Saturday, June 25, 2022

At The SL19B, Part Two

By Gemma Cleanslate

As the days pass at the SL19B I have had a chance to greet at the Welcome Area, the Tapestry, the Arboretum and wander along some of the roads to say hello and offer information. 

It is fun to meet many Second Life residents who come in from all across the grid to enjoy the birthday. I also stopped in at these venues when an event was going on.

One day I arrived at the Arboretum to find a raucous crowd clapping and hollering at at Wrestling match hosted by Premier Wrestling. Nadie DarkMoon Ireland (elcazador2003 Resident) and Khia Norsewood (Khiandres Resident) entered the ring to great applause and began tossing each other all over. The referee, Greyson Cooper (GreysonCooper101 Resident) oversaw what was going on. I have no idea who won or if anyone did since I am not familiar with the rules. Everyone there was enjoying the whole thing. I know there is a huge following of this sport in Second Life and it was evident.

The Arboretum is built to hold various events there on different stages. All of Saffia Widdershins interviews with Linden Lab are held here at a different stage that can accommodate hundreds of visitors at a time.

From there I stopped over at the Steamworks to find Classical steampunk music with Colin Scientist not only offering the music but also doing ballet dance steps for an appreciative audience. Some of the audience joined him with ballet steps . The Steamworks is an amazing installation of … also known as Faust in other years. I always look for his builds every year.

Sunday will be the last day for parties at the stages but this is a good time to start exploring the many installations across the more than 20 regions. I have visited some this week in between greeting at the various venues. Below are a few of the artists work that I have seen and enjoyed.

Bear Castle

Cake at Undersea 

Happy Hippo Team

Stephen Venkman's exhibit

Gemma Cleanslate

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