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Special multi-day events

Burn2 is over, but the sims will remain up until Thursday

Experience 31 days of terror in this mini-marathon of horror cinema at the Phantasmagoria Theater.
Krongower (189,195,62)
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Tuesday October 11th
12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
The club of the most active romance-themed sim in Second Life

DJ: Buggie Breda aka Buggman, Host: Eva
(1 board L$250)
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
4PM Happy Hour at the Writer's Block Cafe
"Happy Hour at the Writer's Block Cafe: Hakeber Haber returns for her biweekly reading of her collection of shorts, "The Life and Times of Car Johnson", Insanity never tasted so hilarious! [ Car Johnson one of Hakeber's characters, will read his own stories :-) ] ( She'll also be treating us to her horror writing :-) )"
4-5 PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)

"Presenting LaurenLive, a stand-up live comedy routine on the peculiarities and quirks of living in SL and RL! Catch me at ' Lauren's Place' on Cookie Island, Tuesday at 5:00 PM, a lively, open comedic conversation. No tipping. Just fun and laughter."
5 PM Cookie (208, 23, 23)

"A party among the stars" in a featured space club
Theme: "Heavy Metal Night," DJ Megatheron
Contest: 500L
"Appropriate for a Venue Owned by a 'Tungsten' "
6 to 8 PM? Purrfection Estates (229, 11, 3365)
7:30 PM Saint Quentin Ballroom
DJ Lewt and his lovely wife Janna hosting dancing and music at the Saint Quentin Ballroom, music from all eras.
NOTE: The ballroom is set in the middle of a roleplay sim. The dance area is neutral ground, but guests are asked not to disturb players outside it.
7:30 - 10 PM Saint Quentin (64, 90, 32)
7:30 PM Steelhead Harvest Festival
Lederhosen night at the town hall meeting. Lace up those tights and come to the meeting… drunk...except scamps. You can be on a sugar high.
7:30PM Steelhead Boomtown (31, 138, 28)
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Wednesday October 12th
10AM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Heroes & Villians ( Superman/Batman/the Joker/Cruella de Ville/Wicked Queen etc )
DJ: Blacktulp, Host: FJ
1 Board - 250L
10AM to 12 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
11 AM. SLT. - The Writer's Support Group
"Eppie Shoreman's ever-popular, informal & informative Writer's Chat Support Group. Readers and Artists are especially welcome! We never know what we'll be talking about and even the seemingly random chatter is interesting :-) "
11 AM - 12 PM Book Island (198, 52, 25)
12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Best in Spots and Stripes
DJ: Buggie Breda aka Buggman, Host: Pint
1 Board - 250L
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
1PM Happy Hour with Morgue McMillan
"She will be reading her poetry (plus, other of her works) as well as helping us dig deep into the images and meanings of her art. This will be a new way to experience poetry--not critique or analysis, but understanding..."
1PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)
"Set sail on the H.M.A.S. Little Dove for fun, and dance away in the sky."
Theme: "Oktoberfest," DJ Beermistress Nydia
"What is 'I'm not as think as you drunk I am' in German?"
4-6PM Southern Colorado, (110, 35, 105)

"Best open air club on SL. Always live-music, best dancers to entertain you. 125m above Sunweaver Air. Open wed, Fri, Sat nights 6pm SL, Sun 1pm SL time. Come enjoy and dance your cares away."
Theme: Get Punked, DJ: to be announced
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

Formerly known as Xanadu, this club offers a 60's/70's feel, plus owner Perri Prinz is among the most knowledgable DJs in SL of the era, as well as playing top music from the 80's to today.
Theme: Pirates, DJ: Jasmine
6-8PM Sunweaver Air (68, 207, 4051)
7PM The Odd Ball

7PM to 9PM Dragonhenge (126, 122, 651)
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Thursday October 13th
12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Best in Purple
DJ: Purpletulp ( aka Blacktulp ), Host: Pint, Starr
(1 Board 250L)
12 PM to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
1 PM "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?"
Sandndor Zabelin's New Event. We'll be discussing issues raised in his book, "Notes from An Alien", but you don't have to read the book to join in :-) We'll be discussing many Global Issues and possible resolutions. Everyone gets a free book :-)
Book Island (197, 56, 25)
6 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Party on ! (Best in Jeans)
DJ: Talyn Bellios, Host: Monique (1 board L$350)
6PM to 8PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
4PM Another Happy Hour at the Writers Block Cafe
"Hakeber's continued reading of hilarious shorts about Car Johnson and excerpts from her horror classics."
4-5 PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)
6 PM Virtually Speaking

Jay Ackroyd hosts.
6-7 PM Virtually Speaking (164, 111, 25)
6 PM Club Zero Gravity
"A party among the stars" in a featured space club
Theme: "Vampires & Slayers," DJ: To be announced
"Sucks to be You"
6 to 8 PM? Purrfection Estates (229, 11, 3365)
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Friday October 14th
10 AM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
DJ Blacktulp
Theme: Fantasy ( at the Haunted Cafe on Mystery lake )
Host: FJ ( one board 500L )
10AM-12 Noon, Mystery (132, 81, 21)
Time: To be announced
Theme: 7seas Fishing contest on Lake of Mystery 500L Pot
DJ: Blacktulp
Host: Venim (L$500 prize)
???, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
Time: 3pm- 5pm
Theme: Rosemoon Dinner Dance ( Black and White )
DJ : Bloodrose, Host: Amy ( 2 boards m/f L$250 each board)
3 PM to 5 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)
4PM Club Little Dove
"Set sail on the H.M.A.S. Little Dove for fun, and dance away in the sky."
Theme: "Witches & Wizards," DJ to be announced
"I put a spell on you, because you're mine!"
4-6PM Southern Colorado, (110, 35, 105)
6PM Cutlass Club Party
Theme: 80's Flashback, DJ: to be announced
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)
Steelhead Harvest Festival
6PM First Annual Sauerkraut Marathon
All donations benefit scamps in getting… scarves for winter. Actually all donations are to benefit the Broken Bust Art Museum to "feed the hungry rental pole." Race starts in Nevermoor and ends in Boomtown. All participants must wear lederhosen and carry a sausage. All fly is going to be turned off so you have to run.
6PM Steelhead Boomtown (31, 138, 28)
OKTOBERFEST hosted by The Geoduck Inn, owned by Zaida Gearbox, DJ'd by Fuzzball
7PM Steelhead Boomtown (31, 138, 28)
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Saturday October 15th

