By Deaflegacy
While the presentation had not begun at the moment, Shyla (KriJon
Resident) said that she would put out a prim with the slides,
presentation text, and a list of resources. She
started it off with introducing herself as Shyla, a PWD. Shyla
explained what PWD stands for, which would be Person With Disabilities. She explained what we would do during the presentation. However, she
explained that some of the information in the presentation is
disheartening. She does encourage anyone who becomes uncomfortable at
any time to feel free to leave with no need to excuse themselves.
Shyla stated that September 11 is a solemn day for her as well as many
others. Although she was not in New York at the time of the bombing,
she knew some people in the towers who did not survive. For many weeks,
she did not know their fate because she worked with them and she did
not know their families.
She asked that
before we begin, we treat this presentation, and everyone involved, with
the respect and dignity that they deserve, "If
you do not feel you can do this, I ask that you leave now in respect to
the thousands who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and those who
loved and knew them. Thank you."
presentation began with Shyla explaining that the research could go in
several directions. She had tried to take what is a huge amount of
information and put it in a very brief of time, "It is incomplete, with huge gaps in information. Even what we touch on today is, inherently, incomplete." said Shyla.
we will discuss why this topic is important (I believe critical), to
both PWD and non-PWD. Then I will share a few of the stories of PWD
impacted on 9/11." Shyla said. "We will discuss the plans that were in
place, and in so doing, try to get a glimpse of the mindset at the time
by looking beyond 9/11 at other PWD experiences in emergency type
Shyla went on to explain that they will consider the effort to implement changes as it relates to PWD and emergency planning, "We
will see things that have not changed. PWD who are present may be very
aware of these things, and they are worth writing down in your
notecard." said Shyla. "Finally, I will close with some action remarks
about what each of us can do to help move things forward. This will be
especially targeted to PWD, and what PWD can do to ensure their safety
when plans do not. We will end with time dedicated to discussion and
questions and answers. I will also put out a memorial prim so that
people can take copies of this presentation, the slides and a list of
citations with links."
Shyla could not remember
much about PWD and 9/11. She was not disabled at the time. In 2001
Shyla was recovering from back surgery, but did not consider herself a person with disabilities, "Perhaps this is why I don't remember.
PWD were not part of my 'tribe.' Today, I have joined the PWD tribe, as
most all of us will at some point. Some sooner, some later. What I can
say about joining the PWD community is it wasn't easy for me. I was
prejudiced by societal views which have simply turned out to be untrue
in so many ways." said Shyla.
With the
presentation, Shyla began to look and found their stories difficult to
find. This presentation is the result of opening and closing hundreds of
web pages searching for them. Shyla found them on disability sites and
in US government reports. She clicked numerous links to archived pages
long ago moved or sites long ago abandoned. They were on main-stream media sites, where PWD were primarily un-named sub-characters to their abled-bodied heroes. For an example, 'Heroes saved the woman in the wheelchair.' Shyla found only one main-stream media story which consistently named the PWD saved. "But all the un-named references led to piecing together a puzzle to answer, 'Who were these other PWD?'" said Shyla
I share today is important because it is about our narrative, our
stories and how often we become 'objects' or 'things' without names.
Less than human." Shyla said. "When we are not human, there is less
need to plan for us, as we shall see. It is imperative this change for
PWD today and in the future. Why?"
Shyla talked
about how the natural disasters have been on the rise from 2000-2009,
it being three times more than from 1980-1989. Most were related to
weather, "As you listen to the stories of
PWD, please know there is a concept in emergency planning which asserts
that not all disasters are natural; most are the result of human error."
said Shyla. "Emergency planners are faced with determining how ready
they can be given budget and resource constraints. This leads,
inevitably, to decisions which value some lives more than others." Shyla
hopes to show that this planning limitation need not impact PWD as
greatly as it did in 2001, nor as it often still does today.
showed a slide of the World Trade Center Memorial and Towers in memory
to the approximate 200 PWD's who died on 9/11 whose stories could not be
found. "Of the close to 3,000 deaths related
to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, some 200 are estimated to be PWD."
said Shyla. "If 200 were PWD, I could only find two of their stories.
