By Bixyl Shuftan
On Tuesday October 22, Caledon Downs held a Halloween party at it's Goblin Cave. The occasion was to relax and have a little fun, dressing up in costume and enjoying a some music. But it was also the second of two fundraiser parties for Caledon Oxbridge University. The first had been on Saturday October 19 at Caledon Oxbridge Village.
Cynthia Farshore, the Duchess of Caledon Downs and the owner of the Goblin Cave, played the tunes for the audience. A total of Twenty-seven others were there, many in costumes that ranged from the spooky to the whimsical. A gift-giver would randomly give prizes to people, such as ghastly portraits, pumpkin bats, witch corgis, marshmallow skulls, and more.

People talked and joked as the event went on. When the song "Hotel California" came up, someone joked "Electricity on even-numbered days," a reference to the brownouts currently going on there. When Cynthia played "Darn I'm Dead Again," sung by Shackwave Yareach whom was also at the party, people jokingly offered to be his agent, "Do you have a manager Shock? Need one? Sign here...... No don;t bother about reading the fine print - trust me - (mwhahaha). Shockwave mused, "My daughter, who I made it for, hated it (grin)."
Someone named Teddy Bear walked in with a huge needle, "Anybody want a flu shot? ... I am not sure what kind of medicine I have in this syringe" "Flue shot?," someone asked jokingly, "No thanks, I had my chimney cleaned before winter. ... Are you a registered nurse Teddy?" "I am a deadly nurse. I specialize in zombies." "How does one nurse the undead?" someone else asked. "Carefully" responded another. Badger asked, "Oh, you're a staff nurse at parliament?" Teddy responded, "I have a special weapon to crack Badger skulls." "If you do that Teddy you'll have to nurse him back to health." someone mused. Badger joked, "Do I get sponge bathes?" Teddy responded, "I will simply give him one squirt from my syringe. Bend over MGB, this will not hurt!"
There was a little talk of the Halloweenish attractions elsewhere in Caledon Downs, notably the "skull hunt" in which one has to look for nine small skulls, the three larger ones giving out a basket to collect them, "find them all you get a prize." Andrea Jones commented, "Cynthia puts a lot of work into her region. Always something to do here."
Eventually, the party came to a close, "Thank you all for coming." "Great set tonight Cynthia." "Thanks for hosting us!" A total of 15,300 Linden dollars had been raised.
Caledon Oxbridge University ( is best known for offering tutorials for new residents of Second Life. Besides Caledon Downs, Cynthia Farshore is the owner of Farshore Radio.
Bixyl Shuftan
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