Friday, August 17, 2018
Woodstock Then and Now
By Gemma Cleanslate
Peace Not War..... Arms are for Embracing.....Free Love.... and the Beatles!! This is what I found when I went over to check out the setting for FrannyDJ Dean’s Tribute to Woodstock! Everything is set for this weekend music festival in memory of the original Woodstock actually held in Bethal NY on the Yasgur Dairy Farm.
The old barn is there too. Psychedelic art is in place along with porto potties and a shower. Some are already there practicing and I joined a guitar lead on the stage for fun! It has not rained yet but there is a pond in front of the stage.
“ Richie Havens. Minstrel From Gault. High Flyin' Bird. ...
Sweetwater. Motherless Child. Look Out. ...
Bert Sommer. Jennifer. The Road To Travel. ...
Tim Hardin. Misty Roses. ...
Ravi Shankar. Raga Puriya-Dhanashri / Gat In Sawarital. ...
Melanie. Beautiful People. ...
Arlo Guthrie. Coming Into Los Angeles. ...
Joan Baez. Joe Hill.”
and so many more were in the original lineup.! Not sure of this lineup but I know it will be great!
My friend , Bayou Diesel sent me a heads up that he is putting out on Facebook and notecard,
”Coming this Saturday, August 18, 2018 is Woodstock '69 Tribute, brought to you by FrannyDJ Dean, who does the Mardi Gras parade sim and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade sim too. The Woodstock '69 Tribute tribute will run for three days of Peace and Love and Music , circa 1969 and then will become Woodstock Summerfest 2018, an updated 21st century event. and will run run through Labor Day Sept 3, 2018“
Frannie dj says, “Ever wonder what it was like to be a hippy back in the day? Here's your chance! Join us on Aug 18th 19th and 20th for a groovy time at our 3 day tribute to Woodstock '69
Then starting on the 21st we travel into the future for our Woodstock Music & Country Fair 2018 Summerfest. Woodsock as it might be today in the present modern music and bands (smile) Don’t miss this FAR OUT event !!! “
The second part of this fun will be at another site .
Frannydj is still looking for dj’s for the three day event so contact her if you are interested! As you can see this event site will be open until Labor Day. Lots of history here.
Gemma Cleanslate
Frannydj Dean,
Gemma Cleanslate,
Second Life,
Monday, August 13, 2018
Caledon Llyr Holds Closing Party
By Bixyl Shuftan
Caledon is a community and place familiar to many longtime residents, especially fans of steampunk. The place has a number of sims, over two dozen. But the land area used to be much larger. Much like Second Life in general it has gotten smaller over the years. Earlier this year, the Middlesea sim was closed down. While I heard whispers last week that another sim would be next, I didn't get a name until Saturday: Caledon Llyr. Located on the eastern edge of the estates, it was mainly a large island with a smaller island in the southwest corner and a ship off it's northern coast, water separating it from the adjacent three sims.
It turned out that the sim wouldn't exactly be vanishing but replaced. "It will be renamed, and have a new owner." I would be told later. But it still meant the old land would soon be fading away, "The sim is staying but the name is changing."
The place was permanently at Midnight, and had a spooky air to it with it's misty woods with wolf howls. Where there wasn't woods, there was often tall rocky mountains. The sim had the following description: A wild and magical land on the western border of Caledon; an explorer's last stop before sailing off into the sunset and the open sea, and (if the rumours are true) home to the infamous Black Moon Marauders. Sightings of fae are not uncommon here.
On the night of Saturday August 11, I was told by Cynthia Farshore that Caledon was having a farewell event for Caledon Llyr. But as it turned out, the sim was at full capacity when I got there, so I could only observe from a distance.
I could zoom in and take a few pictures, though. So I did.
Later on, Cynthia would message me that a few people had left. So I tried again.
And this time I would make it over finally.
There were quite a variety of avatars present at the final salute to the sim.
Andrea Jones was there, sporting her firey avatar from the Burnstock.
Desmon Shang, Caledon's leader or "Guvnah" was also present.
People were of course sad that the place would soon be gone, but took it in stride, one saying, "All good things come to an end. Maybe a good thing will spring up somewhere else." Tao Mistwalker whom was involved with the sim, responded, "Balance is always maintained. And sometimes things have to come to an end so that they can truly begin."
Jan Stroikavskoi spoke, "My way of saying I'm sad too. Llyr has been my second home since it first started up and it has always offered shelter to those passing through. Sig and I were married here too. ... it doesn't matter who has more.. it's the effect a place leaves us with."
In one of the adjacent sims, a building's owner would hang up a sign in support.
Conversation turned back and forth from jokes, to shopping, to attempts at pirate tales, to the sim being replaced by a new land, "From Des's point of view, it's stayin'. From ours, it's disappearin' and bein' replaced by a new sim." "The new owner will probably e making changes, though. Ya think?" "Well as I said when I first heard about it, everything eventually's a hard truth."