For the rest, the narratives are vague or broad and lack specificity.
But we know they perished. We know because we found their wheelchairs, or they were identified through forensic means as PWD."
know because of the stories of some able-bodied people who survived.
There are stories like the man who said his last image of the 80th floor
as he began his descent was of people in wheelchairs and with walkers
waiting to be rescued, "No emergency responder
made it as high as the 80th floor. Orio Palmer, a New York firefighter
who died that day, is thought to have reached the highest floor that
day. He reached Floor 78." said Shyla.
However, Shyla did find two stories of two wonderful people. The stories would be of Colleen Fraser and Ed Beyea. Colleen Fraser was on Flight 93 when it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, "Her
legacy is one of strong community commitment. She had been recently
appointed to Chair of the New Jersey Council on Developmental
Disabilities. She was flying to attend a work related workshop on 9/11.
Her life was spent working to get people with developmental
disabilities out of state run institutions and integrated back into
their communities. She played a significant role in altering the state
of New Jersey's attitude and service concepts toward the developmentally
disabled. She was a strong, vocal advocate of the ADA and present at
its first congressional hearing. She worked vigorously to improve
women's health-care." said Shyla. "I suspect, if she had been asked the
day before 9/11, she would have shared a plethora of goals and work she
had left to do. On 9/11, she was 51 when Flight 93 crashed."
Shyla went on to tell Ed Beyea's story, "The
mainstream media spoke of him mostly as 'the man in the wheelchair'. Ed
was 42 and became quadriplegic as the result of a diving accident when
he was in his early twenties. He mastered an oral joystick well enough
to land a job as a data entry clerk for Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield in
the World Trade Center." said Shyla. "On the day of the attack, as
many of his co-workers exited, his friend Abe Zelmanowitz stood by him
as Ed declined a stranger's help down the stairs. Ed was worried his
weight would make it difficult for untrained persons to transport him
without breaking any of his bones. Ed opted to stay and wait for help."
with him that day, as she usually was, was Ed's aide Irma Morant. The
three agreed Irma would head down the stairs and relay Ed's location to
an emergency responder so they could come help." Shyla continued. "Abe
stayed, refusing to leave Ed's side, as Irma headed downstairs. She did
locate firemen and relayed his location and advised he would need oxygen
due to the dusty conditions. Then Irma exited the towers to safety.
Meanwhile, at Ed's side, Abe spoke to loved ones over his cell phone.
They begged him to evacuate, but he would not leave Ed alone. Abe and Ed
had been friends for twelve years. They were sure help would come. It
never did. Both Ed and Abe died when the towers collapsed."
pointed out that there are more stories available about those who
survived. But even so, only one main media story repeatedly gave the
PWD's name, "That is the story of John Abruzzo.
John is sometimes referred to as 'a man in a wheelchair', but more
often his story provides his name, and those of one or more friends who
helped save his life. John survived the first World Trade Center
bombings in 1993. He remembers it took hours for him to evacuate the
towers that day, with the help of friends. Sometime after the 1993
bombings, an evacuation chair (evac-chair) was placed on John's floor.
Although reports vary, John's own words indicate neither he, nor his
friends, ever practiced using the chair, but he knew it was there." said
Shyla. "He is not sure how evac-chairs were distributed in the towers,
just that he had been provided one. On 9/11, he and his friends and
co-workers figured out how to strap John into the chair and began to
descend the stairs. Their stories reveal the evac-chair didn't always
fit easily through all the corridors. It was hard work. Still it was
better than in 1993. When they reached one of the lower floors, they
found a triage unit. Workers there told John's friends they could leave
John there. His friends refused. John was carried down the remaining
floors. What took hours in 1993 took only 90 minutes in 2001 with an
evac-chair. When they exited, John was placed in an ambulance and
whisked away. His friends were caught, minutes later, in the debris of a
falling tower. They ran for cover. Ed and his friends and helpers all

"Without an evac-chair, they would
not have been able to descend as fast and would have perished." Shyla
said. "Had John been left at the triage unit, he would not be with us
today either. All those at the triage unit died on 9/11 when the
buildings collapsed on them."
