One of the events started on Saturday night. The "Blues for a Cure" group was having a sixty-hour long music marathon, announced in the Relay volunteers group.
The Bluesers are still relaying! - Come on down and join us as we boogie-woogie two more hours into our sixty hour marathon of the Blues. Let us put a lil' boogie-woogie in your night. From some of the biggest hearts on the grid. So come join is as we relay with the Blues! We would love to have you join us and meet new friends.
Porting over using the landmark provided to "The Gateway to the Blues" at "The Delta" sim (see main section), a number were dancing the night away to some bluesy tunes, "We started last night at 6 pm and going 60 hours; our first year as a RFL Team!" "Really? Our first year?" "Yesssss!" There were no figures as how much they had raised so far for the event, but the kiosk there alone had 601K Lindens out of a team total of 628,400, "We're at 2,514 US$, since March 10th."

Talking with her and other racers, Tindalia felt she didn't have too much trouble holding her back, " just the start and the mega lag, but then everybody (here was) having that problem. … For the most part, things went pretty smoothly, little lag and snap back at times." Racer Alden Cortes told, "I got stuck under the prims on the water near the big falls. … I crashed twice crossing sims, but still a whole lot of fun." "It's always a lot of fun," Tindalia commented, "even with problems." "Yeah,"Alden agreed, "they just make it more interesting."
Spectators included Sheriff Fuzzball Ortega of Steelhead and Aasha Kohime of Aria Clash. Aasha had just found out about the race, commenting one finds the most interesting things in Second Life.
The Skybeam cross-sim snail race can be seen on Treet TV's archives Here.

As the Areosmith event was going on, another event was starting. The Tiki Photography for Life was having a "Jail and Bail" event. People were willing to get themselves locked up in-avatar for a little while for charity, people donating to bail them out.
It's a beautiful day for a Jailbail. Come join us at Tiki Paradise. Throw your friends/enemies in jail for 1K, and you get to choose the bail, up to 5K. All proceeds go to Relay for Life.
Popping over, the tropical setting certainly looked pleasant, with the beach huts and the sand. Even more so with the music and partying. But not everyone was dancing. Some were stuck in the huts under arrest. One couple made the most of it, speeding the time snuggling and kissing. Others just sat their and waited. "We were framed!" one of the jailbirds mock-complained, getting into the role, "Me toooo! I was framed too!"
While there, I saw a new prisoner was brought in: Relay Mentor Panza Elide. Not even the top people among the Relayers were immune, "Hello Panza. It so nice to have a cellmate." Over the Relay for Life volunteer's group chat, word quickly spread about Panza, some joking if there would soon be a "file-flavored cake" delivered. There were also a few "Gilligan's Island" jokes, and calls for "Will someone pitch in for Panza's bail?"
Later on, DJRedRyder Resident would announce the total the jail event raised in group chat, "Thanks For Your support Of Tiki Photography For Life Jail Bail Event Made 46,502 For Relay For Life Second Life."

Just after I arrived there, Trader got some news, "Oh geez, there's a warrant out on me!" "Yep, they got you Trader." "Better you than me." Supposedly his bail was set for 5,000 Lindens. No one showed up to arrest him that afternoon, so he continued playing. He would escape arrest until Friday when he was captured by members of the Goreans for Life team.
It was an eventful Sunday for the Relay for Life.
Bixyl Shuftan.