Eventually, more and more would start to leave. Tao would say, "Llyr has become an incredibly special place over the years. But as I said, that's because of all of you."
And so, Caledon had bade farewell to one of it's lands. Though as the space itself would not be going away, perhaps something special would arise in it's place.
Bixyl Shuftan
Caledon Llyr,
changing hands,
Second Life,
sim closing,
the end
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Gallery Graine's Closing Party
By Bixyl Shuftan
On Sunday August 5 at 1PM, the Gallery Graine in the Blue Curacao sim held it's last event. In July, it's owner Graine MacBain announced she would be closing closing down the sim and the gallery due to pressures and developments in real life and Second Life, which she explained in a reader submission to the Newser. Anibrm Jung, whose nature photography was being featured there, announced the event.

Cynthia Maine, who DJed for the event, had "Twilight" as the final song. Graine thanked the people for dropping by, "Thanks to all for coming to this last closing event at Gallery Graine. ... Feel free to look around ... Feel free to explore, this will still be here for another day." Anibrm still had until the following morning to collect her artwork.
Graine had to depart once the event was done, "I hate to seem rude but I must run to real-life. ... Thanks once more and be well!" Anibrm thanked her for the use of the place to show off her photography, "Thank you for being so nice all the time ... thank you for your kindness!" When I asked Anibrm if she had another project she wanted to mention, she answered, "Not yet, but I will let you know of course!"
And so, the Gallery Graine's last hurrah was basically over, with the remainder of the day left for anyone who wanted to to drop by to give it a final look.
Bixyl Shuftan
Anibrm Jung,
Blue Curacao,
Gallery Graine,
Graine Macbain,
Second Life,
Thursday, August 2, 2018
The Relay Wrap-Up
Transcript provided in announcement by Sandy Loxingly
Pictures from Gemma Cleanslate and Bixyl Shuftan

[2018/07/29 10:04] Stingray (stingray9798.raymaker): Sandie - just paste - (Sting Ad Libs)
[2018/07/29 10:04] Stingray (stingray9798.raymaker): hahah
[2018/07/29 10:04] Rowena Dubrovna: No no no!
[2018/07/29 10:04] Rowena Dubrovna: I want to know what he says!
[2018/07/29 10:04] Rowena Dubrovna: Don't leave me out
[2018/07/29 10:04] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): it will be Sting- blah, blah, blah
[2018/07/29 10:05] Rowena Dubrovna: Cuddly can help you Sandie! *ropes Cuddly*
[2018/07/29 10:05] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Don't worry Row
[2018/07/29 10:07] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Welcome everyone to the 2018 Relay For Life of Second Life Wrap-Up Ceremony. Thank you go Kiran Sporg, of FlyGearZ for helping us dance in a United fashion! So fitting for this year’s theme, isn’t it?

[2018/07/29 10:08] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Some of the amazing results of your Relay efforts that I personally saw this year have me already excited about what will happen over the next few years for all of us.

[2018/07/29 10:09] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Some of the more noticeable changes this year were the Kickoff date and a shorter season. And we may not be finished testing out options with when the season runs and how long it should be. We started over with a new fundraising tool system that is going to grow over time, but the biggest benefit in year 1 is going to happen tomorrow when we push the RESET button on them. None of your tools will poof. You won’t have to get a new offseason kiosk and replace it. Instead, your tools will simply change to ‘offseason mode’ and your totals will reset to L$0.
[2018/07/29 10:10] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Speaking of resetting things - - We reset the Fundraising Club guidelines to create an opportunity for more teams to earn their status. We tested several campsite and layout options, including Turnkey sites, sideways sites; we gave teams more say in where their site was set along the track; we tried to accommodate special requests, and we spread out a little more than in the past. More people were involved in the execution of the season and the event than ever before, thanks to the new ‘task list’ approach to volunteering! And I know we have some tweaks to make and there are plenty of ideas in the feedback form that we’re going to explore. But looking at the big picture, I hope you’ll all agree that this giant ship that is Relay For Life of Second heading in the right direction!
[2018/07/29 10:11] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): What direction is that, you ask? Well for starters, I saw so many people set aside their own personal agendas to help each other and to have a good experience. I saw teams supporting one another instead of competing with one another.
I saw many teams plan events and activities for their respective communities outside the Relay group, which is absolutely necessary in order for us to grow.

[2018/07/29 10:12] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): We set out this year to be one Relay For Life with many moving parts. Each of those parts would reach out to different areas of Second Life to bring the grid together for a unified cause. And we all understand the importance of our mission - of making sure that the American Cancer Society services are available to residents of Second Life - IN Second Life, and to invest in the lifesaving research projects that are funded by the American Cancer Society, and to support our global partnerships - where for the first time in our history - through the Fantasy Faire - we were able to personally direct $50,000 of our fundraising dollars to a specific project, the Kenyatta Hope Hostel, where cancer patients can’t get treatment simply because they live too far from the only hospital available, and they don’t have paved roads or a vehicle to get there.
