Monday, September 16, 2024

Reader Submitted Pictures: Firestorm Anniversary Party

On Saturday September 7, the Firestorm team celebrated their anniversary with a party. While the Newser couldn't be there, Panterapolnocy sent the Newser a number of pictures. 

It should be reminded that at the scene of the party, some free gifts were left. It is unknown how much longer they will be there.

Pictures from Panterapolnocy

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Abnor Mole's Speech for Bellisseria Mole Day

On Friday August 30 at 10 AM, Abnor Mole gave a speech to a crowd in Bellisseria. This would be the opening event of the Mole Day Celebration Weekend. While no one at the Newser could be there, the speech would be offered in a notecard in the Bellisseria group.
*  *  *  *  *
Hello everyone! Thank you for coming.

As many of you know, today is the beginning of a major holiday weekend in the US… Labor day… a day to recognize the contributions of everyday working people and their contributions to society. And I think most of you already know this, but a group of moles is referred to as a ‘labour’ of moles… so, it is quite appropriate since that is exactly what LDPW Moles do. While most of you are here to play, we are here to work; toiling away building things not for ourselves but for all of you.

It is something we have been doing since 2008. Creating everything from the roads that span across the mainland to games like Paleoquest and Linden Realms… and if you haven’t played those in a while I highly suggest trying them out again. Even though they are nearly 10 years old at this point they are still quite fun. And if you have payment info and have used it (and if you live in Bellisseria you are Premium or Premium plus, so you have) you can even get a few L$ for playing.

Then there are the season regions like Isle of View for Valentines… (say it out loud if you haven’t gotten that particular pun yet)... Winter Wonderland, and the Halloween Ride, which should be coming back in the not too distant future like it does every year. That one still impresses me. It too is a little long in the tooth, but it is still one of the best Halloween experiences in SL I have ever seen.

Then comes the big one… Bellisseria. What started out as a facelift for the old Linden Homes morphed into something huge. Because you all loved it and appreciated it soooooo much, it morphed into something so far beyond its original scope it boggles the mind. Over 3000 regions and counting, 12 themes and more on the way. Roads, bridges, railroads and waterways that connect most of the original continents with a new continent all its own… all built with you in mind by a huge team of people working hand in hand to make it happen and bring features and amenities for you all to enjoy as an individual and as a community. An area so huge that you can sail, fly or drive from practically one end of Second Life to the other. I’ve done it! The bad news is it will take you all day, but the good news is, it… will… take… you… ALL… DAY. ;D

We appreciate every thank you we get from all of you of course, but what really warms our hearts the most is when we see you using and enjoying it. As any of you who have built things know, nothing is as disheartening as when you build something or plan something and you put all of your heart and soul into it… and nobody comes… Or they come, look around, say “meh” and leave. Like when you give someone this handmade gift that you worked on for a whole year and they put it down and leave it untouched.

But that isn’t what you all have done. We see you living in the homes we built and placed with care. We watch as you sail by or drive your cars and trucks through the neighborhoods. That.. that right there is the biggest thank you we can receive, because we know you love and appreciate what we built and are using it every day as a part of your SL lives. Decorating your homes, having friends over, maybe driving to an airfield and flying across the grid.

Of course then you hit a bad crossing and everyone is like… “OMG! WHAT HAPPENED? DID I CRASH? WHO IS FLYING? JERRY? JERRY!?!?!!! OMG JERRY CRASHED!!! WE’RE GOING DOWN!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” and you crash into someone’s backyard in the ranch homes and their cow is staring are you. Jerry logs back in and you tp him there and it’s like “Um… Jerry? Where are your clothes?”

Yes, we complain about those things when they happen. Buggy region crossings… clothes not rendering… But years from now you’ll be with your friends and say, “Remember that time we crashed into that cow and Jerry lost all his clothes?” and one of them will say, “Yeah, that’s how we met Lexi.” and Lexi will say “That was my house and that cow was never the same after that. You still owe me a cow, Jerry.”

The point being, those things are what makes Second Life fun. It’s why we are here, to have those crazy fun experiences. But to have them you need a place for it to happen. And that is what we try to build for you. Not a place where we entertain you, but a place where you all can entertain yourselves and each other. And when we see you all doing just that, it is the most satisfying form of a thank you we can ever receive.

