Friday, December 30, 2011

CNN iReport Island’s Last Event

On Tuesday December 27th, CNN producers Nichole and Henry iReport announced that the sim owned by the popular real-life news network would be closing down. There would be one last official event, a farewell gathering, two days later on Thursday December 29th.

I showed up early, ten minutes before the event. Only Daniel Voyager was around at the time. But then Pooky Amsterdam dropped in, followed by iReporter Janey Bracken, whom had written about the closing for CNN. And as 2PM arrived in came more people. Nichole and Henry iReport showed up, as did other iReporters and others in Second Life media. There were a few other noteables such as DJ GoSpeed Racer. And there were just plain folks whom had heard about the place and wanted to see it. Close to two dozen were attending at one point.

For the first hour, we talked about various subjects, notably the island’s limited time, many of us seeing it or an event here for the first time. Someone called it sad in another way. In it’s heyday, a number of real life companies had set up a place on the Grid. And now the small list of those that remained was getting still smaller. But there were happier topics. Someone mentioned Daniel Voyager’s birthday had happened just a few days earlier, and there was joking around of getting a cake, with or without a dancing girl inside. There were also jokes about Henry iReport’s “noob” appearance. Some mentioned how they first found out about Second Life. People also talked about the upcoming year, and were hopeful.

A few minutes before 3PM SL time, the meeting moved to the dance floor set up in the northern part of the sim, with Grace McDunnough playing the tunes. Someone changed into a 18th century naval uniform, looking pretty odd next to the disco & rave lights. Someone else mentioned fireworks, and a few were set up outside the dance area. For those with their viewers set to midnight, they were a colorful sight.

From about 3:30 to 4 SL time, people began leaving, thanking Nichole and Henry iReport for helping to keep the island there for as long as it was, as well as iReports in Second Life. Nichole reminded that while this would be the end of CNN iReport Island, the group itself would most likely remain. She told more information would be available later.

The sim itself is still up, and will remain until sometime in January when the tier runs out. People can still go there and pick up the iReports package, which includes a CNN T-shirt and baseball cap (default wear position on “nose” for those with attachments there). The island itself has an “i” shaped structure just west of the teleport entry area, with a small meeting area with seats making up the dot. North of that is the dance area. The middle of the sim has a small drive-in theater where one can see a few old news reports. The rest of the sim contains various outdoor scenes, hills, waterfalls, and bridges.

Daniel Voyager has his own article on the event, as well as a number of pictures on his Flickr (note: Daniel’s total number of screenshots there just reached 20,000). For any questions regarding CNN or CNN iReport’s plans, Nichole iReport says she will try to answer them the best she can from her email address at .

Bixyl Shuftan

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pearl Harbor Memorial Service at USS Arizona Memorial in Oahu Sim

At 2PM SL time on December 7th at the Oahu sim, a number of residents met at the USS Arizona Memorial. Some were locals whom made the island their home or hangout in Second Life. Others were veterans, or from tribute groups such as the Flying Tigers. But all had come to pay their respects.

The service began with a recording of the song “In the Arms of an Angel.” Next was singer Roxanne Ysabel, doing a performance of “America the Beautiful.” Then came a five minute segment of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Day of Infamy” speech, which was followed by salutes from the vets. Technical glitches kept some from hearing the sounds at times, but it was cleared up by the end of FDR’s words.

Twstd Ruggles, one of Oahu’s residents, then addressed the crowd, “Aloha and thank you all for coming today to our special memorial services remembering 70 years ago the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. I had planned to do this speech in voice, but SL isn't being kind so please bare with me. Coming up we will hear music from the lovely Ichie Kamachi, hula dancing, prayer, and then we will all go to the deck and launch our leis into the sea for remembrance.”

“One more thank you to Kitilla Cortes for making this awesome replica of the USS Arizona Memorial Structure. This is our 3rd year having this event and I can't explain in words how much this means to me. Everytime I come here and visit, I can't help but get choked up hearing all the names of the people who lost their lives 70 years ago. So today I want to honor those people and I thank you all for joining us as we give tribute to them today. So without further delay, please toggle your audio as we enjoy a few songs from the very talented Ichie Kamachi!”

And then Ichie, a real-life Hawaiian, took to the stage and began singing to the crowd with the velvet voice she has been noted for. She sang two songs, then came a hula dance presentation by Oahu sim residents in native costume led by Szerwerp Loon. This was followed by a prayer by Chaplain Stan Teva.

“Roosevelt, who was never at a loss for words, said it was ‘a date that would live in infamy.’ Military leaders said it was the most disastrous defeat that our military had ever suffered in a single day. Let us pray, Dear Lord, creator and sustainer of all things, we offer this humble prayer to you this day. We understand that this world is full of good and evil and that you have given us the freedom to choose between the two. Today we remember a day when men choose evil. The day that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and dragged the United States into the darkest of all wars this planet has seen. We remember the people on both sides that gave their lives and pray for those that are left behind seventy years later. We thank you in this hour of need you gave us these people, America's ‘Greatest Generation,’ when our need was greatest. We also remember the brave men and women that stood their ground against this evil both at home and abroad to ensure freedom would prevail. “

“We stand here next to the Second Life memorial to the 1177 sailors and marines that lost their lives on the USS Arizona during the beginning of the attack. It is here also that we remember that thousands of sailors, soldiers, airmen, marines and civilians that lost their lives on this day. Help us all to remember Pearl Harbor and keep America; no, not just America by help us keep the world alert against any attacks against our freedoms. Let us not bring shame on those who still lie in the quiet places through our indifference or forgetfulness. They gave it all and showed their love as you taught us in John chapter 15 verse 13, ‘There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ “

“We give thanks for the brave people who embodied your love by making this ultimate sacrifice on this day. May we be willing to follow their example when duty calls. We also give thanks for all the men and women that made this ultimate sacrifice during the war that followed and during the many wars and conflicts that have followed to this day. And let us not forget the survivors and families that have gone on to contribute to this world of ours. War is an unnecessary evil that we must live with until all of mankind rejects their selfish nature and accepts the Truth. Lord, we humbly beseech thee to guide us and teach us so that we can bring glory to your name as the people we remember today did seventy years ago.”