[2018/07/29 10:13] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Imagine you have been diagnosed with cancer and the closest place to get treatmetn is 100 miles away and you would have to wlak to get there
[2018/07/29 10:14] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): so ACS is partnering with the Kenyatta Hostel so these people can get treatments they need closer to home
[2018/07/29 10:14] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): I saw Trager Alter - - who has never been involved with Relay For Life of Second Life before - - take it upon himself to start his own Relay Refresh blog b/c he was so inspired by the stories he was hearing and the vision for where we are going - that he wanted to do something that showcased as many of your own personal stories in his own way. This was not a task that was created and assigned to him - this was his original idea that he wanted to do and when he asked if he could, we said - you don’t have to ask for permission to share the amazing stories of our RElayers!

[2018/07/29 10:15] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting's "poem" of how the season went... he's the authro
[2018/07/29 10:16] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): author*... (pre-recorded)
[2018/07/29 10:18] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): Our core values guided us with support
[2018/07/29 10:18] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): The memories we made will forever last
[2018/07/29 10:18] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): We are one team of many
[2018/07/29 10:18] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): We will wint his battle
[2018/07/29 10:19] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): nothing scares cancer like our Relay For Life
[2018/07/29 10:19] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Giant Snail Races start with Ready.Set.GO
Feed your Soul Find A Cure hosts a Fashion Show
Jewell Theater dedicates their performance of SNOW
Too Tough To Die does country with a HO - - - Down
[2018/07/29 10:19] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Down by the River..of Life - dunking DJs is great
Inspired Dreamwalkers DJs ...7 hours straight
Bobby McKey’s Angels start with Kiss Cancer Goodbye
While the Cure Masters auctions make their totals go high
[2018/07/29 10:19] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Relay Rockers brings back RelayStock
Havok Entertainment’s concert features classic rock
Cure Chasers prefer their music Live
Team 427 has a championship drive
Game of Thrones says, “costume, when you arrive”
[2018/07/29 10:19] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Honoring Hope rewards the photographer with the best
Team OD delivers a shocking Shred Fest
Bid Me Bald events never take a rest
Buckin’ Cancer’s concert rocks Key West
Relay for Christ does Trivia - - not a test
[2018/07/29 10:20] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Goreans never stop
Cheerleaders love 80’s pop
Team Shadow likes to Relay hard
Skill Gaming earns the top fundraising Award
Burners Without Borders does a movie night
Ritz New York’s gown is outta sight
Heroes Helping Heroes plays games, alright
But, Friends for a Cure, your tutus are a little tight
Our mega events extend our fundraising reach
[2018/07/29 10:20] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sail For Life & Coast Guard get a view of the beach
Circle of Life is dressed UP for the ball
While Harmony of Hope dresses DOWN for the Crawl
Fighting Sunflowers brings storytime to their audio stream
And Mieville Steampunks party to a weekly theme
[2018/07/29 10:20] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): The Sunbeamers are planning an air show and a rave
Can someone get Aether Chrononauts to behave?
Team Live Wire sets up the Relay Store
Holy cow! $4500 is the final score,
From a single event by Unmasking A Cure
Our core values guided us along the way
With support for each other, every day
Our fundraising goal was met, then passed
The memories we made will forever last.
[2018/07/29 10:20] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): United, We Relay, we truly became
But we’re one team of many, our mission, the same
We will win this battle, after years of strife
Because nothing scares cancer like Relay For Life!
[2018/07/29 10:21] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Annika Braveheart now reads the Bronze award level fundraising teams
[2018/07/29 10:21] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL BRONZE TEAMS !!
[2018/07/29 10:21] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL SILVER TEAMS !!
[2018/07/29 10:21] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Annika Braveheart reads names of Silver Fundrsaising teams
[2018/07/29 10:22] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL GOLD TEAMS !!
[2018/07/29 10:22] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Annika Braveheart reads the names of the Gold Fundraising teams
[2018/07/29 10:22] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Annika Braveheart reads Platinum Fundraising teams
[2018/07/29 10:23] Kaiila Mahoney: Good Job Jewel Thheater!!
[2018/07/29 10:23] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Annika Braveheart reads Jade Fundrsaising teams
[2018/07/29 10:23] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL PLATINUM TEAMS !!
[2018/07/29 10:23] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Annika reads Sapphire fundraising tema
[2018/07/29 10:23] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL JADE TEAMS !
[2018/07/29 10:23] Gemma Cleanslate: nice
[2018/07/29 10:23] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Ruby fundraisign teams
[2018/07/29 10:23] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL SAPPHIRE FUNDRAISING TEAMS !!
[2018/07/29 10:23] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Purple fundraising teams
[2018/07/29 10:23] Kaiila Mahoney: Yea Goreans!!!!!!
