Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Gia Smith And The Sci-Fi Music Festival
By DeafLegacy DarkBloom
While the Sci Fi Music Fest was quiet when I arrived, it grew into a good number of people. Unfortunately, there was a problem that came up. A bug in the Relay kiosk kept people from directly donating. Fortunately, ways were found around it, and before long the glitch was fixed. So the event was able to go on normally.
While there, I ran into the deejay for the Relay for Life event, Gia Smith (gialovely12345). She had been working with the RFL for four years. Gia would say that after being to all the events, the Relay is an inspiration. She plans to continue working with the fundraiser for the American Cancer society in future years. Gia also explained that the Sci-Fi Music Festival is about music fromshows like "Dr. Who" and movies like "Star Wars." Of the total raised, the last she checked, 200 dollars had been collected.
Gia Smith states on her profile she is a member of Team Shadows, and among the groups she is in is Sail for Life. These two gold-ranked teams have raised a total of over 700,000 Lindens.
When it comes to dealing with cancer, it is a never ending fight. We have people like Gia willing to take this fight all the way to see that people with this dreaded illness will get the help that they need. We do need people like her, after all. That's why Relay for Life is an inspiration, not just to Gia, but to many people all over the world. As it turns out, the way to do it is with another love; love for music and love for science fiction.
DeafLegacy DarkBloom
Deaflegacy Darkbloom,
Gia Smith,
Relay for Life,
Scifi Con,
Second Life,
Monday, March 28, 2016
Wonder Egg Hunt
By Gemma Cleanslate

Starting in 5mins, 9am-1pm slt there will be an egg hunt benefiting Relay For Life. This is an event you do not want to miss so get your baskets ready for some amazing prizes and photo opportunities with your favorite characters from the beloved Story. So bring your family and friends. Adults are welcome to hunt eggs also! To get to wonderland you have to start at the rabbit hole!
Alice was there as were a cast of characters from the story of Alice in Wonderland. I even saw Peter Pan and had tea at the table with him. The Red Queen was overseeing it all. There were a myriad of kids running around in the grasses looking for tiny eggs with prizes in them. I could only find one egg and that was by accident as I saw a someone else find it. The Information Station was quaint and held many pointers about cancer.