So on behalf of myself and the entire LDPW team I just want to end by saying…
It is our pleasure, and thank you. 
*  *  *  *  *
It was stated there would be a video of the event available later, but as of the writing of this, so far the Newser has not come across one.
Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Grand Re-Opening Party in Oahu

 By Bixyl Shuftan

On Sunday August 25, there was a grand re-opening party in the Oahu sim. The news was announced by Twstd Ruggles, who had owned the place years ago, and now was running it once more.

Aloha friends!!! I am happy to announce that Oahu Paradise Island is completed and open for all to come enjoy the many attractions and experiences we have set up for your paradise getaway experience.   Oahu (106,168,30)

The party had started with live music from Ichie Kamachi. Following her was a performance with Polynesian dancers. After them, a DJ would play some music. 

Twstd Ruggles had told me she had sold the place a few years ago, but the old owner had up and abandoned the place, and was contacted by Linden Lab, asking if she wanted it once more. She greeted people as they arrived, "Aloha, welcome to the Oahu!" 
Smoking Goat would talk some about Hawaiian dance, "Polynesian music and dance are integral parts of the culture and traditions of the Polynesian islands. They serve as artistic expressions that reflect the history, values, and daily life of the islanders. 
"Polynesian music is deeply rooted in social traditions and rituals. It primarily uses percussion instruments such as the pahu (a hollowed wooden drum), toere (a slit drum), fa’atete (a small drum), and ipu (gourds used for beating or rubbing). Choral singing often accompanies the instruments, creating harmonious and rhythmic melodies. Polynesian dances are diverse and vary in style depending on the islands and regions. Here are some of the most well-known dances:

Hula: A traditional Hawaiian dance characterized by smooth, flowing movements that tell stories through the dancers’ gestures.

Tamure: A dance from Tahiti known for its fast movements and footwork, emphasizing the strength and vigor of the dancers.

Otea: A spectacular dance from the island of Rurutu, featuring energetic and precise hand and foot movements, along with traditional costumes made from coconut fiber and pandanus leaves.

"The costumes used in Polynesian dances are made from natural materials such as plant fibers, flowers, shells, and feathers. Traditional attire reflects the strong connection Polynesians have with nature.

"Polynesian music and dance are not only forms of entertainment but also ways to convey cultural values, history, and myths. They are closely linked to religious ceremonies and social rituals, serving to celebrate life and significant events."

Smoking Goat would also say that there was a performance at the  Royal Opera Ballet, directed by Ina Garnier and Andy Loon, featuring Polynesian dance. 

Twstd would also tell me that the USS Arizona Memorial, located in the southeast part of the island, had been reworked with mesh. The Newser will get a picture later.

Charlee and I dropped by, and danced away to the music and had fun. People continued to arrive, and cheer at the island, how it looked, and it's return, "Three Cheers for Twstd! So glad that OAHU is BAAAAAACK! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!" And they enjoyed the party, "What better way to celebrate the return of Oahu?!"

The Oahu island is a public area, though some cottages are private homes. There are also some available for temporary rent for a vacation.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, August 26, 2024

Xavier Theibaud's Farewell Party

By Gemma Cleanslate

As a follow up to the interview with Xavier Theibaud I wanted to let you know I was happy to make it to the final showing of The little Prince with Andy Loon (Szerewp Loon) playing the part of the prince and to the after party, all in honor of Xavier. 
You read the interview with Bixyl the other day. The Little Prince is a fantasy childhood story that has been adapted and presented in at the Royal Opera in Second Life for many years and makes observations about life, adults and human nature.

I was friends with his partner in Second Life and real-life, Raftwet Jewell, and Xavier also, for many years. That is an old photo of both of them from way back. Loosing her was such a shock to all of us and a huge loss to Xavier who was her partner not only in SL but in RL. It was surprising when he called to tell me he was leaving Second Life. I am one of those who told him perhaps he would come back after time passes. There are so many who do that.

Time will tell.

The after party was lovely and I did get a chance to dance with Xavier, perhaps for the last time.

Many friends attended the party to dance the night away. But they were there to pay homage to Xavier’s second life. I hope his real life will be interesting and peaceful and he will live it to the fullest.


The A-List will go on and all the art and activities will continue with the very capable well known Ava Jhamin taking over. But Xavier will be missed by so many in his varied interests in art and culture in Second Life. You can see scenes from the party here thanks to Henri Fouquet @ The Royal Opera Garnier.

The last tunes played by the DJ were related to his leaving, last tune “I Did IT MY WAY” 

With a tear in my eye I say Bye Xavier.. you did do it your way.

Gemma Cleanslate

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Pictures From Burn2 Whimsy

 By Gemma Cleanslate

Whimsy was the name, and some of the installations were delightful.