[2018/07/29 10:23] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Thank you to all the teams for their hard work
[2018/07/29 10:23] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Trader:
[2018/07/29 10:24] Nuala Maracas: CONGRATS TO ALL PURPLE TEAMS !!
[2018/07/29 10:24] Kaiila Mahoney: God job everyone.. all teams
[2018/07/29 10:24] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Trader: Relay For Life is the signature fundraising event for the American Cancer Society, and the funds you raised this season will be used to continue offering support, information, and education services right here in Second Life. Because the fundraising element of Relay For Life is crucial to our ability to continue our mission, to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer, the next four awards are designed to celebrate our top performers in the fundraising category.
[2018/07/29 10:24] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Here to present our Fundraising Awards are two of our 2018 sponsors. Our wrap-Up Celebration sponsor, Kira Paderborn of Entice, and one of our Premier Sponsors, from Sol Existence, Sunshine Zangshun.
[2018/07/29 10:25] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Kira - Top Website Fundraiser individuals
[2018/07/29 10:25] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Our event website offers each member of your team the opportunity to register, send emails, and set up a facebook fundraiser to collect donations. This year, participants had the ability to download the American Cancer Society FUNdraising app to also collect and process check donations and to send text messages to fundraise. With so many options to fundraise outside of Second Life through our website, it’s no surprise that our Top 3 Website Fundraising Individuals all surpassed $1,000, each.
[2018/07/29 10:25] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): In 3rd place, raising $1,250 usd - - Samm Scrabblebat
In 2nd place, raising $1,635 usd - - Gem Sunkiller
And our 2018 Top Website Fundraising Individual, who raised $2,070 usd, is Melina Firehawk!!
[2018/07/29 10:26] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Kira: Top Website Fundraising Teams - Now, when each individual on a team raises money on the website, on Facebook, or through the app - - all of their individual donations are included in their Team’s website total. If you have members of your team, your community, or your group who didn’t register on the website, but still want to help fundraise that way, they can share a link to your team page with everyone they that any donation made on your team page is also counted toward our next award, the Top Website Fundraising Team!
[2018/07/29 10:26] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Finishing in 3rd place, raising $2,070, is Heroes Helping Heroes
In 2nd place, raising $2,260.55, is Team Shadow
And with $2,375, our 2018 Top Website Fundraising Team is the Relay Rockers.
[2018/07/29 10:27] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sunshine: Top In-world (Linden) Fundraising teams - This next fundraising award focuses on team fundraising performance, inside Second Life. I’m sure that everyone watches the hover text on their fundraising tools, cheering on their team Linden totals. Linden fundraising makes up the majority of our event’s revenue, and the award is based on how many lindens your team raised between kickoff and Relay weekend. This season, 62 teams hit the 25,000 Linden mark. All of our teams raised over 24 Million Lindens, combined. Please join me in celebrating our top 3 Linden Fundraising Teams:
[2018/07/29 10:28] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): With L$1,346,920, 3rd place goes to the Relay Rockers
With L$1,603,563, 2nd place goes to the Goreans in Relay For Life
And our top Linden fundraising team had a unique fundraising strategy that paid off, big time. They are a first-year team who raised all of their lindens from within their own community by rewarding their customers for donating to their team. The result was an astounding L$6,475,533. Let’s all congratulate our 2018 Top Linden Fundraising Team, Skill Gaming!
[2018/07/29 10:29] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Top Overall Fundraising Teams - And of course, after we recognize each of the individual fundraising total categories, we must now add everything up - - the website plus the lindens and the find out who are our 2018 Top Overall Fundraising Teams.
[2018/07/29 10:30] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): With a grand total of $6,517 - our 3rd place team is the Goreans in Relay For Life
Coming in at $7,756 - our 2nd place team is the Relay Rockers
And our Top Overall Fundraising Team, turning in $25,804 - is the rookie sensation - - - Skill Gaming!
[2018/07/29 10:30] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Way to go all of you out there!!
[2018/07/29 10:31] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Nuala: Now we turn our attention to awards that show appreciation and recognition for volunteerism, actions, enthusiasm, and for contributions that have an affect on the overall atmosphere of the Relay season and the event.
[2018/07/29 10:32] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): The first group of people that we should all celebrate are those who volunteered to help execute all of the various tasks that are necessary to pulling off the largest fundraising event in Second Life. This year, the Relay was put in the capable hands of so many volunteers from so many teams and communities - and it was so refreshing to see how proud each and every one of you were for being able to do your individual part. Our tasks involved communication, organization, management of information, building, designing, coordinating, communicating, and more. And in order to show our appreciation to those of you who signed up and fulfilled a task this year, we are so happy to present to you a new award - - the Taskie!! We’ll be delivering those to you, individually, during the course of the week...but we did want to recognize and celebrate you at this time, too.
