On Thursday May 26th, an announcement was made through both groups:
Today, May 26 is the third anniversary of Artistic Fimicoloud's leaving us for her third life. Artist, pink fox, a friend to many . She inspired us to reach higher and try harder. Please come help us celebrate and remember her as we fight back this relay season! We will begin at her beloved Park Galleries with a quiet time, then music she'd love to dance to from 5-7pm SLT, brought to us by Dusk Griswold & Shockwave Yareach. Please join us!
And so before 5 PM SL time, people gathered at the Park sim, both her friends and people whom had joined the groups after her passing on but were inspired by the devotion of others. For some moments, there was quiet reflection, not much being spoken. Samara Barzane was one whom did, “Many of you knew Fimi/Arti, but for those of you who didn't... she was an amazingly brave and wonderful pink fox and artist. We miss her dreadfully. She owned Park Galleries, and I took it over in memory of her.”

Two songs Shockwave played at the end stood out. One was an old favorite of the Passionate Redheads team, “I Run for Life.”

I run to feel,
I run for the truth for all that is real.
I run for your mother, your sister, your wife.
I run for you and me my friend,
I run for life.
Shockwave’s final song, it took on something of a new meaning in Second Life with it’s people interacting online through computers, “Electric Dreams.” Daaneth called it a “very appropriate song.”
I only knew you for a while
I never saw your smile
'Til it was time to go
Time to go away (time to go away)
Sometimes its hard to recognise
Love comes as a surprise
And its too late
Its just too late to stay
Too late to stay
Well always be together
However far it seems
(Love never ends)
Well always be together
Together in Electric Dreams
At the close of the music, Shockwave thanked everyone for coming. Rita made a few comments, “Fimi was the first Sunnie to actually pass away on us ... Eugene was another. I still miss him a lot, he was a close friend, called him everyday.” “Remember Fimi And Eugene in your prayers tonight,” Shockwave told everyone.
And with that, the people went their separate ways. A few stuck around to look at Fimi’s artwork.
“We miss you, Fimi,”
Bixyl Shuftan
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