“In the name of Jesus Christ we made this prayer, Amen.”

Several servicemen followed, “Amen” in response.

Chaplain Stan continued, “Don't forget the next event in today's program is the launching of leis into the sea in remembrance of the fallen. To your right, my left, at the front of the Arizona Memorial is a sign at the end of the deck to launch your lei. Please click on it in remembrance of those who have gone before us.”

It was then that the residents walked to the USS Arizona memorial. One by one, they clicked on the launcher, and a circle of flowers fell into the water, stained with a bit of oil that would occasionally bubble up from a simulation of the wreckage below. The memorial itself was a permanent structure, that would read the list of the men who perished on the USS Arizona, giving one name at a time every so often. The virtual memorial had pictures of the real-life one, in addition of those of the Arizona and it’s crew. At the far end of the memorial was a list of the fallen carved in stone.

As residents threw their leis in the sea, the hula dancers began their second performance and the last part of the Pearl Harbor tribute. Residents gave their thanks to Twstd Ruggles, as well as Szerwerp Loon.

“Thank you that we could participate this special day.”

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Art Deco Clock Build-Off

The Virtual Museum of Architecture is having another great Art Deco building contest. Clocks are the featured item this time. The twenty-two entries are on display at Virtual Museums’ Main Campus at Virtual Museums (229, 146, 25).

Djinn Dasmijn, who organized the Build-Off, gave me a sneak preview a few nights ago while he was waiting for the final entries to be delivered. The clocks range in size from a tall grandfather to petite mantle ones. Triangles, circles, arches, and other art deco shapes are featured. Water falls, cats, statutes and more are incorporated into other designs.
Zardoz Morane’s Rockefeller Atlas clock was inspired by real world New York Rockefeller Center, while Thoth Bellic’s clock has an Egyptian flare to it. Undine Collison’s sparkling marble clock is like jewelry for your mantle.

The clocks are not only lovely to look at, they sound wonderful, too. Every 15 minutes a few clocks chime. At the top of the hour there is a symphony of sound.

The smaller building contests are very popular. While some contestants have entered other contests in the past, many of the entrants are new. “Little builds bring in an entirely new set of builders,” Dijinn Dasmijn said. “Opens up the door for more people to try new things.”

The winner of the clock competition will be awarded a $2000L prize. Half of the money is from the entry fees, and Builder’s Brewery donated a match amount. Voting on the best clock is limited to members of the VMA.

The Builders are: Mellisina Parkin, Icarion Artful, Ringenki, Tommie Cobalt, Windrider Taiyang, Sandi Glas, Silania Pastorelli, Todd Socke, Joesf Fitzpatrick, Dierdre Maven, Lissianna Silverweb, Rune Draegonne, Current, Thoth Bellic, Simi Emerald, Zardoz Morane, Atrebor Zenovka, Lea Supermarine, Raphaeli1978, Logan Weder, Gawwain Inglewood, and Undine Collison.

A large yellow arrow that points the way to the “Art Deco Buildoff Display”. Walk on the sidewalk, then up the hill to a circle of buildings. The clocks are in the second building from the left. Inside is an exhibit of Art Deco posters, too.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Addition* - The winners have now been announced. They are:

First Place - Sandi Glas

Second Place - Gawwain Inglewood

Third Place - Undine Collinson

The exhibit will be on display through March, 2012.

Grey Lupindo

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Let’s Go on a Hunt

I don't usually have time to devote to all of Second Life’s creative hunts, but I wanted to go on "The Home and Garden Market Hunt," sponsored by Katy Glendevon and Heavenly Villa on Triskelion Shores. It’s all part of a grid-wide hunt that runs through Dec. 2. Hunt items are ten cents.

Heavenly is the owner of L'aize Dayz PG & couples furniture and the Touch of Home group. She's a co-owner of Home and Garden Market Village and a teacher at Builders Brewery. You can follow her at .

Katy started building in SL almost 4 years ago, and after a brief foray into clothing design went back to furniture making. She founded Marmalade Jam one year ago. She is the co-owner of the Home and Garden Market, a real vendor community with the mission of supporting fellow home and garden item creators. Creating items for her store and the wonderful feedback from Home and Garden Market vendors is what inspires her and keeps her motivated. This is the first hunt she organized and she’s proud of the response from shoppers and vendors alike. It’s something she and Heavenly wanted to arrange since the market was first established in June 2011. They have moved around a little, expanded, learned, and now it seemed like the right time to do it. A lot of preparation went into it: finding vendors, finalizing dates, shooting pics, creating landmarks, slurls, blog posts and the advertising.

A click in the destination guide landed me in the "L'aize Days" store, in a room with brown and green furniture, the cozy stuff that would have you falling asleep in your first life. Heavenly created a country coffee table, brown leather and tweed armchairs and a warm brown window seat. The winter green cupboard in the corner is sweet with an antique phone, daisies and books.

When I stepped out of the store, I searched for information leading me to what hunt item I was suppose to look for. A few minutes later, I learned it was an apple from a small poster in the Marmalade Jam store. The first apple I spotted on the Teacher's pet desk was the wrong one. I did find the right one. Here’s a clue: milk & cookies.