"There was the
woman in the wheelchair who was saved by Michael Benfante. Michael was
repeatedly named in articles and interviewed often on his own. But the
woman had a name and life too. Tina Hansen had juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis and used a lightweight wheelchair at work, just in case she
had to be evacuated. She, too, had been provided an evac-chair, but
forgot it was under her desk. Two co-workers, Michael and another
person, assisted Tina down the stairs that day, ensuring she survived."
said Shyla. "Tina participated in post-9/11 government assessments and
shared her employer, the Port Authority, did not practice fire or
emergency drills. The Port Authority is a government agency working
jointly for New Jersey and New York. They oversee transportation
services in the area of the Port of New York and New Jersey. Tina is
not sure why she forgot she had an evac-chair in some interviews, but in
one government report she cites the lack of drills as one reason she
may have forgotten it was there, right under her desk."
appears to have been very hesitant to seek public acknowledgment of her
experience on 9/11, one reason her story and name may have been missing
from main-stream media reports." said Shyla.
next slide as about two blind men who received media attention when
they survived. The media referred to them mostly just as 'a blind man'
or 'the blind man on the 68th floor'. "We shall
see later, these two men were not the only blind and low-vision PWD who
survived that day. But they are the two who receive broad media
attention after 9/11. Omar Eduardo Rivera was the blind man on the 68th
floor. When I looked for his picture online, I found it was often
confused with the other blind man in the media, who we shall hear about
next." Shyla said. "Omar did not think he could get down 68 flights of
stairs on his own. He released his guide dog, Dorado, so the dog could
survive. At first he heard Dorado running away, but then Dorado stopped
and returned. The dog nudged Omar's leg and refused to leave without
him. It was enough to encourage Omar to attempt the descent. Along the
way he met a co-worker who helped him make it down the stairs. Omar, his
service dog and the co-worker all survived.
other blind man was Michael Hingson. His story is very different in
one-way from those we have heard so far. Michael was on the 78th floor
of the Towers. In his case, his employer held regular fire and
emergency drills. He recalled this made him feel empowered and prepared
for an emergency. When the decision was made to evacuate, Michael and
his dog, Roselle, knew what to do and how to do it. He credits this as
life-saving information." said Shyla.
thing Shyla didn't expect was the stories of PWD impacted by 9/11 who
were not in New York, not in Washington DC and not on one of the
hijacked planes, "Their stories are important
too, for they remind us that what happens one place can have a huge
impact much further away." said Shyla. "Take Brian Cortez. Brian had
been fighting for a heart transplant. He was rejected as a viable
candidate because he was deaf and disabled. His family, friends and
even teachers fought to get Brian on the transplant list, and finally
the decision was overturned and he was put in queue for a transplant."
after the attacks on the twin towers, but before the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) began to allow planes to fly in the states again, a
heart match was found for Brian. The heart was in Anchorage, Alaska,
but Brian was in Seattle, Washington. With planes grounded, there was no
way to get Brian the heart he desperately needed. Brian was running out
of time." said Shyla. "After intense negotiations, the FAA authorized a
small plane to fly the heart into Seattle. Brian received the
transplant and survived. Let me add, nothing about Brian's condition
prevented him from understanding or following care instructions."
Shyla started talking about the plan in place, "This slide has strong words, PWD words -- strong, honest and to the point...” said Shyla, "The
first are from Dave Hinsburger, who writes a PWD blog in Canada which
has received numerous awards. He writes: It's just outside my door. The
gathering place. The place where those of us with disabilities are to go
in a crisis. Should there be a fire, an earthquake, a disaster of any
kind, it is where we who move differently, who move mechanically, who
move assisted are to wait. I have been aware of this place, and places
like it, for my entire existence as a person with a disability. On
moving in to my apartment, a high rise, I'm told about it as I sign the
lease. I'm smiled at. People are pleased that there is a plan."
want me to be grateful for the plan. Grateful that I have been thought
about. But I haven't." Shyla continued. "9/11 taught me that.”
