On Friday August 30 at 10 AM, Abnor Mole gave a speech to a crowd in Bellisseria. This would be the opening event of the Mole Day Celebration Weekend. While no one at the Newser could be there, the speech would be offered in a notecard in the Bellisseria group.
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Hello everyone! Thank you for coming.
As many of you know, today is the beginning of a major holiday weekend in the US… Labor day… a day to recognize the contributions of everyday working people and their contributions to society. And I think most of you already know this, but a group of moles is referred to as a ‘labour’ of moles… so, it is quite appropriate since that is exactly what LDPW Moles do. While most of you are here to play, we are here to work; toiling away building things not for ourselves but for all of you.
It is something we have been doing since 2008. Creating everything from the roads that span across the mainland to games like Paleoquest and Linden Realms… and if you haven’t played those in a while I highly suggest trying them out again. Even though they are nearly 10 years old at this point they are still quite fun. And if you have payment info and have used it (and if you live in Bellisseria you are Premium or Premium plus, so you have) you can even get a few L$ for playing.
Then there are the season regions like Isle of View for Valentines… (say it out loud if you haven’t gotten that particular pun yet)... Winter Wonderland, and the Halloween Ride, which should be coming back in the not too distant future like it does every year. That one still impresses me. It too is a little long in the tooth, but it is still one of the best Halloween experiences in SL I have ever seen.
Then comes the big one… Bellisseria. What started out as a facelift for the old Linden Homes morphed into something huge. Because you all loved it and appreciated it soooooo much, it morphed into something so far beyond its original scope it boggles the mind. Over 3000 regions and counting, 12 themes and more on the way. Roads, bridges, railroads and waterways that connect most of the original continents with a new continent all its own… all built with you in mind by a huge team of people working hand in hand to make it happen and bring features and amenities for you all to enjoy as an individual and as a community. An area so huge that you can sail, fly or drive from practically one end of Second Life to the other. I’ve done it! The bad news is it will take you all day, but the good news is, it… will… take… you… ALL… DAY. ;D
We appreciate every thank you we get from all of you of course, but what really warms our hearts the most is when we see you using and enjoying it. As any of you who have built things know, nothing is as disheartening as when you build something or plan something and you put all of your heart and soul into it… and nobody comes… Or they come, look around, say “meh” and leave. Like when you give someone this handmade gift that you worked on for a whole year and they put it down and leave it untouched.
But that isn’t what you all have done. We see you living in the homes we built and placed with care. We watch as you sail by or drive your cars and trucks through the neighborhoods. That.. that right there is the biggest thank you we can receive, because we know you love and appreciate what we built and are using it every day as a part of your SL lives. Decorating your homes, having friends over, maybe driving to an airfield and flying across the grid.
Of course then you hit a bad crossing and everyone is like… “OMG! WHAT HAPPENED? DID I CRASH? WHO IS FLYING? JERRY? JERRY!?!?!!! OMG JERRY CRASHED!!! WE’RE GOING DOWN!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” and you crash into someone’s backyard in the ranch homes and their cow is staring are you. Jerry logs back in and you tp him there and it’s like “Um… Jerry? Where are your clothes?”
Yes, we complain about those things when they happen. Buggy region crossings… clothes not rendering… But years from now you’ll be with your friends and say, “Remember that time we crashed into that cow and Jerry lost all his clothes?” and one of them will say, “Yeah, that’s how we met Lexi.” and Lexi will say “That was my house and that cow was never the same after that. You still owe me a cow, Jerry.”
The point being, those things are what makes Second Life fun. It’s why we are here, to have those crazy fun experiences. But to have them you need a place for it to happen. And that is what we try to build for you. Not a place where we entertain you, but a place where you all can entertain yourselves and each other. And when we see you all doing just that, it is the most satisfying form of a thank you we can ever receive.
So on behalf of myself and the entire LDPW team I just want to end by saying…
It is our pleasure, and thank you.
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It was stated there would be a video of the event available later, but as of the writing of this, so far the Newser has not come across one.
Bixyl Shuftan