Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Virtual Ability Town Hall

By Gemma Cleanslate

The annual Town hall for the Group of Virtual Ability was held Saturday a the Region. The four members of the Executive Committee , Gentle Heron, Pecos Kidd, Eme Capalini and addressed the members about the real world and virtual world mission.

The corporation is a legal entity n the physical world, Virtual Ability, Inc was chartered in 2007 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the state of Colorado. The corporation is headed by a Board of Directors. Inworld there is an Executive team that runs the activities which are numerous, some just fun and many informative and fun.

Pecos Kidd explained how the inworld and real world are conducted financially and is stable. Eme Capalini explained that there were 450 events were held hosted by volunteers from the group during 2024, and “hold two annual international academic conferences each year. In the spring, we hold a Mental Health Symposium; in the fall it’s the International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC).The 2024 International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference was held on November 15.“ She thanked Linden Lab for their support of the group during these conferences during which speakers from all over the world come to speak on issues that touch the lives of members and what is going on in research management of disabilities.

The meeting continued with more information about the past year and future expectations for 2025.

Gentle Heron , who keeps the group altogether through out the many years thanked all the committees and volunteers that conduct activities. An open Discussion Q&A followed the formal part of the meeting with suggestions offered for inworld volunteering or helping those who need special attention.

In all the meeting was most informative and also expressed the thanks of the group members to the Executive committee for all their efforts.

Any one who is interested in disability issues by having one of being an advocate or caretaker can become a member. Contact Gentle Heron. I often write about certain ongoing endeavors like Health Island and special activities going on so if you want information you can contact me also.

Gemma Cleanslate

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pictures From The PBC Women's Conference

 By Bixyl Shuftan

 On Saturday March 8, the Firth Annual International Women's Day Conference took place in Second Life. The day is to support the equality of women around the world, as well as celebrate the accomplishments of women.

 The event was hosted by JardenAlexis at the Premier Business Center. Dozens of people attended.

 This included a few Newser reporters and the wife of one. I'd just missed the prayer by Monrocie.

 There were a few speakers, one was Rhyme Gardner, who would talk about the history of Women's Day. Linda Satureau would be the keynote speaker.

Jarden would also say a few words. 
The discussions were in voice, so there is no text record. They were about the importance of women's rights, not just the right to vote but being treated fairly in the workforce, and the accomplishments individual women have done over time. 

There were also some gifts available for anyone who wanted them.

Following the speakers, there was a live performance by the Changhigh Sisters. 

Jarden herself would get into the act. 
Following the performance on stage was a dance party, with JaaJaaHaris Phily playing the music as the DJ. 

Happy Womens Day
Bixyl Shuftan

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 By Gemma Cleanslate

On Friday February 21, a great 10 day event opened at the Bellisseria Fairgrounds for a wonderful cause. Belliforlife, our Bellisseria Relay Group is sponsoring 10 days packed full with events to raise money for the 2025 American Cancer Society. The money raised goes for research, help for Cancer patients, caretakers and survivors. It is used not only in the United States but in other countries too.

Cica Ghost created this cute build for the events. It is so charming. Be sure to visit. One of the first events held was Hollywood Squares game. Madori, Wendi, and Derrick Linden occupied a square as did our faithful Moles, Abnor, Alotta, Spiffy, Star, and Briggantia. It was a hot game to be sure with heckles and fun from the attendees and the game was battled out. Becca Ordinar , our Captain in the Group was a wonderful MC and it gave lots of enjoyment to us all and tried hard to control the whole group. A sample of the chat lol

“[12:22] Brigantia Mole: Bravo!

[12:22] Becca Ordinary shouts: Ok so now have the slugfest for the championship, Bryn versus Etheria!

[12:22] Xia Xevious: *screams*

[12:22] BJoyful Resident: I think I'm stress sweating

[12:22] Bryn Oh: i lost but ok

[12:22] SkyWatcher Questi: OOooooooooooooo

[12:22] SarahKB7 Koskinen: plus NZL includes Middle Earth too..

[12:22] Bryn Oh: i was looking for my swag bag

[12:22] Becca Ordinary: wait no New Zealand is the answer

[12:22] Missy (terris Graves): Ooh...

[12:22] BJoyful Resident: HUGS Bryn Oh ♥♥

[12:23] Becca Ordinary shouts: welll I apologize!

[12:23] Becca Ordinary: The judges have contacted me!

[12:23] BJoyful Resident: LOL@ Middle Earth

[12:23] Becca Ordinary shouts: Texas is the correct answer!