In Natas there were cute storybook canopy beds. Next door, Thaino featured shabby chic and vintage home styles. Bold colors pop out at you. At Pinky's Nik Naks, I saw some really cute gnomes. Actually love those in first life, too. They were $50L and about 10 prims. The Ivy Greenhouse was only $100L and about 22 prims.

By this time, I'm noticing the "cuteness level" of the market and all the sculpties. Landscapes medium and dark green are very cozy. The pond areas are adorned with waterfalls and lily pads. Contently, swans swim about.

At Thingies, the Frosty the Snowman song greets me as I cross the welcome mat. Here you'll find nautical products, such as a lighthouse or starfish on stands. The framed beach pictures are nice. I found an apple there. Think roses. You’ll find a Dutch Iris Collection and African Daisies for $300L, all hand painted at Rich Living. There's potted trees, too.

Storaxtree sold old window picture frames, cookies on a plate and some home builds.

At Exquisite Eye Decorations, there was a cute little Dutch windmill, a scarecrow, a round table and chairs, flowers, small tealights and a room divider.

By DeZyne featured a striped umbrella and lounge chairs, quality custom homes and home accessories. The bird cage with the cat ready to pounce is so realistic at Thisnthat. Desiree Davison is the creator here. She also has a lampost with an elf. Grandma’s Chair is just adorable, exactly what you'd see in her house. Check out the summer dock.

Love's Enchantment featured items by Jacob Bearsfoot. I saw yellow finches and blue songbirds and butterflies, too. There were summer mushrooms you could sit on and a Lovers Embrace water sculpture that was pretty nice. I saw a gorgeous grandfather's clock.

I did the entire course and only found 2 apples. I was told there are five out there. Hope you do better. Don't forget to check the stalls.

For more information, log on to:

Netera Landar

Friday, November 18, 2011

Anya Ibor of “Fearless Nation” and the “Fearless Festival”

From November 4rth to the 13th was the Third Annual ”Be Fearless” Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder Awareness event , or the “Fearless Festival,” at Fearless Nation in the Oak Beach sim. There were a number of music DJ events, plus a number of art exhibits on display.

Thanks to a friend, I got in touch with the head of the Fearless Nation group, Anya Ibor. In real life, she is an M.A. in Forensic Psychology. “Fearless Nation PTSD Support has been in SL since June 2009,” she told me. When I asked her what normally happened here between special events like the Fearless Festival, “Well, we have a Remembrance Place where people can go to quietly remember and pay tribute.” The place is normally closed to the public, but open for the Festival, “Remembrance and mourning are an important part of PTSD recovery.”

“And we have group meetings to discuss PTSD matters,” Anya went on, “We were holding 5 a week, now just one. But we'll be back up to 5 per week, maybe more after the event. We also offer addiction recovery meetings--not 12-steps, mind you--but real recovery techniques and peer support. ... The environments here, the events, all based in scientific research in trauma recovery. From the top researchers in the field: VS Ramachandran, Van Der Kolk, etc. We really believe in the individual's own recovery--there is no magic bullet or 'one-size-fits-all' cure. ... Everyone is a different chemistry set. But each must work hard to recover. No one can do it for you.”

Anya did one to make one thing clear about what her treatments were not, “However--we DO NOT have exposure therapy here--it was developed for phobias--not trauma--i.e. ’recreating Iraq war zone and running vets through it.’ No. Not on these sims.” The DJ playing music was nearby listening, and asked what the point of it was. Anya responded, “Yes ... But for some reason it's a huge fad in the psych biz now, using exposure therapy, it merely re-traumatizes the person. Phobias and Trauma are completely different. ... I even question exposure treatment for phobias.” She joked “The only thing that cured me of my fear of spiders was spending 2 years in AZ in a house infested with scorpions. Then I moved back East and I hate spiders again ... strange really.”

I asked Anya what were her most interesting moments here. She answered, “Well, the most interesting experiences have been, from a Psychology standpoint, the amount of information I can gather merely through looking at one's avatar and their texting.” Someone asked her how could she read an avatar. Her answer, “The way people put their avatars together. ... The words they use--and how fast or slow they respond. Tells me quite a bit even if they are ‘anonymous.’ ... it helps me help them. If I understand and watch closely I can determine the responses I make when they speak in group or in private. And I can tell when someone is in IM or if they are simply hesitating.” She was asked if men and women responded differently to treatment. She answered, "No ... The healing process is different for the individual, regardless of gender."

But not all were truly welcome here, “And also--sadly--the handful of people I have had to ban from the sims because they might have PTSD, but they also have some comorbid conditions like shizophrenia or borderline personality disorder. They are much too disruptive to be with the group.” Her idea of a success story, “I would say the people who came into our sims, really worked the program and then returned to real-life: to work, to family, rather than escaping here. It mean that Virtual works for trauma.”

And if someone suspected someone they knew had PTSD, “First, learn about it, and then speak to the one with PTSD. We offer a great deal of consumer protection information, so that family and friends can help the PTSDer. Also try to engage the person with PTSD to learn about it, and get the right diagnostic tests. We provide a list of them. Education first, makes one feel more in control of the condition. Then the work begins. The work includes symptom and affect control, reconnection with others (starting here in SL) remembrance and mourning, bodywork and nutrition. and more.”

It was soon time to depart, Anya reminding me the sims set up for the artists, featuring artists such as Bryn Oh, Scottius Polke, Trill Zapaterro, and others, would be there until th end of the month.

“Please IM me any time, and you are welcome here always.”