Welcome to Netera's Coffee Lounge. Hope you enjoy our informative chat in our new jazzy set. In this venue you'll participate in interviews with real life writers, singers and artists
10AM SL time
10AM - Nikita Lumet
11 AM - Doofus Luckless and Pan
Terric (43, 137, 28)
11 AM Reader's Chat at Book Island
"You can talk about the books, short stories, or poetry you've read recently (or long ago) -- even the books you didn't like :-) This is a casual, welcoming group and we'd love to hear what YOU are, or were, reading!"
11 AM Book Island (197, 56, 25)
4PM The Happy Vixen Beach Club
Theme: "Surfer Dude (and Dudette)"
DJ to be announced
"Everybodys gone surfin', surin' USA.""
4 to 6 PM, Purrfection Estates (249, 61, 22)
6PM Cutlass Club Party
Theme: Furry Sleepover, DJ to be announced
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)
7:30 PM Saint Quentin Ballroom
DJ Lewt and his lovely wife Janna hosting dancing and music at the Saint Quentin Ballroom, music from all eras.
NOTE: The ballroom is set in the middle of a roleplay sim. The dance area is neutral ground, but guests are asked not to disturb players outside it.
7:30 - 10 PM Saint Quentin (64, 90, 32)
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Sunday October 16th
10AM Poetry in the Park at the Fitzgerald
"It's Coffee & Poetry time again at the Fitzgerald. 'The Morning Brew' Starting at 10AM, we have Live Poetry in the Fitzgerald Park - And Yes there will be Coffee! Sometimes steamy lyrics. Come on down to the Fitz. Where we Fix Your Mix!"
10AM Fitzgerald Park , Unsung Village (214, 89, 21)
11AM The Odd Ball
"Hello Tunaverse! I am Tuna Oddfellow and this is my partner Shava. We are your hosts on this wild ride. Do not attempt to adjust your monitors we are controling transmission!"
11AM to 1 PM Dragonhenge (126, 122, 651)
11AM Racer X's Giant Snail Races

Treet films these races: http://treet.tv/shows/snailraces.
11AM Hawthorne (179, 145, 33)
1 PM "Open Mike Event" Book Island
"Join Sandor Zabelin for our Open Mic In The Sky in the Scottish Panorama. Bring your own writings (fiction, non-fiction, poetry...) or the writings of one of your favorite authors. You can read on Voice Chat *or* one of our regulars can read for you. And, we sure won't kick you out if all you want to do is listen :-) "
1 PM Book Island (227, 211, 868)
5 PM Virtually Speaking
5-6 PM Virtually Speaking (164, 111, 25)
5:30PM The East Coast Conservative Podcast
"The East Coast Conservative Podcast is a weekly news & commentary podcast hosted by Hatton Humphrey (aka Hatton Hunghi in SL) and Ken Johnston (who barely has time for a real life). Our take on the world is generally conservative with a lot of humor and enough bad jokes to make a clown cry. Okay, the bad jokes are normally from Hatton, but whaddya do?"
5:30 PM Grand Old Party (166, 130, 23)

Formerly known as Xanadu, this club offers a 60's/70's feel, plus owner Perri Prinz is among the most knowledgable DJs in SL of the era, as well as playing top music from the 80's to today.
Sunday 6-8PM Sunweaver Air (68, 207, 4051)
7PM "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?"
Sundays at 7pm SLT is Sandor Zabelin's Event, "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?" We'll be discussing issues raised in his book, "Notes from An Alien", but you don't have to read the book to join in :-) We'll be discussing many Global Issues and possible resolutions. Everyone gets a free book :-)
7PM Book Island (197, 56, 25)

The "Best Ambient Artist in SL" performs at the Space Music Theater
Spinthrift (156, 81, 98)

"Zindra Help Vortex features a weekly Speed Build Contest every Sunday at 8 PM SL time. This contest is free to join and open to any skill level! Learn building, meet people and win prizes! More info: http://bit.ly/pubAnU" (caution Adult Link)
8PM Zindra Vortex (127, 120, 23)
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Monday October 10th
12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: To be Announced
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)
3 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Live Music
Artist: Declan Greenfield
"Declan Greenfield sings and plays live saxophone. His music ranges from love songs of all eras to Gershwin, Porter, Rat Pack, Musicals, Movie songs and jazz. "
3 to 4 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)
4 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Live Music
Artist: Bo Hoyes
"Bo Hoyes is a rhythm guitar player/singer in RL, playing Honky Tonks and Juke Joints from Florida to New York and everywhere in between. He's a very talented country music singer who has made quite a niche for himself in this SL world."
4 to 5 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)
4PM LEA Avatar Games

LEA3 (224, 127, 30)
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