Shyla talked about a blog called Reunify Gallery. They
write: "The plans others make for us (meaning PWD) are usually not
going to be as good as the plans we make for ourselves–especially if you
are a person with a disability.”
“After the
1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, there was agreement a plan was
needed for PWD, but the effort was fragmented at best. The final plan,
of which I could not find documentation, was in part poorly communicated
and in part lethal. This is not an opinion, it is well documented in
government reports as well as the events and narratives available from
2001. Somewhere between 1993 and 2001, much of the effort to include
PWD in emergency planning for the World Trade Centers lost traction.
Not just from within the government, but from within the PWD community
as well. For example, although there were evac-chairs in the towers in
2001, I could not figure out who purchased them or when. Some
information suggests each tenant made an independent decision about
whether to purchase such chairs for the floors they occupied. Other
documents suggest evac-chairs were purchased by building management for
all floors."
Shyla went on to explain that Ed
Bayea's employer Empire Blue Cross/Blue shield insists they purchased an
evac-chair in 2000, a year before the 9/11 attacks. But, Irma Morant,
Ed's aide, insists there was no chair, and even if there was, she
believed only the fire department was trained to use such equipment. "In
contrast, John Abrezzo and his friends used an evac-chair with no
training and without concern about "who" was authorized to use such
equipment. Even today, whether evac-chairs are for lay people or
emergency responders creates debate. So it is not clear whether
evac-chairs were part of a "plan" by building management or were
provided as part of individual tenant plans."
said that the same is true for fire and emergency drills. Michael
Hingson's story is one of preparedness through his employer's conducting
of such drills, "I found no evidence that any
other PWD participated in such drills, except one, The Associated
Blind, whose story I found in a government report, not media reports.
The Associated Blind not only conducted fire and emergency drills for
their mostly vision impaired staff, but they coordinated with building
management and the New York Fire Department. On 9/11, all of The
Associated Blind's 9th Floor employees successfully evacuated the Twin
Towers." said Shyla. "Reports indicate their employees were calm, much
like Michael Hingson. This is credited to the drills these employers
"In 2001, however, the primary plan
appeared to be that PWD were to make their way to a designated gathering
place and wait for help. All PWD who followed these instructions
perished when the towers collapsed on 9/11. If there are thoughts that
9/11 was such an extreme event, and that a gathering place works better
in other situations, consider these stories." said Shyla. "(Sadly, most
of these narratives provided no names, though many are a part of
government reports.) A government report cited the experience of a
woman in a wheelchair with severe rheumatoid arthritis. While at work, a
bomb threat was received and she was told to stay put and help would
arrive. The woman waited. After some period
of time and out of sheer fear, she self-ambulated herself out of the
building. No one had been tasked to help her or seemed aware she was in
the building."
Shyla went on to explain that
another PWD reported their workplace lost electricity and lights. The
PWD felt they could ambulate down the stairs but asked if someone could
take their wheelchair. "Citing liability concerns, the request was
denied and the PWD was told to wait and someone would come to assist."
said Shyla. "After two hours under emergency lights, the electricity
was restored. No one ever came."
Shyla had
found numerous stories like this, some with more disturbing outcomes.
She believes that gathering places are not really an answer -- they
simply allow those creating emergency plans to feel they have included
PWD. "Gathering places pass the buck to an
unknown entity to be responsible for saving PWD, and often that unknown
entity is not informed of this expectation. But there are several
take-aways form PWD stories of 9/11. Some very good ones. The first is
drills work."
"PWD on 9/11 who participated in
drills that led them not to gathering places, but rather to fully exit
the buildings, survived. Beyond this, PWD who participated in drills
reported being calm, feeling self-sufficient and confident of their
ability and what they needed to do. But we know of only two employers
who held such drills. If we move beyond 9/11, we hear other stories of
grave concern surrounding drills."