Some avatars visiting; the third one is Yman Juran.

Gemma using antigravity "boots" to visit a bar on the playa.

A greeter passing out gifts from her backpack

The lamplighters before the effigy burning.

The effigy burn and aftermath

And dancing in the embers

Gemma Cleanslate

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Sunbeamers At Relaystock

By Bixyl Shuftan
 Among the annual events during the Relay for Life fundraising season is the "Relaystock." Taking place every year in May, this event is hosted by the Relay Rockers team, and is a tribute to the Woodstock festival that took place in 1969.

While this may be a Relay Rockers event, the Relaystock is open to any team that wishes to take part, whether it's one of the time slots for the stage, one of the numerous campsites, or both. While there would be no drugs and no sex, there would still be three days of rock n roll, Friday May 10 to Sunday May 12. And of course the mud. Lots and lots of mud.

Trader Whiplash and Arizona Ballinger, the co-captains of the Rockers, were around.

The various teams soon had the campsites all set up. 

 By avatars of all kinds. 

One thing that was new this year were those stone "peace" statues. 

Hippies had something of a reputation for being dirty and smelly. Maybe that's why there were shower stalls here, the water coming from barrels on top. They might be a little chilly for some, though.

Running at the same time was "Bid the Lindens Bald."

This fundraiser was in one corner of the sim, where five teams of Lindens and Moles had kiosks to donate to. Details of the event are in this article.

Events would keep me away on Friday. But on Saturday was the Sunbeamer's set, at 11:30 AM SL time. I arrived in time to see the last of Team Phoenix Productions' DJ Kyla's tunes. "Yay Phoenix! Well done!"

And in the back, DJ Cynthia and members of the Sunbeamers who would be part of the dance troupe were getting ready, all of the ladies in much the same outfit, fitting of the time period,  "... left side of the stairs when we go up."
Due to a "Bid Me" event, I was feeling a little "squirrley."

Not all of the Sunnies would be on stage. Brian, who was in his pink in a tutu look from a Relay Bid Me, was in the audience. "Brian is going to be in the paper," I joked. Snowy went, "You look good in pink Brian."

And at 11:30 SL time, they got onto the stage. Lady Ren Flow (Ren Float) from Roos With A Dream, was with them. "Do I spy a roo that snuck on stage?!" Liska joked, "No Roos hre, pay no attention to the Ren in front of the curtain."

The background would change as time went on. Shockwave Yareach would later comment, "And the background is something only the Sunbeamers have." Cynthia would muse, "Only the Sunbeamers have cause no one else wants it." "It is Tunable BlackLight, my invention.  Only rarely causes mutations.  Makes some bunnies fly."
Shockwave, who was the lone male on stage, called out, "OKAY PEOPLE!! Let us take you back in time!! A time at peace.  With love everywhere...." Someone called out, "What year?" The wolf laughed, "Like that ever existed. But in 1969, a bunch had a wild idea -- ONE WEEKEND with no stress or strife." "WOO WOODSTOCK!!!" "WE are going to take you back to that time now... "

"Ladies and Gentlemen, give (it) up for... THE SUNBEAMERS!!"

And with Cynthia playing "Aquarius" by the Fifth Dimension, the Sunnies started to dance. "Age of Asparagus?" "Wow, look at them dance!!! who knew sunbeamers were trainable?!" "Groovy outfits!"

Shockwave continued, "And remember why we are here.  To raise money and make Cancer a distant memory, too! And, as a special treat... our expert DJs have guaranteed every song was not newer than 1969 (smile)"

"And Remember:  Don't smoke the brown acid -- people will look like animals if you do." That comment got a number of chuckles from the mostly human crowd watching a stage full of furries. "Too late," Cynthia mused. "BUNNIEEESSSSSSSS!" someone called out, "I love bunnies! And adorable hyena!" "Talking animals?" Liska mused, "I musta got some bad stuff." "OH GOD I'M SURROUNDED BY TALKING ANIMALS!" "Lots of bunnies on the stage, but it's not all bunnies. <3" "Sorry didnt see. (I) was gushing over the floofiness on stage."

One in the crowd would say, "Love ALLLLLL of these people!! so groovy!" Shockwave joked, "Let the sunshine in!!  We have SPF 15 for sale."

Rita would announce, "Also a Sunbeamer treat, I will match any donations no matter how big or small." Someone immediately plunked in 500L, "Here's another five hundred! Match me if you dare!" " I got 100 if someone wants to match me!" "C'mon everybody! Let's get that thing up to 20 K!"