The Fighting Sunflowers Team has raised almost 44,000 Lindens inworld as of now, and has so far collected a total of close to 120,000 Lindens in total.
Gemma Cleanslate
Gemma Cleanslate,
Jesie Ja'Nae West,
kid avatars,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
SL Kids,
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Scenes From the Relay for Life 2016 Kickoff
By Bixyl Shuftan
On March 6 at 10AM SL time, the official Relay for Life in Second Life fundraising season began with the start of its Kickoff event. Although there are spinnoff events over the year, such as the Christmas Expo, what the Relayers look forward to is the official season, in which various teams raise funds for the American Cancer Society.
I myself was there representing my community's team, Team Sunbeamers, with our team flag in hand.
There were many other Relayers in the four sims set up for the Kickoff, the avatars meeting up in the middle. I never heard a total, but there were many dozens, over a hundred.
Among the noteable personalities there were RacerX Gullwing, the head of Team Giant Snail Racers.
Madonna Daehlie, the Relay DJ noted for her rubber suits.
Bain and Panza Finch. Following some personal tragedies, Bain is getting involved in the Relay again, describing his "Relay Journey" in this blog post (Click here).
Another around was photographer Wildstar Beaumont.
Southpaw Sommers of the Steelhead Salmons, her mesh outfit refusing to completely rezz.
Looks like someone had a camera.
My friend ShadowRene Ivanova showed up. Looks like she wanted a perch for a better view.
I ended up crashing a few times, and coming back things had to rez all over again. Fortunately I could catch the audio stream via the T-1 Radio website.
The Relay Committee took a while to come into focus.
Eventually, the majority of the Committee rezzed.
This year there was a new, and small, presence in the big chairs: Lomgren Smalls.
A "Star Trek" redshirt was among those there. Fortunately there was nothing around to blast, fry, beat, slime, or otherwise render onto him a horrible death.
Eventually, the Kickoff ceremony was over. But that wasn't the last of the events. At 11 AM, Maxmillion Kleene performed live for the crowd, making music for donations instead of tips.
After that and an hout of Trader Whiplash DJing, the stage was for various team parties, 1PM - Gorean Team, 2pm - Fighting Sunflowers, 3pm - Team Bobbi Sue, 4pm - A Stand For Hope, 5pm - Bonanza Country RFL TEAM, 6pm - Harmony of Hope, and at 7pm - Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps.
For more pictures, check out IshtarAngel Micheline's and Wildstar Beaumont's Flickr pages. For those whom missed the event, a soundtrack has been made available (Click here).
Bixyl Shuftan
Bixyl Shuftan,
Relay for Life,
Second Life,
Friday, March 4, 2016
"Homes For Our Troops" Bennefits Raise Over $1000 Dollars
By Bixyl Shuftan
In Second Life, the veterans' charity "Homes Four Our Troops," which helps those who once served in the American Armed Forces whom have fallen on hard times by building them homes, is perhaps best known for it's monthly charity at Veterans Isle, organized by musician Frets Nirvana. But last month, it was joined by a second fundraiser. This one was organized by Blaze Teardrop.
Blaze, a member of the California National Guard in real-life, was the owner of Alpha Labs in Second Life. With Crowe Blackheart and Simplerosey Resident helping him with the event, He rented some land in the Grand Manor sim, set up a stage, and made a call for builders to put up some wares to sell for the charity. Linden Labs heard about his event, and made an announcement in the official Second Life Blog. The event began Sunday February 21, and lasted a week to Monday February 29. The area had live music events most of the days it was open, the schedule saying Frets himself was part of line line up. Second Life Newser was also informed that Frets also provided the kiosks for the Grand Manor event.

I dropped by just after the event ended to see it the finally tally in the kiosks was available, but the owners of the sim had already reclaimed the land. So the kiosks were not available to view.
On Sunday February 28, Veterans Isle held their monthly benefit concert as scheduled, from 5PM SL time to 9PM (Midnight EST). Besides Frets, Lyndon Heart, Zak Claxton and Shaye Dezno also took part. Donations were generous, especially in the final hour, the total being 155,400 Lindens raised once Frets stepped down from the stage.
A few days later, Frets made an announcement, concerning not just his event, but both of the fundraisers.
I am once again proud to announce the results for our efforts in Second Life for Homes ForOur Troops. For February we will be sending HFOT over $1050 because of the efforts of many people in Second Life. A big thank you goes to Blaze Teardrop and all the folks at Grand Manor. The special event they sponsored in late February really increased our donations.
Additionally all the great artists at our monthly benefit at Veterans Isle did a fantasticjob. Thank you Lyndon Heart, Zak Claxton and Shaye Dezno Jonstone for donating yourservices and providing great performances that inspired our donors. And the consistentsupport from Checkers Firelight, Jardasius Ecksol, Dahlea Milena, Bri Mcmahon, GjackieWinkler, Victoreeia and Graywolf2030 are what keeps our efforts for severely woundedveterans on target! Let's keep this effort rolling!
It is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of this project. Our extremely wounded veterans deserve it.
The next benefit at Veterans Isle should be on March 27, starting at 5PM SL time.
ABOUT HOMES FOR OUR TROOPS - HFOT builds homes as a departure point for Veterans to rebuild their lives, and once again become highly productive members of society. Despite their life-altering injuries, many Veterans have embarked on new careers, completed their college degrees, or started families. Empowered by the freedom a mortgage-free and specially adapted home brings, these Veterans can now focus on their recovery and return to their life’s work of serving others. Many have embraced their roles as motivational speakers, sharing their messages of persevering through tragedy with groups and classrooms around the country; others take to a national platform to promote awareness of veteran suicide, homelessness and PTSD. Their incredible stories are the driving force for the work for HFOT.
To learn more about the Homes For Our Troops visit
Bixyl Shuftan
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