[12:23] /me Bryn Oh: i lost but oh well

[12:23] BJoyful Resident: JUDGE FIGHT!

[12:23] Madori Linden: Zindra is biggest if you know what i mean”

Following there was a raucous party with DJ Far… and his faithful host Sandie Rau. It was good to see and hear Far after he has been away for some time. All donations went to the Relay. He will be back next Friday also.There are kiosks for shopping and a Special Relay 2025 Bear and other items. Touch the Poster board to get a full program for the entire event. Here is your entry point. ev

Some pages from the program…

Gemma Cleanslate

Monday, January 27, 2025

Winter Burn Aurora

By Gemma Cleanslate

Winter Burn Aurora opened at 5 Friday and will be open until after the Effigy burn and dancing on Sunday at 12:00 . Be sure to visit to see the spectacular builds , and attend the fun parties on the ice at the glowing stage by Ben Tenk. Saturday the stage event begins at 10 am slt.

Outside the gate before you enter check the gifting table. Also near by you can learn more about Burning Man and Burn2 , a regional in Second Life. Then enter the majestic entrance and see the Burn Effigy in the distance. Inside Cuga Ragal has some fun sleds to rezz and slide on around the regions, or stop and grab an art car to travel.

There is a massive skating pond where you will also find the lovely crystal stage for parties. The pond winds over the playa which is usually dust. All the builds fit the winter scene but with twists, There is a lovely half globe containing a winter lounge with comfortable seating around a fire where visitors can warm up and have a hot drink and converse. Under another half globe I found a steaming hot tub so it is not all cold thought I suggest one dress for the frigid weather outside. I saw a few avatars that looked like they were on a sunny beach and shivered. Get there early to enjoy the skating and more.

Burning Man- Deep Hole
Gemma Cleanslate

(Editors Note, this article was supposed to be up Friday, but somehow I missed it until later, our apologies for the delay)

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Reader Submitted Pictures: Marine Corps Ball

At 6PM SL time on Sunday November 10, The Veterans Tribute held its Marine Corps Ball in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the US Marines. Eespy Spyker and Dena McMahon would send pictures of the event to the Newser.

"The RL marine in the middle is Ace Arkin, the marine on the right is Possum Bayou- Sophie (possum1.elan)"

Happy Anniversary, United States Marine Corps.


Friday, October 25, 2024

A "Bat-Tacular" Birthday Party

By Bixyl Shuftan

 It was recently my birthday. Usually I don't write about it as I don't consider it too big a deal. It's been some time since I've had a cake. In real life, maybe a little pizza with a few friends, either on the day or a weekend near it. Second Life is often where I have my fun on my birthday. Being at a dance party with friends, especially longtime friends and music, it's a happy time that I can look back on with a smile.

But this year, my wife Charlee decided to do a little something special for me. It started off with her updating my mesh bat avatar, which usually gets worn only this time of year and a few Best in Wings events. She would also update hers. 

It was Thursday, and she had a set at the Happy Vixen. 

It went well with a crowd of "Charlee's Angels" as her fans sometimes call themselves showing up. 

We planned on heading to Scorn for the set of our friends DJ Juana and hostess Noc. But the venue was different this time, a "Bat Venue." And getting there, I had a surprise. 

Charlee had gotten together with Scorn's owner, Gwen Winchester, and they decided to not just throw a birthday party, but since I loved Halloween and thought bats were a cool critter, they had a bat theme to it.

 And the two of us in our "bat-tacular" looks were dancing away. 

A closer look of Juana and Noc.

And there were some cool decorations. 

People were soon dropping in, and in all kinds of costumes. There were plenty of bats, but also a naga. 

DJ Scratch Musikat and his love Muertos, who is his hostess at his Happy Vixen sets on Friday, were there, him in a witch outfit. 

We ended up with a couple mice, Zee and Brandi Steussel ... okay, a mouse and a dragonmouse. 

Mato, the manager of Club Zero Gravity, showed up.

My friend Foxy came as a dark fennec.

Someone couldn't affoard a costume, so he came in a barrel.
Others showed up as well, including Gwen and her husband Atterius, and others I don't have the space to mention.

It was truly a great combination Halloween and birthday party (Charlee insists it was just a birthday party with a bat theme added). There were plenty of bat and vampire jokes, along with other Halloween ones. After DJ Juana was finished at 10PM, Gwen took over the DJing.

In the back was a "Be My Boo" photo stand that Charlee and I tried out.

from Charlee

Thank you everyone, and thank you my sweet Charlee for a birthday I'll never, never forget.

Bixyl Shuftan