Monday, June 22, 2020

Getting Ready For The SL17B

By Gemma Cleanslate

Getting ready for the Second Life Birthday is always a busy time. The exhibitors are busy building and never would end if they did not have inspections coming. Some build on the regions, most though leave a parcel holder and do their work off the regions so they will not be seen too early.

The Moles can be found anywhere working feverishly on the infrastructure of all the regions and the tiny details that need to be in place.The Welcome area , the general area, and other parcels that needed their attention consumes their time for weeks before the opening. Here you see Alotta Mole working while Patch Linden confers with him. The Music people are busy with life performers , djs and other shows that need to be scheduled.

I will be a greeter again this year so had to get to training before the event to be prepared. Jackstir  did the training session and reminded us of all the knowledge we needed to do a good job of helping people at the Welcome Area .

We greet them, tell them to pick up their gift which includes a flag, lanyard, and a cute visor in many colors.

We also remind them to check the teleport board that will get them to their chosen area, or offer a notecard including information and a list of important landmarks they do not want to miss. Especially, we do not want them to miss the gift area where many exhibitors have put some terrific presents for all attendees .

I took my horse sugar for a ride around some of the regions and checked out  a few of the lovely installations. I was glad to find dirt roads that are very welcome to horses, Many come to the parties and miss the exhibits . Try to get to see all that wonderful work after the party. I know the first few days will be super busy with avatars arriving so quickly it is hard to keep track of who needs what !

Thursday for the first time in my recollection the Lindens and Moles arranged for a pre party event for all the members of all the groups involved . There were many moles  and Patch Linden in attendance at the Welcome Center with great music playing and we had a terrific  time and greeters practiced their chat with the arriving people .

It is going to be a marvelous party from start to finish I can already tell. The theme of vacations and travel is a relaxing one and there is a lot to do traveling just around the regions . There are relaxing regions for you too. Ask for the information notecard when you arrive so you will have all the important landmarks to visit. Take a pod ride while you are there too. Say hi to me if you see me at the welcome area or at a stage or on the road.

See some more scenes below... check out the website for information .



Dino Park


DJ Stage

Gemma Cleanslate

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Newser Tenth Anniversary Party

By Bixyl Shuftan

It was ten years ago on Sunday June 6 that the Second Life Newspaper after four years in operation posted it's final article. Four of it's writers, Gemma Cleanslate, Grey Lupindo, Shellie Sands, and Bixyl Shuftan (myself) would continue reporting news about Second Life under a new newsletter: the Second Life Newser. Sadly, our first few stories would be about the closing of the only news publication we'd written for up to that point. But it wouldn't be long before we were writing on other stories such as the Linden Lab layoffs and the residents' reaction to them, the closing of Greenies, M Linden stepping down and Philip taking his place for a few months as intitem CEO, "Emeraldgate" and the formation of Team Firestorm, and many more.

Ten years later, much in Second Life has changed. Shelie and Gray would eventually have to depart the Newser due to real life. But other talented writers would come, and the Newser has continued on. And on Saturday June 13, it was time to celebrate.

The party started at 12 Noon with DJ Grease spinning his tunes, such as some Final Fantasy remixes. Besides DJing, Grease is also a tarot card reader, "Today is the 13th. 13 is also the death card in major arcana." (in tarot, the death card represents change, not the end).

The special sign for the event (first picture) was a gift from Avi Arrow.

Newser writer Gemma Cleanslate was there much of the time. Behind her here is Oldesoul Eldermar.

Cyfir, the most recent of the writers on the staff, was also there.

Annie Brightstar showed up early at the party, looking a bit young.

Professor Gray, who runs the freebie center near the Newser office, came by on a mechanical mount.

Wildstar Beaumont of the Relay also made an appearance.

It should be noted that there was a little confusion about the party's date as the notice that went up Friday morning didn't mention the date, which was Saturday, and it wasn't corrected until later in the day. But word of the correct day and time got around.

Following DJ Grease was DJ Sebris.

JB Raccoon standing guard, with Little Spirit and Biohazard.

Matt Carlton was also there.

"Giraffes in the air."

Cynthia Farshore was also there.

Penny (Deaflegacy), a Newser writer currently on break, showed up with a kitsune look inspired by Matt.

Valkyrie Ice, dressed up and with a parasol.

Sunweaver chief Rita Mariner and Gil Otaared, the latter with a pony pillow.

For the last hour of the three hour event, the music was played by DJ Snowbuns. Snowy didn't take  any tips. Instead, she asked people to donate to the Relay kiosks, or the Homes For Our Troops one.

 For each of the three hours, there was a contest. As this was a special event, Happy Vixen staff could and did enter. For Grease's hour, the winner was Nikkita Sugar Lefavre (Aubrytia Resident). For Serbis' set, DJ Snowbuns was the winner. And for Snowbun's set, a friend boosted the prize to 1500 Linden dollars. It was won by Clove  (VoxDragon Resident).

Following Snowy's event, a number were still in a party mood. So Matt Carlton DJed for two more hours at the Happy Vixen.

There were others whom showed up, such as Lost Prim, Leondra Larsson, Beryl Strifeclaw, Dusk Griswold, and many that there's no room to mention.

There were all sorts of stories shared, and many jokes good, bad, and so bad they were good, told. Eventually, it was time for people to head out, and goodbyes were given.

"Thank you girls for the company. Thank you everyone. Congrats to the winners. Congrats on 10 years! See you all next time."

"To another 10 years SLNewser, thanks for all you do."

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, June 8, 2020

Bellisseria Sim At The Ten Days Of Relay

By Gemma Cleanslate

So many things went on at the Bellisseria region of the ACS this past week as part of the 10 Days of Relay,  ...many shows,  parties , gachas,  raffles, Fireworks and more.

One of my favorite  shows  was the interview that Saffia Widdershins did with the leads of the leads who explained how they prepared for the Relay season and the weekend. The participants were Stingray Raymaker, MamaP Alter (MamaP Beerbaum),  Trager Alter, and Nikki Mathieson.

It was a fun talk with all of them actually telling us that all the volunteers really did the work. One issue was will everyone  be able to get all around the track because of the marvelous builds along  the way. I have not made it yet!!! I asked if this is how the weekly meetings went how do they get anything done? I was told this is how it usually went. No clue how they got to this weekend.  Each had to contain themselves from saying the word amazing too often when describing everything to do with the Relay.

One other spectacular event  I was able to get to was the Monarch’s show. This was my first experience going to this  event.  I don’t know what I expected but this was so much more! It was like a moving feast! I had a hard time getting in the region was full 30 minutes before the start . I kept trying and finally made it .

I sat down on a crate and thought that was it, I am comfortable, let the show begin, but no. The entire audience was picked up by a giant crane attached to a huge Helicopter  and off we went on a traveling show into the ever changing  sky.

Each stop was at a different and extraordinary venue with Superheroes arriving who put on a performance matched to that venue. I am so glad I got to witness this show and will be looking for more. I had a hard time taking photos with all the complexities.

Another favorite was the Family Feud show with Relay Leads vs the Lindens and Moles. I witnessed one of these last year and it really was a lot of laughing and so was this one! Many Lindens and Moles were in the audience too egging on their team.

Patch, Derrick, Constantine Linden and Missy Mole took on leadership team members of the Relay,Stingray Raymaker, MamaP Alter (MamaP Beerbaum),  Trager Alter, and Nikki Mathieson. Zander Greene as MC tried very hard to control the situation. ( there was a little cheating here) .The Linden team won again!!

All in all it was a great week Pre-Relay Weekend. And now on to the walking!!!

Gemma Cleanslate