Friday, May 17, 2024

Pictures From "Bid The Lindens Bald"

By Gemma Cleanslate and Bixyl Shuftan 

Picture from Bixyl Shuftan

From Friday May 10 to Wednesday May 15, the "Bid the Lindens Bald" event took place. This event was hosted by the Relay Rockers team, who were also doing their Relaystock from May 10 to 12. This is the team that brought "Bid Me Bald" to the Relay for Life in Second Life, and a few years ago the Lindens and Moles started getting involved. As this 2018 article shows, it can be quite a chaotic fun event. 
This year, there were five teams of Lindens and Moles:
Team 1 : Kit Linden, Alexa Linden, Itsa Mole, TJ Linden, Madori Linden, Simon Linden

Team 2 : Patch Linden, Millie Mole, Vanessa Linden, Keira Linden, Briganita Mole, Allota Mole

Team 3: Wendi Linden, Grumpity Linden, Derrick Linden, Oatmeal Linden, Kady Linden

Team 4: Hobbes Linden, Vix Linden, Atlas Mole, Justa Mole, Kreide Linden

Team 5: Abnor Mole, Sequoia Linden, Pepper Linden, Spiffy Mole, Anna Mole
People were free to donate to any, or all, of the teams' kiosks. It was promised that the team that raised the most money would give a haircut to the team that raised the least.
It was notable Patch Linden was still in the event. He has been somewhat scarce this year, not appearing in Bellisseria chat and skipping the VWBPE event. But he was at the Fantasy Faire "Jail and Bail."

Wednesday May 15 was the last day of the event
Haircutes are today!
Bidding open until 2:15pm slt
Vote for the team you want to KEEP their hair

Party starts at 12pm with Trader
MrMikie String LIVE at 1pm

Haircuts 2:15pm slt
The kiosks had their totals frozen. And at Noon, the party started. Gemma Cleanslate was there. In her words, it was, "Hair chaos, and laughter"

Some, such as Oatmeal Linden, had quite some crazy hairstyles. 

The team totals were as follows. 

Team 1 : 72,338
Team 2 : 117,427
Team 3 : 59,325
Team 4 : 50,683
Team 5 : 68,770
Patch's Team 2 would be giving a haircut to Hobbes Linden's and Vix Linden's Team 4

At 2:15 PM, it was time for Team 2 to make good on their commitment.

Vix Linden was sporting a shiny "chrome dome."

Hobbes Linden, the furry avatar in Team 2, didn't just get a haircut, but got shaved. He was balder than "Dr Evil's" sphinx cat. So we now know what a shaved furry looks like.

Gemma would say, "was a nice party .. loads of cracks about hairdos with all teams. Lots of Lindens and Moles there."
The official total raised was 401,658 Linden dollars, or $1670 US dollars. The Relay Rockers total raised this season skyrocketed, going up to a total of 1,470,00 Lindens. Firmly in Ruby level and within sight of Topaz. Before they Relaystock, it had been about several hundred thousand. 

There are still plenty of Relay events to be had. This weekend, the Rockers have the "Relay Fever" event. And of course in a few weeks is the Relay Weekend from Saturday June 8 to 9

Gemma Cleanslate and Bixyl Shuftan

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