Bixyl Shuftan

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Occupy CNN iReport Island

Occupy Activists gathered at CNN iReport Island in Second Life to meet Nicole iReport (Picture 2), a real life CNN Producer. CNN is covering Occupy Wall Street nationally and globally only through the generous citizen journalism of iReporters. How else could CNN cover 1700 Occupy Cities world round? (you can find your local Occupy group on )

At CNN's regular Second Life (SL) meetings, Thursdays at 2pm US Pacific time, Nicole and Henry iReport meet with citizen journalists to discuss their stories, give encouragement, and explain what people want to read most. This week, Nicole said, "we want to know what motivates people" in the Occupy Wall Street movement and "we want portraits of protesters." In response:

Frederica Lexenstar (with the “Make Jobs Not War” sign) is an Occupy Lexington Kentucky activist in real life (RL). Frederica is a deeply committed activist, she explains, "I spend 4-6 hrs/day at occupation in Lexington KY." She's also involved in Occupy SL, the global activism group in Second Life. Frederica finds, "one interesting thing about the occupation in SL, is you get reports from people who are participating all over in RL.”

Gilles Loring (with the "Money Talks 99% Walks" sign) participates in Occupy SL because she can't attend Occupy in real life, since she is a dedicated caregiver. Occupy SL provides an accessible activist community for people in all time zones, with real life responsibilities, and irregardless of physical abilities.

We invited Nicole to tour one of the Occupy Wall Street sites in Second Life. Occupy LEA (Linden Endowment for the Arts) is an immersive artwork by Miso Susanowa (Picture 3 right). LEA is a self-curated gallery provided free for use by any SL citizen. At Occupy LEA, you are immersed in an Occupy Wall Street encampment, complete with fully functional tents, sleeping bags, and media center.

Famous SL artist, Trill Zapatero (Picture 3 left), stopped by to meet Nicole and answer any questions. Trill is the artist and curator of many immersive artworks, including the Four Bridges Project regions and two Afghanistan Museums in SL.

Later, Trill was joined by her adorable friend Genevieve Silvercloud. All this happened very spontaneously. I sent a group Instant Message (IM) to Occupy SL just before Nicole arrived, we all decided to Teleport to Occupy LEA, then Trill arrived with Genevieve to join us. It was fun. We got to chat at length with CNN about Occupy Wall Street and meet enthusiastic Occupy Activists who have a big impact in SL and real life!

CNN iReport Island

Miso Susanowa's OccupyLEA

Any1 Gynoid
Original article on CNN

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)

Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is being celebrated with a week of lectures, music, exhibits, and more at Instituto Espanol (116, 186, 31). When you arrive at the landing point, you will see the sign, a small altar, and a trail of orange flowers. Go west, turn the corner, and descend the steps to find the Exhibit Hall. Along the way you can pick up a festive t-shirt to wear to the exhibit, too.

Traditionally this holiday is celebrated by constructing altars to remember and honor deceased loved ones. Malu Zhao constructed a beautiful altar in the middle of the exhibit. It features candles, food, and photographs of loved ones. On both sides of the altar are paintings and other works of art depicting Dia de los Muertos. The traditional symbols of this holiday are skulls, skeletons, and Catrinas, a female figure made famous by artist José Guadalupe Posada.

Ms. Zhao also explains the history and modern celebrations of this Mexican holiday on notecards that you can find near the altar. She writes, “The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. ... Traditions connected with the holiday include building private altars honoring the deceased using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed and visiting graves with these as gifts.”

The Instituto Espanol teaches Spanish to SL residents in Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Groups. For Día de los Muertos the three groups are competing to see who can decorate the best altar. Visitors can vote, and the winner will be announced at the closing ceremony. The Basic Group was ahead in the competition when I visited, but that may change.

All of the altars are festive and fun, with lots of dancing skeletons and Mexican food to sample. I lingered a while at the altar of the Intermediate group, who gave out drinks of Bombay Sapphire along with samples of comal con tortillas and pizza margherita.

Eugenia Calderon, one of the Spanish teachers, has prepared a presentation and lecture on the traditions and meanings associated with the holiday. Her presentation, which is also on display at the Exhibit, is in Spanish but includes lots of pictures.

The Celebration will continue through November 2, ending with a fiesta at 8 p.m. SL time. A full schedule is found near the entrance to the exhibit.

Grey Lupindo

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Events this Week in Second Life from Oct. 25th to Oct 31st

Events subject to change by hosts, and more information may come in later this week. So check again later for events this weekend. Check for more events at the Second Life Destination Guide.

* * * * * *

Special multi-day events

Guy Fawkes Exhibition

"Visit New London and learn about Guy Fawkes at this limited-time exhibition, held Oct. 22-Nov. 5. "

TARDIS (222, 100, 23)

Loup Garou Benefit Hunt

"Find your inner beast at the Loup Garou Benefit Hunt, held through Nov. 21. Friends of JoseDiego Silverspar have organized this special hunt to help raise funds for his battle with Leukemia,. More info: "


Experience 31 days of terror in this mini-marathon of horror cinema at the Phantasmagoria Theater.

Krongower (189,195,62)

* * * * * *

Tuesday October 25th

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
The club of the most active romance-themed sim in Second Life

Theme: Best in Wings
DJ: Blacktulp , Host &Trivia Host: Eva ( 2 trivia games to be played during the event 12:30 and 1:15 PM )

1 Board - 250L

12 to 2 PM, Mystery
(82, 96, 37)

4PM Happy Hour at the Writer's Block Cafe

"Happy Hour at the Writer's Block Cafe: Hakeber Haber returns for her biweekly reading of her collection of shorts, "The Life and Times of Car Johnson", Insanity never tasted so hilarious! [ Car Johnson one of Hakeber's characters, will read his own stories :-) ] ( She'll also be treating us to her horror writing :-) )"

4-5 PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)

5PM Lauren Live

"Presenting LaurenLive, a stand-up live comedy routine on the peculiarities and quirks of living in SL and RL! Catch me at ' Lauren's Place' on Cookie Island, Tuesday at 5:00 PM, a lively, open comedic conversation. No tipping. Just fun and laughter."