[2018/07/29 10:32] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Another type of person who contributes to the success of the season or the event...but are not on the task list...or are not on a team...or may not consider themselves “a Relayer,” in the traditional sense...but - - their contribution to the story of Relay For Life of Second Life has shown to be critical...and appreciated. These are people who are “outside” of our Relay, but are hugely important to our Relay.
[2018/07/29 10:33] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: A community champion goes out of their way to do good things for his or her community. This is a person who dedicates a large portion of their time serving others, selflessly and generously. Today, we are honored to present three individuals with this award, as way of showing how much we appreciate the impact that they have had on us.
[2018/07/29 10:34] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Every person here has been directly affected by our first recipient’s work, whether you realize it or not. Her contribution to Relay For Life had an immediate impact, and will have a lasting impact for years to come. She has been a tremendous pleasure to work with - and is the brains behind our new fundraising tool network. From the first conversation I had with her during the offseason, preparing her for the tremendous multi-year task ahead … with all of our visions and dreams for what tools we would want and how they would need to function, she never batted an eye. She always came from a place of “yes, we can do that.” She is a very busy woman - - but still took time out to investigate and debug any issue, no matter how big or small, at any time - to ensure that our fundraising system maintained its integrity. On Relay weekend, she was up with Nikki, Mama, Random, and Nuala till 4am - making sure that if any issue popped up, she would be there to fix it, immediately.
[2018/07/29 10:34] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): She is always proactive in thinking of ways for our tools to be more efficient - and she has already committed to bringing back the Team Totals page for 2019!! I am very excited to present this 2018 Community Champion Award to Sasun Steinbeck.
[2018/07/29 10:35] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Housekeeping note! Speaking of our tools - one quick housekeeping note before moving to the next Community Champion Award. We will be resetting the tools tomorrow. What you will notice that is different than in years past is that your tools will not disappear. They will stay where they are - - we will just switch them over to ‘offseason’ mode for you. Your team will remain assigned to the tools, too! And they’ll just reset to L$0 - - and then when next season starts, we’ll just reset them again to L$0...and so on.
[2018/07/29 10:35] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): Tools are resetting tomorrow.. your team will remain assigned to your team.
[2018/07/29 10:36] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): no more poofing
[2018/07/29 10:36] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Our next Community Champion is someone who has helped to spread the word about Relay For Life to so many people that have never heard of us. She has been a strong supporter for the Fantasy Faire - by sharing blog posts with many updates throughout the month of April.
[2018/07/29 10:36] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): During the course of the season, I had a couple of opportunities to talk to her - where she offered a lot of good advice and counsel that ultimately led to what became the Linden’s signature sponsorship. She may not realize it, herself, but her knowledge of Second Life has already proven to make a difference for the American Cancer Society in the future. It was her recommendation that we are acting on in the offseason...where we will be hosting a Community Gateway in 2019 - where new residents of Second Life will have the opportunity to learn how to use the platform and get started by joining one of your teams or one of your groups!!
[2018/07/29 10:38] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): She sared earlier this year that she is now a cancer survivor herself and that Relay in Second Life is something valuable to support in SL.
[2018/07/29 10:38] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): I know you all share in my excitement in presenting our next Community Champion award to the owner of: Living in A Modem World - - Inara Pey
[2018/07/29 10:38] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Our final Community Champion is someone who has helped put Relay For Life on the map - - literally - - for so many years. Many people who have worked behind the scenes on a mega event or Relay weekend for the past 12 years will know how big of a part she played in making sure our regions arrived on time...and sometimes early...and stayed there as long as we needed them to.
[2018/07/29 10:39] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): There were so many times that we had to make changes to our order or that we had to request a rush job. She never made us feel like we were a bother. She was always responsive when we called or IMd her in a panic. She would grab Governor Linden and bring him to Relay team fundraisers.
[2018/07/29 10:39] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): She took a personal interest in Relay For Life, she embraced us all, she watched over us...and she always made us feel like we were more than just another SL Account.
[2018/07/29 10:39] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): We always knew that we had a strong advocate in the Linden Lab office while she was there. It didn’t occur to us over the years that we could offer her this award for just doing her job. But - when you look back on how she did her job - - she always went so far above and beyond...and she really did demonstrate that she possessed the spirit of Relay. And being there for us the way that she was - - was her way of being a Relayer!
[2018/07/29 10:39] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Please join me in celebrating this Community Champion, Our “Fairy Sim Mother,” Dee Linden. … who is now Dee Lightworker.
[2018/07/29 10:40] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: If you see any of these three please give them your thanks for supporting a cause that means so much to you
[2018/07/29 10:40] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Spirit of Relay Award- Individual
[2018/07/29 10:40] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Over the last several days, everyone has had a chance to nominate someone that they would want to recognize for embodying the ‘Spirit’ of Relay. Several names appeared on the nomination list, but there was one name that seemed to pop up over and over and over - - from multiple people on multiple teams.