Someone would express their regrets their spouse couldn't be there, "Sorry, real-life." Shockwave would comment, "Real Life is boring. Second Life is more fun. Where else could I be on stage with these lovely ladies?!"
Alison shouted, "if we can get the kiosk to L$17,500 we will help provide 1-free night’s stay at a Hope Lodge community for a cancer patient or their caregiver." Shockwave responded, "And if you get it to 25K?  I'll wear a nighty!" There were chuckles, then he added, "Not that I'm worried.  You guys don't wanna see a Wolf in a white cotton nighty." A certain reporter quipped, "Well, do you see anyone wearing a little red riding hood?" Brian would shout, "Are you sure Shockwave? Look what they did to me?!" 

Then someone shouted, "Here's another 2K Shockwave." Then Alison commented, "Yes we do, Shock!" Purple Tears' captain Wateru Kohime responded, "Pfft. We're gonna get you a scarlet red one to wear Shock." Shockwave chuckled, "You gotta pay 35K to see my little scarlet number. Some things only my girlfriend gets to see (grins)." "Oops! There goes another 1000L!" Shockwave matched another amount, "Hey, wait a minute! I just contributed to having to wear a nighty!! No no no no!" that got some chuckles, "What a good sport"

And it wasn't long before the Sunbeamer's wolf was in a grandmother's clothing. "I'm so embarrassed," he commented. Snowy went, "It helps to wear it irl Shocky you get used to it." "No comments on my bod please." Cynthia "screamed like a goat" before realizing she was an anthro nanygoat. Liska grinned, "The better to cure cancer, my dear." Snowy quipped, "I need to take a picture of Shocky just like I did last year." The result was Shock blushing even more. Cynthia looked out into the crowd as she heard a certain reporter take some pictures, "Oh crap the Newser is here, you're dead Shocky."

"Alison," Shock mused, "Now you just wanna see me in nightwear... Naughty (grins)." Alison responded, "I just want to see you face turn red, Shock!" "I'm told I need a shave (grin)" "Does that go with the nightie?" Rita joked, "The song will be 'Walking Around in Women's Underwear.'" Ren mused, "You thinnk anything embarrases Shock?" Snowy commented, "Yes I know what but won't say." Brian joked, "He'll have to shave his leggs for that night."

One Sunny in the audience asked, "Do we need some carrots and cabbage for the cute bunnies on stage, and Rita too? (grin)" Snowy responded, "I'll take some lettuce cause I always said Lettuce Prey." "Sorry Rita, just kidding." "Sure you were, I am just an old grey hare." One guy started to leave due to real life, *drops another L$100 for all the pretty Beamers on stage (plus Shock :P) while walking past my computer on the way out the door.*

Eventually the Bid Me events came up, "We've had a few Sunnies in some Bid Me events recently. 'Bid Me Bald' just isn't the same on a furry, so, we improvised (grins)." Snow remarked, "This Bid me has me thinking to go back to my old bunny hybrid OC. Old OC was something I called a Bunnox." "Would a bunnox be hopping after chicken?" 
Liska commented, "My Bid-Me has me purpular until after Relay weekend." Rita looked at the purple vixen, "Your so pretty in purple Liska." Snowy commented, "Liska looks good in Purple all the time." 

At one point, balloons came up, Shockwave saying, "We USED to ahve a balloon in the sunbeamer camp." Someone in the audience mused, "Up up and awayyy in my beautiful balloon..." Someone then joked about Shickwave's title in the Sunny group, "Let me guess only a 'High Sunbeamer' could operate it, and in this event, people got confused over what a 'high sunbeamer' was?"

Then the song "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies was played. That got some reactions from the audience, "Yer song Sienna!" Nula started singing, "Sugar sugar, ah honey honey, you are my candy girl ..." so was someone else, "and you got me wanting yooouuuu .... " Shockwave mused, "Okay guys!!  Turn to your sweetheart, hold her in your hands... and lick her neck!" Nula mused, "THE best song ever written.. right Sienna?" Ren Float commented, "How can anyone NOT sing along?" Nuala commented, "You just have to be happy hearing this." Shockwave went, "There are no problems in the world for the next hour! Be happy!" "Pour a lil sugar on me honeeey!"

Snowy would comment, "I used to have a lava lamp in real life, till the wax went bad in it. I might get another, but it looked very much like the one on stage. (I) used to go to sleep in bed watching it." Liska joked, "Go to Iceland, Snowy, you can get one with real lava." 