5 PM Cookie (208, 23, 23)

6 PM Club Zero Gravity
"A party among the stars" in a featured space club

Theme: "Creature Feature" DJ: to be determined

Contest: 500L
"We Did the Monster Mash"

6 to 8 PM? Purrfection Estates (229, 11, 3365)

7:30 PM Saint Quentin Ballroom
DJ Lewt and his lovely wife Janna hosting dancing and music at the Saint Quentin Ballroom, music from all eras.
NOTE: The ballroom is set in the middle of a roleplay sim. The dance area is neutral ground, but guests are asked not to disturb players outside it.

7:30 - 10 PM Saint Quentin (64, 90, 32)

* * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday October 26th

10AM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Best in Jeans
DJ: Blacktulp, Host and Trivia :FJ ( 2 trivia games during the event at 10.30 and 11.15 )

1 Board - 250L
10AM to 12 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

11 AM. SLT. - The Writer's Support Group

"Eppie Shoreman's ever-popular, informal & informative Writer's Chat Support Group. Readers and Artists are especially welcome! We never know what we'll be talking about and even the seemingly random chatter is interesting :-) "
11 AM - 12 PM Book Island (198, 52, 25)

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Pajama Party
DJ: Blacktulp, Host and trivia : Borges ( 1 board L$250) ( 2 trivia games during the event 12.30 and 1.15 )
1 Board - 250L
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

1PM Happy Hour with Morgue McMillan (canceled)

1PM Book Island
(207, 227, 37)

4PM Club Little Dove

"Set sail on the H.M.A.S. Little Dove for fun, and dance away in the sky."
Theme: "Roman Holiday," DJ to be determined
"Toga! Toga! Toga! …"

4-6PM Southern Colorado, (110, 35, 105)

6 PM Cutlass Club Party
"Best open air club on SL. Always live-music, best dancers to entertain you. 125m above Sunweaver Air. Open wed, Fri, Sat nights 6pm SL, Sun 1pm SL time. Come enjoy and dance your cares away."

Theme: "Formal Dance," DJ: To be determined

6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

7PM The Odd Ball

"Hello Tunaverse! I am Tuna Oddfellow and this is my partner Shava. We are your hosts on this wild ride. Do not attempt to adjust your monitors we are controling transmission!"

7PM to 9PM
Dragonhenge (126, 122, 651)

7PM "War of the Worlds"

"Attend one of three live performances of the classic "War of the Worlds" in Second Life. This special event is free, but donations to several charities are accepted and encouraged from those who attend. Live show held Oct. 26. See the full schedule at:

7 PM Imagination Island (46, 211, 28)

* * * * * * * * * *

Thursday October 27th

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Best in Purple
DJ: Whitetulp ( aka Blacktulp ), Host: Pint
(1 Board 250L)
12 PM to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

1 PM "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?"
Sandndor Zabelin's New Event. We'll be discussing issues raised in his book, "Notes from An Alien", but you don't have to read the book to join in :-) We'll be discussing many Global Issues and possible resolutions. Everyone gets a free book :-)
Book Island (197, 56, 25)

2 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Best in Black
DJ: Talyn Bellios, Host: To be announced (1 board L$350)
6PM to 8PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

4PM Another Happy Hour at the Writers Block Cafe
"Hakeber's continued reading of hilarious shorts about Car Johnson and excerpts from her horror classics."
4-5 PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)

6 PM Virtually Speaking

“A weekly news review and counterpoint to the network opinion shows. Each week, two well regarded bloggers discuss the events of the week, with an emphasis on U.S. politics and policy. “
Jay Ackroyd hosts.

6-7 PM Virtually Speaking (164, 111, 25)

6 PM Club Zero Gravity
"A party among the stars" in a featured space club

Theme: "Halloween Party," DJ: To be announced

"It Was a Graveyard Smash."

6 to 8 PM? Purrfection Estates (229, 11, 3365)

* * * * * * * * * *

Friday October 28th

??? AM Mystery Lake
Time: To be announced
Theme: 7seas Fishing contest on Lake of Mystery 500L Pot
DJ: Blacktulp
Host: Venim (L$500 prize)

??? AM - ???, Mystery (132, 81, 21)

1 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

DJ: Talyn Bellios
Theme: Love in the 80s ( Come as you are )
Host: To be Announced (1 board L$250)

1 PM to 3 PM, Mystery (132, 81, 21)

Time: 3pm- 5pm
Theme: Rosemoon Dinner dance ( semi-formal/formal )
DJ : Bloodrose, Hosts: Star, Ritt, Amy ( 2 boards m/f L$250 each board)
3 PM to 5 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

4PM Club Little Dove

"Set sail on the H.M.A.S. Little Dove for fun, and dance away in the sky."
Theme: "Halloween Party," DJ to be announced
"Ghosts, Ghouls, and Lawyers"
4-6PM Southern Colorado, (110, 35, 105)

6PM Cutlass Club Party

Theme: "Red & Black" DJ to be announced
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

* * * * * * * * * *

Saturday October 29th

Netera's Coffee Lounge
Welcome to Netera's Coffee Lounge. Hope you enjoy our informative chat in our new jazzy set. In this venue you'll participate in interviews with real life writers, singers and artists

No scheduled interviews

Terric (43, 137, 28)

11 AM Reader's Chat at Book Island
"You can talk about the books, short stories, or poetry you've read recently (or long ago) -- even the books you didn't like :-) This is a casual, welcoming group and we'd love to hear what YOU are, or were, reading!"