"PWD still
report emergency plans and drills which ask them to engage in actions
they cannot perform. For example, some PWD cannot walk, crawl under a
desk, stop, drop and roll, or use stairs instead of elevators. Paul
Ray, a quadriplegic, reported when he worked for Ford Motor Company in
Dearborn, MI, he participated in his first emergency drill 18 months
after being hired."
"Working on the third
floor, and being unable to use stairs, Paul went to the elevators. The
volunteers redirecting people to the stairs were surprised to see him,
had no plan for him and were not sure what to do. Paul also said he had
never seen an evacuation plan prior to that drill."
social worker in New York City who uses forearm crutches to ambulate
was in a high rise visiting a client when they had a drill. The plan did
not include PWD, so they asked her to simply not participate in the
"A PWD in Oklahoma reported there was a
fire in their building and there was no plan for their evacuation.
Afterwards they requested the employer include them in the plan, but the
employer refused to update it. It is against ADA requirements to not
include PWD in evacuation and emergency planning. Sadly, however, this
is rarely enforced for various reasons, not the least of which is many
PWD never file complaints in this regard."
2005 National Council on Disability briefing found PWD do NOT make
formal complaints about discrimination in emergency or disaster
planning. They also found the impact to PWD in emergencies is far
greater than the number of complaints reflect. From personal experience,
I have had employers who do not update plans because they do not know
how to effectively provide for the safety of their employees, PWD or
not. This is also not considered 'reasonable' under the law and does NOT
protect employers from liability."
Our second
valuable lesson surrounds communication. The National Council on
Disability has worked diligently since 2005 to increase the availability
of PWD emergency planning communication on all levels. PWD, employers,
community based organizations, emergency planners and responders,
government organizations, etc., all have more information available than
ever before. On the other hand, the NCD has recommended government
sites provide PWD communications in a variety of formats other than
.pdf, including audio. For the most part all reports and planning
information I researched is still only available in .pdf on government
websites. Worse, some appear as in this blue box. A .pdf image which is
scanned improperly. In this case, both selections have the world
'disabled' in them. But as you can see, what they are attempting to
communicate is illegible. Communication progress has been made at
Disaster Recovery Centers. All are now supposed to include a sign
language interpreter on-site or via remote video. They are also supposed
to have caption amplified phones, amplified personal listeners and
emergency information available in braille or audio. This highlights
another issue during the events of 9/11. Live closed caption services
suffered due to the stress of the situation and long hours of coverage.
The result was many deaf people across the country had to unscramble
words, sometimes key words, to properly interpret information."
stations showed images of the towers on fire or collapsing without any
closed captioning. Imagine seeing these events live with no explanation
of what is happening. On the opposite end, some stations had text, but
no audio, leaving low-vision and blind people unaware of the events if
they were tuned to such a station. Although New York had a reverse-911
telephone system which could call 1000's of person with emergency
information, even TTY, it was not used. I found no explanation as to
why, and the various reasons some things were done or not done are too
numerous to hazard a guess. Most importantly, as long as PWD are not
integrated into drills and communication efforts, such events are likely
to reoccur."
"Finally, I read hundreds of
pages of reports on emergency planning for PWD and other at risk
communities, such as children and the elderly. The good news is the PWD
community is being engaged more and changes are being made. Sadly, there
is more discussion than action. This is often true, and PWD are no
exception. The result, however, is it has been 15 years since 9/11, and
still many PWD are told to wait for help. To go to the gathering place.
There is much PWD can do to change this."
must ask to see the plans that are in place in their own communities,
work places, rentals and ensure they have a plan of their own for their
residence. PWD must identify deficiencies, assist in resolution and
report when such requests are ignored or denied. Many PWD in the twin
towers changed things after the 1993 bombings. Tina Hansen got a
lightweight wheelchair which she always took to work."
caused many PWD to change even more…Many considered their place of
residence and determined how they would escape without assistance in
case of an emergency. Some established plans with friends, neighbors and
co-workers. And for some, these worked on 9/11. Some decided it was not
worth being polite in an emergency. They decided they would yell,
scream, make whatever ruckus necessary to ensure their survival. Some
became advocates of planning, working hard to ensure plans included
their particular needs in realistic ways.
