Originally published in September 2008 in Second Life Newspaper
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By Bixyl Shuftan
fans had a treat when author Larry Niven and artist Michael Whelan
appeared via their Second-Life avatars at the Writer's Convention and
Fundraiser in Monogram Tria at 11 AM SL time on August 30th. Taking
place at the Monogram Virtua Convention Center, the event was held to
raise funds for Alzheimer's research. They offered a poster/wallpaper
for charity, and answered questions from the audience.

Niven and Whelan's virtual selves, LarryNiven Magic and
MichaelWhelan Xue, were posed seated at a desk, signing copies of
artwork. The art of Whelan's was the picture used for the cover Niven's
book "Integral Trees," with the signatures of both the artist and
author. For a donation to the Alzheimer's Association, one would get a
copy, and a notecard for where to download a computer wallpaper version
for one's computer.
In a conversation with Monogram Virtua VP Anakalia Catteneo after
the event, she told me Niven's and Whelan's avatars were based on their
real-life appearances, "That is as close as we could get to the photos
we had."
Whelan and Niven took some time to answer some questions from the
audience, Niven used mainly voice while Whelan was "stuck with typing
only" with his computer. Monogram Virtua co-founder Dubble Rokocoko
typed out what Niven spoke for those in the audience not able to hear
Hiliary Grant: Mr. Niven....Please tell us your journey to getting published?
"Regarding my journey to getting published, I did two obvious things."
He signed up for writer's school in the 1960s, "and learned enough to
get going." He bought the magazines he most liked and looked at the
inside editorial page. "You send your stuff there until somebody buys
it." It took him about a year and a fourth.
Frond Karu: Mr. Niven, what type of science books or magazines do you research prior to writing?
Niven, "Scientific American, Science, I don't look into them much."
MichaelWhelan Xue: Fate magazine ;-)
Niven, "There's a guy who sends me anything interesting that comes
up on the net. And I keep track of rocket research. Mostly, my sources
are friends."
Scarlett Qi: Is this the first virtual world you both have visited?

MichaelWhelan Xue: yes, outside of things like the Myst worlds etc.
A1 Markstein: Is Ringworld over, dead and buried?
"No. As I was saying, Ed Larner and I are planning five books. The
fifth book would be set after Ringworld, so we'll likely see Louis Wu
going home."
A1 Markstein: what happened to J Pornelle?
Niven, "Pournelle is recovering from radiation therapy. His cancer is gone."
Katronix Serf: Mr. Niven what do you think of authors who podcast their novels?
Niven, "I have no opinion on that, except that there's probably more money in selling them as books."
Grant: Mr. Niven..Other than copyright protection..were you ever afraid
that someone would copy your ideas from your novels?
Niven, "It happens. I learned to use the word 'homage' rather than 'rip off" because it saves my sanity."
Hiliary Grant: Do you suggest sending a Non-Disclosure Agreement to protect yourself when sending your work in for submissions?
Niven, "I don't bother. Everybody knows the rules."
Frond Karu: When thinking through your story ideas, do you imagine them in color Mr. Niven?
"Yes. I am one of the more visual writers. I notice in my collaborators
that they don't picture what's happening as readily as I do."
JordanM Rossini: What inspires you most Mr. Whelan?
Xue: The most...? I guess, my own work, now. Whatever I've done lately.
I react to and am informed by both my recent work and things going on
around me. As an illustrator, of course, my main influence is the
written work I am illustrating.
Hiliary Grant: Mr. Niven...How long has it taken you to get your
novels published...from the pen to the shelf and what was the longest
novel written?
Niven, "I think my longest was a collaboration
called 'Footfall.' A little over a year is how long it takes. It takes
about a year to write, and another year to publish."
MichaelWhelan Xue: I was art directed to death for FOOTFALL. My
preference was to do an entirely different approach to what ended up on
the cover.
Paradox Olbers: surprising, Michael, [to a publisher
outsider like me] after you being established for decades by the time
you did Footfall cover...
MichaelWhelan Xue: I loved the book. Well, it wasn't the art
director, actually. It was Lester Del Rey. He had a set idea about the
cover and wouldn't budge from it. I thought it was terrible to give away
the surprise of what the aliens looked like on the cover, but oh well
A1 Markstein: I hope to see you sometime in a SF convention. Will you be at any in the near future?