11 AM Book Island (197, 56, 25)

4PM The Happy Vixen Beach Club
Theme: "Best in Dark"
DJ to be announced
"Come to the Dark Side"

4 to 6 PM, Purrfection Estates (249, 61, 22)

6PM Cutlass Club Party

Theme: "Halloween Party," DJ Nydia
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

7:30 PM Saint Quentin Ballroom
DJ Lewt and his lovely wife Janna hosting dancing and music at the Saint Quentin Ballroom, music from all eras.
NOTE: The ballroom is set in the middle of a roleplay sim. The dance area is neutral ground, but guests are asked not to disturb players outside it.
7:30 - 10 PM Saint Quentin (64, 90, 32)

* * * * * * * * * *

Sunday October 30th

10AM Poetry in the Park at the Fitzgerald

"It's Coffee & Poetry time again at the Fitzgerald. 'The Morning Brew' Starting at 10AM, we have Live Poetry in the Fitzgerald Park - And Yes there will be Coffee! Sometimes steamy lyrics. Come on down to the Fitz. Where we Fix Your Mix!"
10AM Fitzgerald Park , Unsung Village (214, 89, 21)

11AM The Odd Ball

"Hello Tunaverse! I am Tuna Oddfellow and this is my partner Shava. We are your hosts on this wild ride. Do not attempt to adjust your monitors we are controling transmission!"

11AM to 1 PM
Dragonhenge (126, 122, 651)

11AM Racer X's Giant Snail Races

A "crazy fun event" that can be called one of those things only in Second Life, racers don racing snail avatars, and run through an obstacle course. On occasion, there is a special cross-grid race that takes place across a number of sims.
Treet films these races:

11AM Hawthorne (179, 145, 33)

1 PM "Open Mike Event" Book Island

"Join Sandor Zabelin for our Open Mic In The Sky in the Scottish Panorama. Bring your own writings (fiction, non-fiction, poetry...) or the writings of one of your favorite authors. You can read on Voice Chat *or* one of our regulars can read for you. And, we sure won't kick you out if all you want to do is listen :-) "
1 PM Book Island (227, 211, 868)

3PM Poetic Happy Hour with Bonchance Longfall

"Come to the Writer's Block Cafe and hear Bonchance read his evocative poetry; then, take part in discussions about the images and meanings :-) Often, Bonchance extends his Happy Hour a bit and that's when he invites other poets in attendance to read and receive insights from the other attendees!"

3PM Book Island

5 PM Virtually Speaking
5-6 PM Virtually Speaking (164, 111, 25)

5:30PM The East Coast Conservative Podcast
"The East Coast Conservative Podcast is a weekly news & commentary podcast hosted by Hatton Humphrey (aka Hatton Hunghi in SL) and Ken Johnston (who barely has time for a real life). Our take on the world is generally conservative with a lot of humor and enough bad jokes to make a clown cry. Okay, the bad jokes are normally from Hatton, but whaddya do?"
5:30 PM Grand Old Party (166, 130, 23)

6PM Green Meadows Club (aka Perri's Xanadu)

Formerly known as Xanadu, this club offers a 60's/70's feel, plus owner Perri Prinz is among the most knowledgable DJs in SL of the era, as well as playing top music from the 80's to today.

Sunday 6-8PM Sunweaver Air (68, 207, 4051)

7PM "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?"

Sundays at 7pm SLT is Sandor Zabelin's Event, "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?" We'll be discussing issues raised in his book, "Notes from An Alien", but you don't have to read the book to join in :-) We'll be discussing many Global Issues and possible resolutions. Everyone gets a free book :-)

7PM Book Island (197, 56, 25)

8PM Cypress Rosewood

The "Best Ambient Artist in SL" performs at the Space Music Theater
Spinthrift (156, 81, 98)

8PM Zindra Speed Build

"Zindra Help Vortex features a weekly Speed Build Contest every Sunday at 8 PM SL time. This contest is free to join and open to any skill level! Learn building, meet people and win prizes! More info:" (caution Adult Link)

8PM Zindra Vortex (127, 120, 23)

* * * * * * * * * *

Monday October 31st

Keep an eye out for various Halloween happenings

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: To be Announced
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)

3 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Live Music
Declan Greenfield
"Declan Greenfield sings and plays live saxophone. His music ranges from love songs of all eras to Gershwin, Porter, Rat Pack, Musicals, Movie songs and jazz."
3 to 4 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)

4 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: Live Music
Bo Hoyes
"Bo sings Country, 50s Rock-N-Roll, and just about anything in between . He is a rhythm guitar player/singer in RL, playing Honky Tonks and Juke Joints from Florida to New York and everywhere in between. He's a very talented country music singer who has made quite a niche for himself in this SL world."
4 to 5 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)

4PM LEA Avatar Games

"Join the fun as the LEA Avatar Games (a.k.a. Art Games), held each Monday at 4:00 p.m. (Pacific). Watch as participants run through the obstacle course and the audience tries to to slow them down! Check out the sign-up sheet on Thursdays for contestants and audience participants. More info Here."

LEA3 (224, 127, 30)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Events this Week in Second Life from Oct. 18th to Oct 25th

Events subject to change by hosts, and more information may come in later this week. So check again later for events this weekend. Check for more events at the Second Life Destination Guide.

* * * * * *

Special multi-day events

The "Hallow Dee'n Festival"

"The Isle of Dee role-play community has a week of excitement celebrating the grand opening of 'The Lobby,' Dee's brand new, gorgeous and unique Welcome Center. The event, held through Oct. 22, includes contests, Renaissance readings, races, music and more."

DEE (130, 129, 4002)
Schedule at: "
To Saturday Oct. 22nd.


Experience 31 days of terror in this mini-marathon of horror cinema at the Phantasmagoria Theater.