After another comment about the paper, Shockwave chuckled, "Nobody believes anything Fox News says." "SL Lewser," Liska joked, then chuckled as well. "Fox News is gospel to many," Ren remarked. To that, Shockwave commented, "Hear that Bix?  You're Gospel!" "Wrong Fox News," Cynthia quipped, "We're not talking about Farce News." One red wolf in a steampunkish hat went, "Hyuk, wuzz th' mattah w fozes sayin th news?" Snowy would say, "SL Newser is the only news I would read and believe. All other news sources are wrong (smiles)." I would say, "Thanks for the kind words everyone ... I get my RL news from multiple sources ;-) "

Then came the song "California Dreamin'" from "The Mamas And The Papas." One resident started singing, "La la la... sha la la la, sha la la la, All the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray." Alison commented, "I love this tune!" Shockwave commented, "The good old days, when the music could be sung in your car." Snow mused, "Well in your car no one knows how badly one would sing." "I'ive been for a walk, on a winter's day. I'd be safe and warm, if I was in LA. California dreamin', on sucha a wintes daaaaaay..." "Beautiful music for a less than beautiful time," Shockwave went on. 

Then came a clip Cynthia had that wasn't a 60s song, but a recording of part of an Animaniacs cartoon about Woodstock, labeled "Slappy And The Who." That got plenty of chuckles, "Oh my GOD! (Laughing Out Loud)" "Love it! Ha ha ha ha - he he he!!! =D *laughs so hard, she almost falls off the bus*" "REally good parody of 'Who's on first' (laughing out loud)" Shockwave would comment, "This was done for a cartoon. Nobody writes them like this any more. Now, show our DJ, Cynthia Farshore, how much you loved that!" Someone responded, *breaks another piggy bank, got 500 looking for a match* Shockwave and Brian both matched her. Cynthia followed up the skit with a Who song, "Pinball Wizard," someone musing, "sure plays a mean pinball. ... I saw The Who reunion tour in 89." Liska joined in, "I majored in pinball, with a minor in pinochle." 
Shock added, "I told you!!! Cynthia Farshore spent a WEEK curating this list!" Cynthia would say, "All tunes are 1969 or before in spirit with Woodstock." "Yes!!  We are PURISTS!" Someone called out, "My mom saw The Beatles in the early 60s, 

While the place was muddy, apparently someone decided there wasn't enough and brought out a fire hose to make more. Actually, what happened was Shockwave quipped, "Oh oh -- the gals are too hot and the stage is on fire!" Alison yelled ''Beamers are burning the place down!" Brian quipped, "Hey, when your hot, your hot." Shock went, "Throw some mud on the fire!! Quick!" Someone went, "These guys are lit?" And that's when the hose was used. "The mud needs to be a lil more muddy though."
There is no truth to the rumor that Liska had a flare gun on her, or is there?

But the hose wasn't truly needed for mud as it soon started raining. Shockwave would comment, "And of course, you can't have Woodstock without rain!" "The mud needs to be a lil more muddy though." "It'll get muddier as the day goes on probably." "With some standing water in the mud puddles." "Good thing I'm down to just my shorts with all this rain and mud." "Gotta take off my shoes so mud can ooze between my toes."

Then Cynthia started playing the song "Hair." Or as some would call it, "The Fuzzball Ortega song." Cynthia remarked, "Looks like we have made a rather hairy situation!" Shockwave remarked, "And a rare recording -- this is from the BROADWAY performance!!!" Someone remarked, "Alison waatch the dread locks please." Ren commented, "Ironically doing a two-step to hippy song." Shockwave mused, "Sunbeamers arent big on consistency." Brian responded, "Nope they specialize in fun." I commented, "You're a consistent punner." Cynthia would comment at the end, "As per that tune I played Hair, there were lots of hairy creatures running around then."

Shockwave then called out to everyone, "Who here misses the 60s? Back when we had to know how to play to make music." Someone commented, " I wasnt born yet, but I do. I didnt come along til the 70s" "I dunno, that wuz so longs agho, I's forgot 'em." "I've been told... by a reliable source... if you can REMEMBER the 60s, you were never really there." "So.. since I can't remember the 60s.. that measn I was really there, right? (grins)" Shockwave mused, "Its almost like you were actually at Woodstock!  Wtih furry animals and colors."