Ultimately, there is
a societal and legal responsibility to include PWD in emergency
planning and resources to help make this happen. Sadly, these resources
vary from location to location, so I cannot list them all here. But you
can Google them. If you can't find them, reach further and ask, Ask ASK
for them!"
"I'd like to open this up to
discussion, but before I do, I will say again, finding these stories was
not easy. They weren't there front and center. I will guess you have
all had some thoughts today, some memories or identification of some
sort. I challenge all of you today to write to write about it a bit.
This is your story, your narrative, and your VOICE matters. Then look
for one person you can share it with. Just one person will be one more
that has heard your story than before. If all PWD did this today,
millions would hear our stories who had never heard them before."
opening to discussion and question and answers, I ask again that the
guidelines presented at the beginning of this presentation be kept in
mind. Questions are welcome – there was much information I could not
include in this time allotted. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
The goal is to promote thought – therefore there is no need to debate.
We can consider our position on various thoughts independently while
maintaining a supportive environment. Let us be respectful of the memory
of those lost on 9/11, as well as the many people alive today, some
possibly here, who knew them. Let us be respectful of each other."
Before Shyla started the discussion, she asked if we have someone who can type of someone who voices. Vulcan Viper and Zip Zlatkis stated that they could try. Then Shyla started the discussion and Q&A. It was then agreed that Zip Zlatkis would type of someone who voices.
The audience agreed that Shyla did a great job of doing the presentation. They thanked Shyla for the presentation.
Gentle Heron spoke up about her personal story to share, "I
have a personal story to share. Not as exciting as what you have shared
Shyla. You did an amazing amount of research! My story explains why
this topic is so important to me. Many years ago, when I was still able
to be employed and walked slowly on crutches, I worked on the top floor
of a building." said Gentle Heron. What I was supposed to do in
emergencies was exactly as Shyla stated—wait in a “safe area” at the top
of the stair tower. When I knew it was a drill, I waited…and nobody
EVER came (or waited with me). One time, it was not a drill. There was a
fire in a floor below ours. We could smell the smoke on our floor. I
decided not to wait, but when nobody else came down the stairwell from
my floor, I bumped down the stairs on my butt to the next floor, where I
waited until nobody else was coming out of THAT floor.
I did
finally get to the bottom…without my crutches. I sat on the bottom step
and waited to see if anyone would come to help me. I was discovered
still sitting on that step when the fire had been put out and everyone
was returning to the building. From that time on, I have been a big
advocate of personal and institutional preparedness."
Shyla thanked Gentle Heron for sharing her story with the audience, "And Do1 Thing was a great program in this regard." she spoke.

seen one thing one time." said Lukey Woodget. "It was an invention. It
was a tube made from material. At intervals there was elastic." Vulcan Viper thinks he's seen the same thing in The Netherlands. Lukey continued to explain that it slows us down, "It
could be deployed at any height and you just jump in it and slide right
down the building. It was quite safe." Lukey doesn't know what happened to the idea.
(sister.abeyante) appreciated this quote (from the Reunify Gallery
blog): "The plans others make for us are usually not going to be as good
as the plans we make for ourselves..." (Reunify Gallery)
Self-responsibility is empowering in itself. Whether we do that in the
moment (i.e. deciding, when our service animal encourages us, to make an
attempt) or in preparation (our own or with others).... it is up to us.
Self-preparation, self-drills, self-planning-really, this is a clear
call for leadership...OUR terms of both organizational
and personal preparedness." Shyla thanked Sister.