[2018/07/29 10:41] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): She has truly been a leader for Relay For Life from helping teams get registered, to working as an anchor team for Fantasy Faire’s One-Team initiative. She tirelessly worked every moment away from work to be a captain for her own team while producing some quality One-Team Events. She brought Relay into her community...and brought her community to Relay - every Tuesday with a fundraiser. She’s been more than generous with her time, even when she didn’t have much to spare. Even through suffering one of the hardest personal losses a person can endure, she continued to share with us her best side - always standing proud, encouraging everyone else, and nurturing those who needed it.
[2018/07/29 10:41] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Her ability to balance that internal support of other Relayers and other teams with spending time meeting new Relayers and raising awareness about who we are and what we do … and sharing our story with everyone she meets. She spent a lot of this year being a strong and positive ambassador of the American Cancer Society and our vision for the future of Second Life.
[2018/07/29 10:42] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): She has demonstrated the Spirit of Relay for many years, which makes this year’s presentation to her a bit overdue. … It’s about time that we get to reward Gem Sunkiller with the 2018 Spirit of Relay - Individual award.
[2018/07/29 10:42] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Congratualtions Gem
[2018/07/29 10:43] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: As we look back on 2018, there are so many examples of our theme coming to life over and over again. This season really was a United effort. So many teams embodied the spirit of “one team” - - “one Relay” - that it has been very difficult trying to discern one team that might receive this award over others that are just as deserving…
Because the hard part is defining...what is...the spirit of Relay, exactly?
[2018/07/29 10:43] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Some might say that it is when all teams fundraise together at a single event
Some might say that it is when a team offers another team support
Some might say that it is when a team creates an event for other teams to enjoy
Some might say that it is when a team recruits a bunch of sponsors … or spawns a bunch of new teams…
Some might say that it is when a team holds another team’s hand along the way - or makes us all smile and laugh throughout the season
[2018/07/29 10:44] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): There are so many ways to define the spirit of Relay - and so many teams were made up of different combinations of each definition - that it only seems right in 2018 - - the year of the United Relay - - that we present every team with this award. You all deserve to be called - the Spirit of Relay - - in your own unique ways.
[2018/07/29 10:44] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): There are so many ways to define the spirit of Relay - and so many teams were made up of different combinations of each definition - that it only seems right in 2018 - - the year of the United Relay - - that we present every team with this award. You all deserve to be called - the Spirit of Relay - - in your own unique ways.
[2018/07/29 10:44] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): (oops chat lag)
[2018/07/29 10:44] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Gordy Klatt Award
[2018/07/29 10:45] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: Over the years, we have always tried to educate our Relay family in Second Life about the history of our event...and the history of Relay For Life, in general. We always recognize the great Dr. Gordy Klatt, a colorectal surgeon who, in 1985, decided that he wanted to do more to fight cancer and wanted to raise a significant amount of money to fund the mission of the American Cancer Society. Dr. Klatt ran and walked around a track for 24 hours that year and raised $27,000. The next year, others joined him, taking turns for the duration of the event...and Relay For Life was born.
[2018/07/29 10:45] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Gordy’s vision of hope has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, raising nearly $5 billion in fundraising to save lives from cancer.
[2018/07/29 10:45] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): In memory of his pioneering spirit and steadfast dedication to Relay For Life, we present the Gordy Klatt Award to the person or team who has demonstrated the level of commitment and dedication to the cause...who has poured so much of themselves into our event, and whose footprint and legacy will always be a part of the Relay For Life of Second Life story.
[2018/07/29 10:46] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): This year, we are proud to present the Gordy Klatt Award to a team...for their history of involvement, dating back to the beginning. Over the years, this team has produced so many of our leadership volunteers, they’ve mentored new teams, coached and trained our entire Relay on the mission of the American Cancer Society, they have given 100% of every resource available to Relay... they have lost team members to other teams, they’ve lost team members to the real-world, and they’ve lost team members to cancer. They have won and lost awards, they’ve created fundraising ideas that are now staples for multiple teams...not just their own. They have recruited new communities to join Relay...and this year, instead of adding that community to their own team - they suggested to the community - that they be their own team.
[2018/07/29 10:46] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): They host an annual 3-day event where they combine the attraction of new residents from entertainers groupies with an opportunity for all teams to participate and earn their own fundraising dollars
[2018/07/29 10:47] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): This year, they brought not one, not two, but THREE DEPARTMENTS from Linden Lab to actively raise money for Relay For Life.
[2018/07/29 10:47] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Each year, they bring dollars in from the real-world - - through event sponsorship and fundraising. They are consistently among the top 2 or 3 fundraising teams every year. They infuse the mission education component into every fundraiser and campsite they build.
[2018/07/29 10:47] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Year after year, season after season, this team remains a steadfast rock of Relay For Life of Second Life. They give of themselves 100% every year - always wanting to do be better than they were last year. I am very proud to offer the 2018 Gordy Klatt Award to the Relay Rockers.