Krongower (189,195,62)

* * * * * *

Tuesday October 18th

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
The club of the most active romance-themed sim in Second Life

Theme: Leather and Lace
DJ: Blacktulp , Host: Borges, Star
(1 board L$250)

12 to 2 PM, Mystery
(82, 96, 37)

4PM Happy Hour at the Writer's Block Cafe

"Happy Hour at the Writer's Block Cafe: Hakeber Haber returns for her biweekly reading of her collection of shorts, "The Life and Times of Car Johnson", Insanity never tasted so hilarious! [ Car Johnson one of Hakeber's characters, will read his own stories :-) ] ( She'll also be treating us to her horror writing :-) )"

4-5 PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)

5PM Lauren Live

"Presenting LaurenLive, a stand-up live comedy routine on the peculiarities and quirks of living in SL and RL! Catch me at ' Lauren's Place' on Cookie Island, Tuesday at 5:00 PM, a lively, open comedic conversation. No tipping. Just fun and laughter."

5 PM Cookie (208, 23, 23)

6 PM Club Zero Gravity
"A party among the stars" in a featured space club

Theme: "Werewolves," DJ: to be determined

Contest: 500L
"Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good, … "

6 to 8 PM? Purrfection Estates (229, 11, 3365)

7:30 PM Saint Quentin Ballroom
DJ Lewt and his lovely wife Janna hosting dancing and music at the Saint Quentin Ballroom, music from all eras.
NOTE: The ballroom is set in the middle of a roleplay sim. The dance area is neutral ground, but guests are asked not to disturb players outside it.

7:30 - 10 PM Saint Quentin (64, 90, 32)

* * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday October 19th

10AM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Golden Oldies ( Best in Yellow/Gold )
DJ: Goldentulp aka Blacktulp, Host: FJ
1 Board - 250L
10AM to 12 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

11 AM. SLT. - The Writer's Support Group

"Eppie Shoreman's ever-popular, informal & informative Writer's Chat Support Group. Readers and Artists are especially welcome! We never know what we'll be talking about and even the seemingly random chatter is interesting :-) "
11 AM - 12 PM Book Island (198, 52, 25)

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Best in T-shirt
DJ: Buggie Breda aka Buggman, Host: Borges, Star
1 Board - 250L
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

1PM Happy Hour with Morgue McMillan (canceled)

1PM Book Island
(207, 227, 37)

4PM Club Little Dove

"Set sail on the H.M.A.S. Little Dove for fun, and dance away in the sky."
Theme: ""Doctors & Nurses"," DJ to be determined
"It always hurts when I do this …"

4-6PM Southern Colorado, (110, 35, 105)

6 PM Cutlass Club Party
"Best open air club on SL. Always live-music, best dancers to entertain you. 125m above Sunweaver Air. Open wed, Fri, Sat nights 6pm SL, Sun 1pm SL time. Come enjoy and dance your cares away."

Theme: "Hippies," DJ: Jenni
"Love and Pieces"

6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

7PM The Odd Ball

"Hello Tunaverse! I am Tuna Oddfellow and this is my partner Shava. We are your hosts on this wild ride. Do not attempt to adjust your monitors we are controling transmission!"

7PM to 9PM
Dragonhenge (126, 122, 651)

* * * * * * * * * *

Thursday October 20th

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Best in Purple
DJ: Redtulp ( aka Blacktulp ), Host: Pint
(1 Board 250L)
12 PM to 2 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

1 PM "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?"
Sandndor Zabelin's New Event. We'll be discussing issues raised in his book, "Notes from An Alien", but you don't have to read the book to join in :-) We'll be discussing many Global Issues and possible resolutions. Everyone gets a free book :-)
Book Island (197, 56, 25)

6 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

Theme: Love in the 80s ( Come as you are)
DJ: Talyn Bellios, Host: Monique (1 board L$350)
6PM to 8PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

4PM Another Happy Hour at the Writers Block Cafe
"Hakeber's continued reading of hilarious shorts about Car Johnson and excerpts from her horror classics."
4-5 PM Book Island (207, 227, 37)

6 PM Virtually Speaking

“A weekly news review and counterpoint to the network opinion shows. Each week, two well regarded bloggers discuss the events of the week, with an emphasis on U.S. politics and policy. “
Jay Ackroyd hosts.

6-7 PM Virtually Speaking (164, 111, 25)

6 PM Club Zero Gravity
"A party among the stars" in a featured space club

Theme: "Lingere & Undies," DJ: To be announced

"By popular demand from the ladies, a chance to bare (most) of it all."

6 to 8 PM? Purrfection Estates (229, 11, 3365)

* * * * * * * * * *

Friday October 21st

10 AM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club

( this event may move to another day please watch notices )

DJ Blacktulp
Theme: Costume Party ( at the Haunted Cafe on Mystery lake )
Host: FJ ( one board 500L )

10AM-12 Noon, Mystery (132, 81, 21)

Time: To be announced
Theme: 7seas Fishing contest on Lake of Mystery 500L Pot
DJ: Blacktulp
Host: Venim (L$500 prize)
???, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

Time: 3pm- 5pm
Theme: Fantastic Friday ( Party wear! )
DJ : Bloodrose, Host: Star, Amy ( 2 boards m/f L$250 each board)
3 PM to 5 PM, Mystery (82, 96, 37)

4PM Club Little Dove

"Set sail on the H.M.A.S. Little Dove for fun, and dance away in the sky."
Theme: "Angels & Demons," DJ to be announced
"For desert, we have angel food cake and devil's food cake."
4-6PM Southern Colorado, (110, 35, 105)

6PM Cutlass Club Party

Theme: "Best in Blue" DJ to be announced
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

* * * * * * * * * *

Saturday October 22tnd

Netera's Coffee Lounge
Welcome to Netera's Coffee Lounge. Hope you enjoy our informative chat in our new jazzy set. In this venue you'll participate in interviews with real life writers, singers and artists

11AM SL time

11 AM - Lighthouse Mixmaster

Terric (43, 137, 28)

11 AM Reader's Chat at Book Island
"You can talk about the books, short stories, or poetry you've read recently (or long ago) -- even the books you didn't like :-) This is a casual, welcoming group and we'd love to hear what YOU are, or were, reading!"

