By Grease Coakes
One of the many social
groups of Second Life is the Sunweavers headed by Rita Mariner is
still going strong as there's always something going on in her
network of sims.
On July 12th
Rita told me there was going to be a RFL event at Farshore Field, named after everyone's favorite goat Cynthia Farshore. The general
theme was miltary with a plane race and a dunk tank you try to hit
with a cannon. But the dunk tank and plane races weren't free. One had to pay for shots at the dunk tank or lindens to race in the clouds
with one of the planes. But the Lindens you pay go directly to the
RFL team the Sunbeamers. Rita is well known as a bunny rabbit, but for
RFL she was bid to be a male skunk. I saw her in a "Pepe LePew" avatar
from Looney Tunes cartoons.
The event took place
8am-5pm SLT Saturday at Pacific Waters 140/74/32 .
The first class consisted of motorcycles from 8 AM to 11 AM. The second
class would be automobiles 11 AM -2 PM SLT. It made me think to look around
for the car I purchased for charity a few years ago. The third class
was "whatsits," which was driving whatever one wished.
The entry fee was 500L for the
first five laps and only the best time counted. If someone wanted a second
try, 200L for another five laps.
There was also a dunk
tank with an 88mm cannon instead of tennis balls. One could take 3 shots
for 100L or 10 shots for 250L at that nasty furry within the Sunweavers you wanted to get back at for putting worms in your bed, or
some such. There was also a balloon
ride from Skylark Lefavre for a donation to RFL to see the mad chaos
of the car race.
Another neat feature I
noticed on Rita's Sim network was the monorail I saw going through
her lands. Thinking of the first Linden bear I found which was Simon
Linden's where he didn't directly hand me the bear I had to go on a
mini hint quest on his land to find it. One of the things he had was
a train which led you to the next clue. As the legend goes any
time you meet a Linden ask him or her for their bear and you get one.

In regards to the
monorail I had this to say and Rita agreed with me.
Grease Coakes: "You
know life whether it's Second or first, life tends to go at a fast
pace. It's nice to slow things down and take a breather on a monorail
or blowing up a dunk tank."
The monorail, which
took two weeks for Rita to build, is well done. One of the stops
happened to be the SL Newser Building. In fact one of the end
points happened to be "KFStationMarker:
PACIFIC WATERS STATION," Where Cynthia held her RFL events today.
The other end of the
rail happened to be Holmes station. After the monorail ride, I went to
get food in real-life, and came back in time for the car race.
I had fun racing
against Kiwi and Skylark and Rita Mariner. I found out the trick was
to slow down when my car hit the turns. If I drove to fast I ended up
in the water. I went splash a few times which slowed me down but I
just jumped out and re-rezzed my car.
Bixyl Shuftan, in a skunk avatar from his own "Bid Me" event, came
on later and raced on his motorcycle. As he was the only
motorcycle driver he won the top prize for motorcycles. According to
Shock I won the top prize for cars with the fastest lap at almost a
half minute with my sports car I bought for charity.
Lap2--Grease Coakes
last lap was 31.317260 seconds!
A great time was had
by all as a pony tried to run me over with her and people were dunked
by cannons. Rita herself drove a batmobile and lost a wheel. Give
credit to the furry Sunbeamers as they raised over 215K Linden for
the fight against cancer.
Not only was the day fun, we came a step closer to defeating cancer, and everyone wins.
Grease Coakes
*Editor's Note*: Grease did better with the sports car than I did with my "Hercules," my top speed being about 55 seconds. Attendance was somewhat small due to other Relay events that day, such as the Breedables Fair. Even the season's longest cross-sim Giant Snail Race had a smaller than normal turnout of it's kind than normal. And some were out doing real life work, were on summer vacation, or otherwise unable to show up. But enough people and donations came in, especially one generous one from Raschid Marenwolf, to put the Sunbeamers into Gold Rank. That evening, Skylark LeFavre's "Bid Me" event came due, and she was "Bid Mousie" until after the Relay Weekend.
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