Then Cynthia was playing "Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)." Shockwave called out, "Here it is people!!! The ANTHEM of the 60s!" "Woooooooooooooooooo!" "YAY!" "TUNE!" "Love it!" *dances in the rain and sings along in real life* "I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiingin in the raaaain." Liska mused, "Anthem of the 60s, lyrics from a couple thousand years earlier." Shockwave responded, "Couple thousand years before, they didn't have the recording gear.  And all they could play was ROCK music. Hehhehheh."

With "Somebody to Love" by Jefferson Airplaine, someone was singing along, "Dont you want somebody to love, dont you need somebody to love, wouldnt you love somebody to love, you better find somebody to love ..."

Liska joked, "First wind turbine asks, 'What kind of music do you like?'  Second wind turbine answers, 'I'm a huge metal fan.' "
Eventually Brian asked "Hey Shocky what would you do for 30,000L$ on the kiosk?" Shockwave answered he would wear his "little red number." "Come on... you people don't wanna see me in that little red number.  Do you?" Wateru commented, "Something tells me Shock actually wants to wear that little red number and is just looking for an excuse." And eventually the kiosk reached the ammount, the wolf oing, "Oh geez... *blushes as bright as his britches*" Liska commented, "Mark Twain said, 'Man is the only animal that blushes.  Or needs to'." Wateru mused, " I keep proving that wrong with all the blushing I've been doing as a fox lately." 

Eventually, the kiosk would reach 35,000 Lindens, "Shocky the kiosk." The wolf commented, "I'm already IN my little red number! Can't wear less without being arrested!!  Or tagged."

As time went on, so did the songs, and the humor in response to them. When "I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends" was played, Shockwave mused, "I get by with a little hemp from my friends." When "Green Tamborine" was played, Liska joked, "Now listen while I play on . . . my green trampoline." Someone else went *beats her tamourine to the tempo of the song*

Wateru mentioned his team Purple Tears had a Steam game auction, "I should have put up one for just RelayStock."

As the second to last song played, Shockwave Yareach: Like all good things, our show is about to end. ... We've loved revisiting hsitory with you all. ... You know what history I wanna dance to?  CANCER being history! We are the Sunbeamers! Our leader is Rita Mariner, and your expert DJ this evening was Cynthia Farshore!!" Liska would say, "Our choreographer was borrowed from Roos With a Dream, Lady Ren." People from the audience cheered, "Loooved seeing you all perform!"

Cynthia was then about to play her final tune, "Ok we thank yall for pitching in the donation and I leave you with this tune Goodbye to Cancer."

Shockwave would say as the team was getting ready to leave the stage, "Thank you ALL for making the Sunbeamers event a roaring success!!! We are happy you are here, jamming to the music and trying to make Cancer a memory like Woodstock was. We will see you next year!! Party on, and GO RELAY!!!"

Just as the last of the Sunnies were leaving the stage, Alison glanced at how much Cynthia and her dancers had raised, " ***Wewtwewt *** 50K!. Sunbeamers are awesome!!!"

The singer up next, Hunter (HunterOfMen Zarco) called out as he was getting on stage, "This is the American Cancer Society's 20th year in Second Life and our all time fund raising total stands at nearly 5.5 million dollars and in 2023 our event was ranked 8th among more than 2600 Relay Events Nationwide."

Backstage, we congratulated ourselves. Once again, the Sunbeamers had pulled off a good event. 

There would be one more big Sunbeamer event between Relaystock and the Relay Weekend, the Renaissance Festival in Caledon. It collected come cash, and the donations kept coming, the team ending up at Ruby level for the second year in a row. 
It would be a while before I would finally finish this article, a little over a month and a half. Yours truly has been busy, not only reporting other stories, but also in real-life. But I wanted a good account of the fun we had that day, so I took my time.

It's been about eleven years since the Sunbeamers were formed, the successor team to the Passionate Redheads which raised money for six years. While formed by Rita Mariner, the team is much more than her. Numerous individuals both from the days from the Redheads such as Shockwave, Lomgren, Dusk, Nydia, and others made their contributions, as have those who joined after such as Snowy, Cynthia, Mattie, Charlee, and more. Sadly, some have left. Alleara and Jessicabelle would pass away two years ago, and this year would be Zorro's last Relay, him passing away this spring. While no longer with us in avatar, they are still with us in spirit. 

So what will 2025 bring? We plan to have the air show again, and send another DJ and set of dancers to next year's Relaystock. We don't know exactly what will happen, but have every intention of raising a lot of cash, and having a fun time doing it, ourselves and those around us, bringing the day when inexpensive cures for all cancers will be here for everyone a little closer.

Go Sunbeamers! Go Relay!

Bixyl Shuftan