11 AM Book Island (197, 56, 25)

2 PM
Launch Party for CassyLark Resident's "WordMonger"

"From 2-4pm SLT, we'll be having a Big Party!! It's a Launch Party for CassyLark Resident's new magazine, WordMonger. This beautiful and informative magazine will cover the Literary Scenes all over SL. We'll have food, drink and fireworks, and, dancing to the Tunes of DJ, Izzy Upsilon. Also, you can chat-up Cassy if you think you have something to submit to her magazine :-) "

2-4PM Book Island (222, 43, 21)

4PM The Happy Vixen Beach Club
Theme: "Swimsuits"
DJ to be announced
"Not just for the Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"

4 to 6 PM, Purrfection Estates (249, 61, 22)

6PM Cutlass Club Party

Theme: "Bare as You Dare," DJ to be announced
6-8 PM Sunweaver Air (62, 119, 133)

7:30 PM Saint Quentin Ballroom
DJ Lewt and his lovely wife Janna hosting dancing and music at the Saint Quentin Ballroom, music from all eras.
NOTE: The ballroom is set in the middle of a roleplay sim. The dance area is neutral ground, but guests are asked not to disturb players outside it.
7:30 - 10 PM Saint Quentin (64, 90, 32)

* * * * * * * * * *

Sunday October 23rd

10AM Poetry in the Park at the Fitzgerald

"It's Coffee & Poetry time again at the Fitzgerald. 'The Morning Brew' Starting at 10AM, we have Live Poetry in the Fitzgerald Park - And Yes there will be Coffee! Sometimes steamy lyrics. Come on down to the Fitz. Where we Fix Your Mix!"
10AM Fitzgerald Park , Unsung Village (214, 89, 21)

11AM The Odd Ball

"Hello Tunaverse! I am Tuna Oddfellow and this is my partner Shava. We are your hosts on this wild ride. Do not attempt to adjust your monitors we are controling transmission!"

11AM to 1 PM
Dragonhenge (126, 122, 651)

11AM Racer X's Giant Snail Races

A "crazy fun event" that can be called one of those things only in Second Life, racers don racing snail avatars, and run through an obstacle course. On occasion, there is a special cross-grid race that takes place across a number of sims.
Treet films these races:

11AM Hawthorne (179, 145, 33)

1 PM "Open Mike Event" Book Island

"Join Sandor Zabelin for our Open Mic In The Sky in the Scottish Panorama. Bring your own writings (fiction, non-fiction, poetry...) or the writings of one of your favorite authors. You can read on Voice Chat *or* one of our regulars can read for you. And, we sure won't kick you out if all you want to do is listen :-) "
1 PM Book Island (227, 211, 868)

3PM Poetic Happy Hour with Bonchance Longfall

"Come to the Writer's Block Cafe and hear Bonchance read his evocative poetry; then, take part in discussions about the images and meanings :-) Often, Bonchance extends his Happy Hour a bit and that's when he invites other poets in attendance to read and receive insights from the other attendees!"

3PM Book Island

5 PM Virtually Speaking
5-6 PM Virtually Speaking (164, 111, 25)

5:30PM The East Coast Conservative Podcast
"The East Coast Conservative Podcast is a weekly news & commentary podcast hosted by Hatton Humphrey (aka Hatton Hunghi in SL) and Ken Johnston (who barely has time for a real life). Our take on the world is generally conservative with a lot of humor and enough bad jokes to make a clown cry. Okay, the bad jokes are normally from Hatton, but whaddya do?"
5:30 PM Grand Old Party (166, 130, 23)

6PM Green Meadows Club (aka Perri's Xanadu)

Formerly known as Xanadu, this club offers a 60's/70's feel, plus owner Perri Prinz is among the most knowledgable DJs in SL of the era, as well as playing top music from the 80's to today.

Sunday 6-8PM Sunweaver Air (68, 207, 4051)

7PM "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?"

Sundays at 7pm SLT is Sandor Zabelin's Event, "Global Peace, How Can It Happen?" We'll be discussing issues raised in his book, "Notes from An Alien", but you don't have to read the book to join in :-) We'll be discussing many Global Issues and possible resolutions. Everyone gets a free book :-)

7PM Book Island (197, 56, 25)

8PM Cypress Rosewood

The "Best Ambient Artist in SL" performs at the Space Music Theater
Spinthrift (156, 81, 98)

8PM Zindra Speed Build

"Zindra Help Vortex features a weekly Speed Build Contest every Sunday at 8 PM SL time. This contest is free to join and open to any skill level! Learn building, meet people and win prizes! More info:" (caution Adult Link)

8PM Zindra Vortex (127, 120, 23)

* * * * * * * * * *

Monday October 10th

12 PM Queen of Hearts Riverboat Club
Theme: To be Announced
12 to 2 PM, Mystery (79, 89, 23)

4PM LEA Avatar Games

"Join the fun as the LEA Avatar Games (a.k.a. Art Games), held each Monday at 4:00 p.m. (Pacific). Watch as participants run through the obstacle course and the audience tries to to slow them down! Check out the sign-up sheet on Thursdays for contestants and audience participants. More info Here."

LEA3 (224, 127, 30)