Gentle Heron came up with links for evac chairs: and escape chutes: She explained those links are commercial sites "I
have absolutely no faith in the govt or anyone else helping me in an
emergency. I think it's a good idea to try to have your own plan to help
yourself. There's probably a lot of Survivalist type websites with some
ideas." said Ruby Vandyke.
"I have encountered
the response "it's too expensive to provide that" when I have asked
about plans or modifications." said Sister.
"Sister, it is required by ADA, and you can file a complaint if emergency plans are not updated to include PWD." said Shyla.
and I think one of the blind men who escaped the Towers on 9/11 spoke
at one of the Helen Keller sessions here in Second Life." said Gentle Heron.
"Likely Michael Hingson." Zip Zlatkis typed.
"And Gentle, that was likely Michael Hingson, who speaks professionally now about his experience." said Shyla.
"Yes I think so...” said Gentle Heron.
Lukey Woodget agreed, saying, "Yes I think that was it the Escape chute."
Sister (sister.abeyante) nods, but is aware of the expense of filing an ADA complaint (time and attorney fees), too.
Heron had a question: "This session is good awareness and the info
needs to be shared with everybody we know...but what else can VAI do to
help each of us individually prepare?"
"Maybe brainstorm sessions? For specific situations?" said Jadyn Firehawk. "People bring their specific situation."
"Shyla, I think there are a lot or resources on the notecard." Zip Zlatkis typed.
"And everybody brainstorm." said Jadyn Firehawk.
another thing to think about is there are a huge number of resources
and links on the notecard Shyla, I did find in many of them there were
things I could do even if no one else did." Zip Zlatkis typed.
Sister (sister.abeyante) noded, "That's the self-responsibility piece-so important." said Sister.
Lane had a question, which was "what about plans for those who are
chronically ill and could not manage at traditional emergency shelters?"
Shyla asked Doc Neuro Cyants (ecoli.gynoid) if she can post his notecard, and Doc Neuro Cyants said yes.
Zlatkis continued to type for Shyla, "Shyla responds to Rielyn. There
were many reports in shelters that PWD were turned away because they
were seen as drunk instead of disabled. There are many reports...there
are organizations working on memorandums of understanding for
information to the shelters where this takes us, we have yet to see."
spoke for Doc Neuro Cyants, "This has been extremely insightful. So
well researched and exposed me to many issues I simply have not thought
about. I should add, that I just spoke to my daughter, who is a
designer for commercial interiors. Luckily, I actually recorded this,
so she is going to listen to it and then share with her team of
designers. Thank you so much. doc"
Gentle Heron said it was a wonderful dissemination. Shyla said it is wonderful.
Vulcan Viper wanted to know if Doc Neuro Cyants recorded the event and added that it's the part of what AIM is about. Zip
Zlatkis typed, "This idea that the mainstream media often refers to PWD
as sub characters. Any media outlet needs to get an actual name for
"the blind man on the 68 floor", this humanizes us. I love John's story
because he shares story everywhere. He is a special friendship and a
commrad eand makes him human."
Zip Zlatkis then typed, asking if there is anything else to share.
Vulcan Viper shared his notes with Shyla.
if your state has a FAST (Functional Assessment Service Team) program. I
know CA and WI do. The team is trained to help "people with access and
functional needs" during emergencies and disasters." said Gentle Heron.
Zip Zlatkis typed, "It was not just disability things that were not legible."
"A legible one, I hope!" said Vulcan Viper.
Before ending the presentation, Zip Zlatkis typed, asking if there is anything else. When there was none, Shyla showed the next slide, which shows the resources that she used for the presentation. She also said that she is also putting out these towers which includes this script as well as a notecard with these citations.
"Thank you for letting me share this today." said Shyla, before ending the presentation.
"That is the 9/11 Memorial - Always Remember, Never Forget." said Shyla.
I sat back in real life as people started to leave the place one by
one, I am deep in thoughts especially by what Shyla had said throughout
the entire presentation. We have been scarred ever since this tragic day. The best we can do is make things better for PWDs. In doing that, we would be making a step forward for a better and safe future for every one of PWD. For that, I thank Shyla.