Monday, August 26, 2024

Xavier Theibaud's Farewell Party

By Gemma Cleanslate

As a follow up to the interview with Xavier Theibaud I wanted to let you know I was happy to make it to the final showing of The little Prince with Andy Loon (Szerewp Loon) playing the part of the prince and to the after party, all in honor of Xavier. 
You read the interview with Bixyl the other day. The Little Prince is a fantasy childhood story that has been adapted and presented in at the Royal Opera in Second Life for many years and makes observations about life, adults and human nature.

I was friends with his partner in Second Life and real-life, Raftwet Jewell, and Xavier also, for many years. That is an old photo of both of them from way back. Loosing her was such a shock to all of us and a huge loss to Xavier who was her partner not only in SL but in RL. It was surprising when he called to tell me he was leaving Second Life. I am one of those who told him perhaps he would come back after time passes. There are so many who do that.

Time will tell.

The after party was lovely and I did get a chance to dance with Xavier, perhaps for the last time.

Many friends attended the party to dance the night away. But they were there to pay homage to Xavier’s second life. I hope his real life will be interesting and peaceful and he will live it to the fullest.


The A-List will go on and all the art and activities will continue with the very capable well known Ava Jhamin taking over. But Xavier will be missed by so many in his varied interests in art and culture in Second Life. You can see scenes from the party here thanks to Henri Fouquet @ The Royal Opera Garnier.

The last tunes played by the DJ were related to his leaving, last tune “I Did IT MY WAY” 

With a tear in my eye I say Bye Xavier.. you did do it your way.

Gemma Cleanslate

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