/t5/Featured-News/Support-the-Japan-Earthquake-amp-Pacific-Tsunami-Relief-with/ba-p/743743
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