[2018/07/29 10:48] Nuala Maracas: **** ~~~~~~~~ RELAY ROCKERS GORDY KLATT AWARD ~~~~~~~~~******
[2018/07/29 10:48] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting introducing Nuala
[2018/07/29 10:49] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Nuala has led us through the Relay Refresh and into the Relay Renaissance
[2018/07/29 10:51] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): (pre-recorded clip from various people thanking Nuala fr all she has done to support all Relayers and the mission of the ACS to so many)
[2018/07/29 10:55] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting: her tenure may be coming to an end but I will continute to lean on her for friendship and support
[2018/07/29 10:56] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Nuala: THank you all for that, I need a copy. I have the sniffles, that was amazingv and unexpected. Thank you all
[2018/07/29 10:56] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Nuala: What a year we have had. United We Relay. And we were united to the tune of $205,982 US dollars! Fantastic! On Relay weekend 1,099 avatars united to walk 16,333,026 meters, or roughly 2 and a half times around the world, or 9,895 miles! New sneakers for everyone!
[2018/07/29 10:56] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): We had our first Signature Sponsor come on board, Linden Lab, a Real World Sponsor, Seacoast Chevrolet, and our 4 Premier Sponsors Rockcliffe University, RGF Estates, Sol Existence and Bama Breeze Club. Thank you for your support. And of course the Wrap Up sponsor for today - a long time Relay supporter - Entice. Thank you.
[2018/07/29 10:57] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): We had the first official launch of the newly rebranded RelayRadio who broadcast live for over 48 hours on Relay weekend. A huge thank you to all those who were on air bringing us the tunes and information we needed and to those who worked weeks prior to, and all weekend, behind the scenes coordinating the production.
[2018/07/29 10:57] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Sting presented the Gordy Klatt award, and we all know Dr. Gordy Klatt as “the father of relay”. The founder of Relay, the man who walked the track for 24 hours in Tacoma, Washington in 1985. Dr. Klatt’s vision during that walk was of teams and people walking around a track for 24 hours to raise big dollars to fight cancer. The vision, as we know, became a reality. Relay For Life is now the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, held in more than 27 countries around the world, and here we are 33 years later at the wrap up of the American Cancer Society’s largest virtual relay. I don’t quite think that was in Dr. Klatt’s initial vision, but he did come to see our virtual relay begin in 2005 and continue to grow until he passed from heart failure after battling stomach cancer in 2014.
[2018/07/29 10:58] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): What a lot may not know is there is also a “mother of relay”. Pat Flynn, who in 1985 was a patient of Dr. Klatt’s. She pledged $10 to his walk. $10 in 1985 was a fairly significant amount. But she couldn’t just leave it at that. That night she went to the track to see what was going on. The gate was locked and she could not get in. But she could see 25 people walking the track with Dr. Klatt. Each had paid $25 to do so for 30 minutes. Remember $25 was a big amount back then.
[2018/07/29 10:59] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): She went home, tossed and turned, finally getting up to call the local paper, telling them they were missing out on a story, something really special was happening at the high school track and they needed to report on it. Something inside her told her she had to go back to the track. At 1am she went back and she kept her watch from outside the gate watching lap after lap, hour after hour. The local paper did cover the story by the way.
[2018/07/29 10:59] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): 2 months later Dr. Klatt called her and shared how he felt such a wonderful spirit on the track that night. He asked her to become part of the committee he was forming. To turn this into a team event for the next year. With all her other responsibilities, Pat said her head said no, but her heart got in the way and said yes and helped plan what would be the first official Relay For Life Team Event. 30 years later, Pat Flyyn said she could still feel the overwhelming spirit that was on that relay track for the very first relay.
[2018/07/29 11:00] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Patt Flynn passed away this year a the age of 80. She was suffering from kidney failure and was on dialysis, but she never stopped Relaying. Her son travelled with her for the past 4 years from place to place to meet the people around the world who she’s had an impact on. She was the details person of Relay. She trained thousands of relay volunteers like yourselves. She formed the very first Relay team. She helped turn an idea into a worldwide movement.
[2018/07/29 11:00] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Why did I just share that history with you? Because of the spirit, because of the passion, because of the heart both Dr. Klatt and Pat Flynn felt. They got to see and experience first hand the very first Relay For Life event. They saw first hand how it affected others. They believed in Relay. They believed in the people at relay. They believed in the Spirit of Relay. They believed Relay For Life could go on to raise millions of dollars to fight cancer, and they were right, but it did not go on to raise millions of dollars, it has gone on to raise over 5 billion dollars to fight cancer.