"Yes. There is one coming up in San Jose this month. And then, thank
God I'll be clear. I've gone to too many conventions this summer."
Abronia Mubble: With all the recent advancements in science and
technology, does this make it easier, or harder, to come up with unique
ideas for science fiction?
Niven, "What I've found is I used to
be able to be first with an idea. This is no longer possible. Everyone
has access to everything that happens. Now I have to be best."
JordanM Rossini: Mr. Niven, what was the hardest book for you to write? What made it a challenge?
"I had some real trouble getting into 'Destiny's Road.' It was an
irresistible idea, but I found myself trying to write a man's story from
childhood to middle age. I flinched from that. When Michael Whelan did
the cover, he thought it was finished. It took me four years before it
was finished. Of course, he worked from outlines and some text I'd
Frond Karu: Mr. Niven, do you write everything on your computer (I am slow typist).
Niven, "Yes I write everything on my computer. Given the right keyboard, I'm a fast typist."
Mira Caerndow: Where do you find inspiration, Mr. Niven?
Niven, "I find it in all directions. I never know, but I don't do
research as I do read for fun, and let the research create the story."
A1 Markstein: What did you think of the cartoon Star Trek "Slaver Weapon" story?
Niven, "I wrote it. ... I liked the way they handled it."
Charlene Siemens: Have you ever rejected an idea as too implausible or unlikely, only for it to become reality some time later?
Niven, "No."
Abronia Mubble: What do both of you think about sci-fi movies these days? Good, bad, indifferent?
"I'd say that sci-fi movies are getting better. A little more attention
is being paid to the values that wind up in the books."
MichaelWhelan Xue: I agree with Bill Maher. He said that maybe we
shouldn't be releasing so many movies based on comic book stories. The
rest of the world might think Americans live in a fantasy world where
all problems are solved by violence. I'm still waiting for a movie as
good as 2001 and Bladerunner. SF movies these days are too empty-headed
for me. They are nice visually, but not much to speak of in terms of
real meaningful content.
(following a comment about Ringworld) Niven, "I heard from Mandell
recently. Mandell is the guy who owns the movie rights to Ringworld.
He's thinking of generating a lead up, 13 episodes.
A1 Markstein: There's already been a Ringworld game Sir.
Niven, "There have been Ringworld games, yes. Two from Tsunami. They
felt a little claustrophobic to me. There are possibilities, I'd rather
not talk about them. It isn't that I'm afraid of jinxing anything. it's
just nobody's business until it becomes real."
Frond Karu: Mr. Niven, when collaborate with another author, does it expand your writing time to more than one year?
Niven, "Writing with another author can make it shorter or longer."
Grant: Mr. Niven...Do you suggest joining a Writer's Guild...as a
published author of Cyber Blues by Love Freeman..would that be the best
avenue for me?
Niven, "I think anyone might benefit from joining the Writers Guild."
one point, there was a bit of funnery when a young girl avatar tried to
wear an object only to find it was still in the box. Niven asked, "and
what is that little girl holding?A book?" Someone answered, "Newbee
oops." Another mused, "She wasn't holding a Soft Weapon, thank
goodness." Niven's comment about jinxing a Ringworld game led to a joke,
"Hey, watch that ethnic comment! Re: Jinxians" (Jinx is a world in
Niven's "Known Space" series). Whelan joked about having "virtual
writer's cramp."
At the end of the hour, Niven and Whelan thanked everyone for
coming, "It's been a pleasure interacting with your virtual selves."
"Thanks all." Anakalia Catteneo told everyone, "Please feel free to stay
for the workshop, seminar and live music today. Also, enter the raffle
to win the prizes that are on display, proceeds benefit the Alzheimer's
Association." The guests of honor then took their leave and logged off.
Bixyl Shuftan
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Being behind the "Man-Kzin Wars" series of sci-fi novels, Larry Niven was known by some friends of mine. I never did hear of them appearing in Second Life again. Of the autographed artwork of their "Intergal Trees" story, I went ahead and bought one. Proud of it, I hung it up in my office. Today, it can be found at the SL Newser office in HV Community, a lasting reminder of this meeting with a well known sci-fi author.