[2018/07/29 11:01] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Not everyone they came across jumped on the Relay bus and sometimes it took some convincing, but mostly it only took bringing them to Relay weekend, and those people were hooked. And that is what you, as relay volunteers, need to continue to do. Remember the feeling of your first Relay weekend. The excitement, the commadary, the fun. Carry those feelings with your spirit, your heart, your passion for Relay, out to the Second Life Community, and perhaps into the non-virtual community. Find communities who have not yet experienced Relay For Life in Second Life, and yes, they are out there. Invite them to one of your team meetings, arrange a get together with the community leaders and talk about Relay, invite them to Kick Off in 2019, invite them to Relay weekend. Invite them to participate however they can. You,as Relay volunteers are the future vision of the virtual Relay.
[2018/07/29 11:02] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Jade Lily had a virtual vision in 2005 when she organized the first Relay For Life of Second Life event and in 2016 invited Fayandria Foley, whom we affectionately refer to as the “virtual mother of Relay” to take the Relay For LIfe of Second Life, find the people with the passion, whose hearts say yes, and plant the seeds, nuture and set the foundation to allow our virtual relay to grow into what is has become today.
[2018/07/29 11:02] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): My role in the virtual relay has gone from a team captain in 2005 to an event chair in 2017 & 2018, and every role in between over the years and I still feel humbled by the work Jade and especially Fayandria did for the Relay For Life of Second Life. I have volunteered with so many many people over the years. Some still here, some have moved on. But all shared a passion for Relay and the desire to save lives, celebrate lives and lead the world in the fight against cancer.
[2018/07/29 11:02] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): I believe you can always ask and find people to do things for you, but the passionate ones will step up without being asked and do things WITH you.
[2018/07/29 11:03] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): To everyone who stepped up to help with the various tasks this year, thank you all for your dedication and passion to volunteer for our amazing virtual Relay. To those I shared the leadership with the past 2 years, Leala, Grace, Random, MamaP, Nikki,and from 2010 Tay ...what an amazing bunch of ladies you all are. Each bringing your own unique skills to Relay to make it a better event. I have learned from each and every one of you. Thank you for that opportunity. Thank you for all you did and will do for the Relay For Life of Second Life.
[2018/07/29 11:03] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): To those I consider my second life family, Trader, Arizona, Xyza, Mady, Geddy, Otter, Fuzz, Ever, thank you for giving me the past 2 years by taking on some extra responsibilities, being there to help when I asked, and always having time when I needed to talk.
[2018/07/29 11:04] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): To the eternal newb, our ACS Staff Partner, Stingray Raymaker - gosh I don’t know what to say. You have the excitement of a 5 year old, the drive and determination of a great leader, and the passion for Relay that truly does come from the heart. From the moment I handed you your first bag of Tim Horton’s coffee in 2008, I knew you were a special guy. You are kind, fair, honest, and dedicated, with a great sense of humour. Thank you for everything you have taught me. Thank you for the opportunities you have given me in SL and in Real Life. Don’t ever change. Relay, you are very lucky to have him leading you.
[2018/07/29 11:04] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): And to each and every relayer thank you for the great memories, the laughter, the friendships. We are one big family!
[2018/07/29 11:05] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): As my time as chair comes to a close after 2 wonderful years, here are my final words to all relayers who can hear my voice, and hopefully carried to those who can’t. We are, YOU are, part of 3.5 million survivors, caregivers, patients, volunteers, advocates and researchers doing everything within our power to save lives. Stand proud of what you do, what you accomplish, what your team accomplishes.
[2018/07/29 11:05] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly):
Pat Flynn once said “your goals are dreams with deadlines”. Our dream, Dr. Katt’s dream, Pat Flynn’s dream was to find an end to cancer. So work together on this dream, not against each other. Whether it was your team's dollar or not should not make a bit of difference. Who does what, who gets what, who raises what, should not matter. Celebrate each other's individual and team successes for every linden or dollar raised WILL help someone. Your passion and spirit for Relay are what matter.
[2018/07/29 11:06] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): We are talking about changing lives, celebrating lives, and giving people more birthdays. We cannot settle for anything less than doing it together. We dream big because we need to. That is how we beat cancer, by becoming bigger, better, stronger, united.
[2018/07/29 11:06] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Cancer Changes Everything….. So Can You
[2018/07/29 11:06] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): My name is Nuala Maracas and I am a relayer!!
[2018/07/29 11:07] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Song - I Believe Nikki Yankovsky
[2018/07/29 11:10] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Trader: Congratualations to all of our winners
[2018/07/29 11:10] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): What an honor to be a part of such a wonderful organization
[2018/07/29 11:11] Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty.gumbo): great job Sandie
[2018/07/29 11:11] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): Coming up next will be two hours of live music, first will be Shaye Dezno and the 2nd hour will be David Csiszer
[2018/07/29 11:12] Sandie Slate (sandie.loxingly): This concludes the 2018 Wrap-Up Ceremony
Transcript provided in announcement by Sandy Loxingly
Pictures from Gemma Cleanslate and Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Gemma Cleanslate,
Relay for Life,
Relay Wrap-Up,
RFL in SL,
Sandy Loxingly,
Second Life,
the end
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